29 ⁘ Porridge

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bro but she's so pretty it hurts


Hayoon pulled the door open. 

"Squidward," she greeted him. 

"Otter," he said, copying her playfully polite tone. 


"Thank you." With that, Juwon stepped past her and into the apartment. He took a deep breath once he noticed the smell that lingered in the air. "Oh, you are cooking?" 

Hayoon closed the door and walked into the kitchen. "I'm making porridge," she confirmed before she disappeared into the next room. However, after taking his shoes off, Juwon was quickly next to her again. 

"So how is she?" he inquired. "When I called her yesterday she sounded better." 

Nodding, she confirmed, "She is better. Her fever's gone. She's still pretty exhausted though." 

Juwon hummed as he stepped closer and looked over his friend's shoulder. 
"Looks good." 

She huffed. "Yeah. I made it after all," she said confidently, then stepped away from the pot and looked at the boy. "Let it cook for a few more minutes and it should be done. I need to go now but if you need anything, just tell me. Oh, and she's already awake." 

He quickly nodded. "Got it." He put his hands on her shoulders, turned her around and led her out of the kitchen. He could see her concerned expression. "Don't worry about her, I'll look after her well." 

"Thank you."  

"No need," he dismissed her. "Da-eun is my friend too. Of course I'll help." 

Hayoon appreciated it and so she put on her shoes and grabbed her bag and told Juwon once more not to forget about the porridge ere she left. 

However, there was no way the boy could even dream of forgetting about it when its delicious smell was spread all over the apartment. 

When it was done not much later, he filled some of it into a bowl. After grabbing a glass of water as well, he made his way over to Da-eun's room.  

Juwon knocked and quickly got a reply from the girl. He opened the door, pressing the handle down with his elbow as his hands were full. 

"Eunnie~" he said as he made his first step inside. 

On the bed, leaned against the wall, sat the girl. She had her fingers wrapped around a mug that was still half-filled with coffee. She looked a little tired but overall she seemed to be doing better than a few days ago when Juwon visited the girls after the exam. 

"Hey Juwon," she greeted him. He walked up to her, put the bowl and glass down on the bedside table. 

"How are you?" 

"Better," she confirmed and smiled. "I didn't know you were visiting." 

"Hayoon asked if I could babysit you." 

Which made Da-eun huff. "I don't need a babysitter." 

"Yeah, sure," Juwon agreed. "You claim that but look at you now, all exhausted and miserable." 

She sighed, put her mug down and gave the older one her best glare. Yet he remained unbothered. He was used to her looking at him like this because, whether she liked to admit it or not, she had a talent for neglecting her health during exam season. 

So, ignoring her glare, he opened the window and then grabbed her laptop from her desk before sitting down on the bed next to her.

"Let's watch something," Juwon decided as he turned on the laptop. He briefly glimpsed at the girl, then nodded towards the bowl. "Eat. Hayoon made it, it tastes good."

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