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The only thing Riddhima remembered were his Sad Bloodshot Red eyes Filled with Pain peircing through hers! And the soft Embrace of his Words on Ears which softly led to one nae " Riddhima'.....And her eyes closed shut.. Somewhat satisfied At being close to him but pained....

Armaan just stood there craddling his Riddhima in his hands but maybe he had lost the right to call her "his Riddhima" anymore. He could not and did not want to shift his gaze from her beautiful face. The face which had once been full of life had now turned pale. He could not beleive that he had managed to cause so much pain and trouble. The heartbreak he was going through meant nothing in comparision to what he was seeing in front of his eyes. He wanted hug her tightly and tell her that everything would go back to how it was. But in his heart even he knew that anything he did or said would only lead to another misunderstanding. Without even realising his one hand loosened from his waist and reached out to touch her cheek. Instantly he felt the unusual warmness. But only this time it was because her skin was burning. He then went and felt her forehead. It was burning like hell. He got tensed and started patting Riddhima on her cheek.

Armaan: Riddhima utho..Can you hear me..Comm'on aakhein kholo apni....

Armaan tried to wake her up. But she did not elicit any response. Armaan tensed even more. His mind filled up with all the possible heart-wrenching thoughts. He just shook his head to clear his mind. He did not even want his mind to wander in that lane. Instantly tears started forming in his eyes and his throat filled with unshed tears. He pushed them down. Gulping but still trying to wake Riddhima up. First only he was going through this unbearable time and Riddhima's current situation did not help matters. Just worsened them. Just when he was about to pick her up he felt a tug on his shirt. Her mere touch had the power to make him feel calm and relaxed. He looked down at her lovingly,He saw her face So closely after such a long time! All the feelings kept buried from days!Spilled and gushed out as in a minute seeing her regaining her senses he pulled her into a Deep Passionate hug! She just felt so Right in his Hands. He wrapped his Hands tightly around her and pulled her as much as he could into himself trying to protect her from anything else. Riddhima On the Other hand was shocked. The minute she Had opened her eyes! She had seen Armaan bending over her holding her and preventing her from falling, She felt calm in his hold. It had been months! Since They had been so close to each other. Though she was feeling weirdly sick but the effect he had on her since the beginning had not faded. She then saw the Bloodshot red eyes and her Heart leaped. She just wanted to console him for whatever was bothering him, Whatever caused him this pain! After all she loved him,Still.  Before she could stand straight or say something She was engulfed by a good Big armaan Hug. She melted in his Arms forgetting all the pain That she was going through, His small Hug had Put the air back in her lungs, The coldness back in the winds around and brightness back in her life. She just wanted to stay there in his warm but at the same time cold embrace,Forever. She just wanted him, For once in this pained time she wanted to forget all that was happening forget what caused this between them and make him forget it all With this hug. Her one hand without thinking reached his nape and slowly travelled into his hair.He felt her soft cold fingers on his scalp! God How he missed her! Her touch, her essence.He wrapped his hands even Tighter around her..But suddenly he felt a jerk and the sensation of her trying to part away,He didnot want to but making a sad puppy face he loosened his grip a little and that was enough for riddhima ..He could see her anger clearly on her face and weird fire in her eyes... he just stood there looking at her..

MAYBE SOMEDAY♥ -ARfF (Complete) #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now