87 ⁘ Predictable

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It slowly dawned upon Juwon that he was, although rather capable, not yet ready to be a dad. 

This insight followed a fun evening that ended with an almost-sober Juwon taking care of - what felt like- his three kids, Hayoon, Hae-in and Da-eun. 

The oldest boy's back ached as he felt Hae-in, who was currently napping while Juwon tried his hardest to keep him from falling off this rather slow piggyback ride, get heavier and heavier by the second. Meanwhile, he pulled out his phone with one hand while he used his other one to hold onto Hayoon. Although Hayoon and Da-eun were almost equally drunk, the younger of the two shone with her outstanding balance.

While both girls were too tired to be enthusiastic about walking much, Da-eun suddenly ran off. She never fully left Juwon's field of vision and so he took the liberty of focusing on his phone as he attempted to--

"Why're you calling Mark?" Hae-in asked, woken up by Da-eun's steps and Hayoon's amused giggle at her friend's cute little jog. 

It took Juwon a moment to reply as he was a bit overwhelmed with everything that was going on, all while not yet being fully sober. 

"To pick us up." 

"Call a cab?" Hae-in suggested. "Mark's sleeping." 

"Baby," Juwon began in a low voice before he attempted to glimpse at Hae-in, "do I look like I have the money?" 

Hae-in gave it some thought. "Yes!" he determined. 

"Thanks," he said through a laugh, just when he noticed Da-eun plop down on the floor. She rested her back against the brick wall behind her. Hayoon pulled at Juwon's hand, causing him to look at her and forget what he was doing. "Hm?"

"Can I sit down too?" 

"Since when do you care enough to ask?" Juwon wondered but Hayoon was too distracted by watching Da-eun to really listen to him. He too looked at the youngest who pulled her phone out.

"Oh," Juwon pushed out when he realized that the inevitable was about to happen. "Are you calling Chenle?" 

She nodded happily. And, considering that Chenle would definitely pick up Da-eun, it was probably a good idea to sit down, rest and wait for him anyway. So Juwon let go of Hayoon's hand and allowed her to join Da-eun. She quickly jogged over to her, sat down there and rested her head against the wall. 

"Predictable," he commented yet was equally satisfied to hear that. After all, that meant that someone would pick her up. 

One less child to take care of. 

He walked up to the two girls and carefully put down Hae-in before sitting down himself. He looked around first to make sure that they were neither blocking anyone nor that any sketchy people were around and then he took a second to relax. 

"Chele~!" Da-eun shouted eventually. Juwon briefly looked at her, just in time to watch her grin widely, eyes glimmering in the light of the street lanterns above. Her cheeks were pushed up all the way and she rested her chin on her knees. 

"Oh," he pushed out after a small yawn. "You were really close this time, princess. Good job." 

A little confused Da-eun frowned. "What?" 

"Nothing," he replied swiftly. "You're still on your date?" 

"Mhm," she hummed in confirmation.  

"You drank?" 


"You are drunk?" 

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