21 ⁘ 9 PM

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I genuinely loved that outfit though


Life was suffering.

Life was misery.

Life was nothing but an endless cycle of disappointment.

Or, at least that's the energy Da-eun emitted. A cloud of agony had itself wrapped around her. Upon the sight, Juwon frowned.

"Why do you look like you want to die?" he asked soberly as he sat down opposite her and Hayoon. He watched the girl as she looked up at him, yet didn't change her expression at all and offered him barely anything more than a shrug. 


He looked at the other girl instead. She had been quietly enjoying her tea, eyes on her phone. 

"Hey idiot," he greeted her.

Hayoon didn't even flinch before swiftly greeting him with a warm,
"Nice to see you too, buffoon."

"What's with her?"

Hayoon looked to the side - hesitantly, one might say. She grimaced slightly as if it pained her to look at Da-eun who still, and very persistently, looked like she was bathing in anguish. 

"I might or might not have broken the coffee machine," she explained briefly, causing Juwon to gasp dramatically.

"W o w."

Hayoon sighed. "I already apologized. It was an accident."

Accident? Nah.

This was a crime.

Just then, Da-eun let out a deep sigh. It wasn't directed towards their conversation, yet Juwon felt sympathy for the younger one either way. He leaned a little closer to her, reached forward and put his hand on hers. 

"Unforgivable. I say we ditch her. Move in with me instead, I will buy you a good coffee machine. I live near a coffee shop too - if the machine breaks, I got you. I'll treat you well." His confident grin and convincing sounding offer made her smile.

It was a nice idea.

But faulty.

"You basically live in our apartment though," Da-eun deadpanned.

The boy hummed. "But technically I have my own place."

"Which is currently busy catching dust," Hayoon noted.

"I can clean it up before welcoming my new flatmate."

After hearing that, Hayoon had a strict look on her face as she warned him.
"There is no way you are stealing my flatmate."

"ThErE iS No wAy yO-- ouch!"

Hayoon shoved the boy's hand aside and put her arm around her best friend's shoulders. She pulled her closer, eyes on the younger one.

"You won't leave me, right?" 

She gave it a thought. "No I'm too tired to leave you," was all she said in reply at which Hayoon took a deep, relieved breath. 

"Good to hear," she mumbled, then leaned back in satisfaction. 

Rolling his eyes, Juwon stopped the jokes, the playfulness. He stopped it all because he was tired of seeing Da-eun like this. 

"Do you remember what we talked about?" Juwon questioned. "Studying is good, and I am glad to see you work hard but you need to look after yourself too." 

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