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Part 60!!!

Recap: Armaan tells billy he loves Riddhima. Riddhima tries to escape from the kidnappers. Billy hires a private detective Nihal.
Nihal: Mr. Aarav where were you when the incident happened.

Bing! Bing!
Aarav looked at his phone and then at Nihal. They were currently standing in the garden where Nihal was interrogating everyone about the incidence.

Bing! Bing!
It rang again.

Nihal: Go ahead. You can check your phone.
Aarav: No it isn't important than this.
KaSh.: For gods sake Aarav please turn that phone off.. does it ever stop ringing?
Nihal: what is it??
KaSh: His phone has been ringing on and on since yesterday. He doesn't even bother to turn it on silent.
Nihal: Is it True Mr. Aarav?
Aarav looked At KaSh And then at Nihal nodding his head.
Nihal: well if you don't mind me asking who is it?
Aarav: I don't have any idea actually. It has to be a wrong number. The person was asking for some Mr. Mehal . I told them its not the number they are looking for. But they haven't stopped calling and every time call from a different Number.
Nihal: may I check your phone.
He handed his phone to Nihal and Nihal scrolls through the recent logs. Sure enough there were calls from different numbers. But they repeated a pattern. He couldn't understand what to think of it but storing that piece of information in his mind he returned the phone and continued his interrogation.
Everyone told pretty much the same thing.
Nihal: Mrs. Padma? Where is she?
Armaan: I don't think she is in the state of an interrogation. Please can you excuse her?
Nihal: I can understand her state of mind but it is important that I have all the inputs that are necessary. And hers being the mom of the victim, is more important.
"Riddhima.. she has  a name and no she isn't a victim." Armaan snapped.
Nihal: I'm sorry. Yes its Riddhima. But I need to speak to Mrs. Gupta.

A little more and she could hit him.
Finally he was near and Riddhima swung her legs as hard as she could hitting him right in between his legs.
He hauled in pain and fell to the ground. At this she smashed her knees in his face. Making him howl some more. Keeping her eyes on him she began dragging her body upwards trying to keep the chair in place with her legs. As soon as her legs could touch the seat. She kicked it hard. The momentum made the seat hit the wall beside and the rope tied to the hands broke off. She was finally free and stood up as fast as she could. A searing pain shot from her elbow and she realized the nail in the chair and made a cut on her forearm. Before she could analyze the cut she saw the kidnapper stand up. Defense mode turned on. The pain long forgotten due to  the adrenaline pumping through her vein as she punched the person Hard enough for him to stagger back. He lifted his leg to kick her but Riddhima was ready.
All the defense techniques that Armaan had taught her began filling her mind. After the intruder incident She had forced Armaan to teach her which even though he didn't enjoy he had taught her all that was needed.
Before he could hit she caught his legs making him loose his balance. Turning it to the side she elbowed him on the backside of the knees with the other Hand. A cracking sound could be heard and he fell to the ground unable to move at all. His legs twitched at intervals but due to hitting the ground hard he fell unconscious.
She looked around for the chair but it was already broken due the force with which it hit the wall.
Thanks to all the gym time!!!
Her only way of escape was gone. Wait that wasnt the only way. She could still go out through wherever they had brought her from and she was sure that she only had two kidnappers here. She would have known if there were others. Taking one broken piece of wood that was long enough to be her weapon she went towards the door when she heard noise and a pair of footsteps coming in her direction. She hid herself in the shadows and being in a dark room. That was actually easy.
Man2: Have you lost your mind??? Why do I  hear screaming.?? Are you trying to tell the world where we are?? I swear if you do anything to her...

MAYBE SOMEDAY♥ -ARfF (Complete) #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now