73 ⁘ Possibilities

467 27 18

he's so pretty


Chenle frowned. He held his phone in a tight grip. 

"What the fuck?" he pushed out under his breath. He called the girl right away but she didn't pick up. He tried again - in vain. 

His eyes got stuck on the message. He read it again and again, frown growing deeper with every time he read through it. This made no sense. It didn't sound like her at all - Chenle knew that much. 

So he kept calling, desperately hoping she'd answer. 

In the end, however, she didn't. 

In between trying to reach Da-eun, Chenle got a call from Hayoon. He picked up right away, ready to let her know about what had happened. At first, he was incredibly relieved to see the girl's name pop up - yet lost that enthusiasm right away. 

"Hayoon have you--"

"Is she with you?" the girl urged. She seemed out of breath, in the background sounded cars passing by and people chatting. "Chenle, please tell me she's with you because-- man what the fuck is this...?!" 

His heart sank, shock turning into fright. He held his breath, the beat of his heart drowning out the rushed mutters Hayoon spewed in all her frustration. 

"Chenle," she called him once more, "is Da-eun with you?" 

He swallowed hard. "No." 


Hayoon went silent. Her rushed breaths pushed through the speakers before she attempted to figure out what he was trying to say. Was he joking? Was he being serious? 

"Where is she? She should be home by now," she urged. "I was just- I mean- Eun-kyung dropped me off a while ago. She should be home. Did you hear from her? Did she talk to you?" 

"She sent me a message," Chenle pushed out drily, his panic subsiding as his mind went blank. "She said that she's leaving." The more he thought about it, the less it made sense to him. 

On the other end, it got quiet. Awfully quiet, as if Hayoon was holding her breath. A moment passed before Chenle's phone vibrated in his hand. He looked at the message he received. 

'I'm sorry that I couldn't be a better friend. You deserve more than this. You don't have to put up with me anymore. I am leaving so please forget about me.'

"This is what she texted me," Hayoon pushed out, voice unstable, somewhere between hysteria and breathlessness. "But she would never say that! She isn't someone who just runs away - and there is not even a reason for this! Fuck, Chenle what if--"

She got cut off all of a sudden. He heard a fleeting scream, loud voices. A car honked as Hayoon inhaled sharply. 

"Are you okay?!" Chenle asked in a rush. Hayoon didn't reply right away. She had her phone lowered, speaker pressed against her coat. He could hear her muffled voice yet didn't understand a word she was saying. "Hayoon?" 

"Sorry about that," she apologized quickly. 

"What happened?" 

"I didn't see that car," she muttered. "Not important. We need to figure this out first." 

Chenle closed his eyes and buried his hand in his hair. He wasn't in the best mindset either, yet he could tell that Hayoon was even more out of it. He didn't want her to get injured or worry herself to death. This just wouldn't do. 

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