19 ⁘ Battery

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Jun-seo walked up the stairs to the main hall when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, not really thinking much of it when he suddenly smiled. It came easily. Automatic.

It was Da-eun that was calling him after all.

He picked up quickly. "Hey Da-"

"Jun-seo!" she said hurriedly, voice pressing through the speakers urgently. "Where are you?"

"I am- I just reached the main hall. Why? Are you okay?"

"I am at the outside part of the cafeteria. Can you meet me here?" she asked, sounding a little anxious. "It's urgent, I need-"


The call suddenly got disconnected. 

Stopping, feeling uneasy, Jun-seo stared at his screen emptily. 


It was urgent.

Rather than making his way upstairs, he walked ahead towards the cafeteria. It was a short walk from here, resulting in Jun-seo quickly reaching it. He took the first opportunity to go out into the outside area. 

Jun-seo was out of breath when he reached her. With wide eyes, shocked at the sight before him, he stared at her. He struggled to utter even a single word, yet his breaths were drowning out any potential sounds that came from Da-eun.

Not that it mattered.

There was nothing.

As if all light had left, all sound muffled.

Unable to comprehend what was going on, Jun-seo merely managed to hesitantly ask,

"What happened?" he asked in a hurry. His confusion turned into frustration. "Why did you hang up so suddenly?!" 

"My phone died," Da-eun replied with a sigh, then looked at the older with sad eyes. "Today is a bad day." 

Bad because her phone was dead. Bad because she came all the way to uni for an 8 AM class only for it to get cancelled last-minute. 

To be fair, her next class was only in a couple of hours, leaving her with enough time to go back home and charge her phone. But she had already made her way here and was way too lazy and stubborn to go back now.  

"Man..." she muttered. 

Caught between being too stunned to speak and being too caught up in how adorable she looked at that moment to utter a word, Jun-seo struggled to reply. 

All until he let go of his mixed emotions with a laugh. 

"You worried me to death because your phone's dead?" he asked. 

"Well I thought you might have a charger." She looked away, roughly in the direction where her best friend's faculty building was situated. "I would have asked Hayoon but she has class right now so I will have to wait a few hours before I get to use my phone again. I don't know how to kill time until my next class man but I don't want to go home just for this. This sucks." 

"I don't have a charger," Jun-seo said, sad to disappoint. "But if you need to kill time, let me keep you company." 

She looked back at him quickly. "Don't you have class?" 

"Later," he said. "I came earlier to study." 

Da-eun hummed knowingly. She smiled, offered him to sit down next to her. "Then I shall accept your offer." Her smile faded though when she got up all of a sudden, withdrawing the seat offer. "Actually let's go inside. You get cold easily." 

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