Part 55

418 11 4

Recap: Riddhima shares her Point of view. Atul's plant shiela dies.

N ab aage.

*One Night*

Her guts twisted suddenly making her restless.

You know when fear creeps out of nowhere and settles in your tummy. Yes that was what she felt right now. She couldn't understand what happened all of a sudden. Her heart rate increased and she began breathing heavily.

Twisting and turning in the bed were doing no good. Finally giving up she began pacing in her room. How much ever she paced it felt less. There was a minute pain in her calfs making her pace even faster.

Adrealine pumped into her blood making her want to run or fly or swim or anything except for sitting in a place. She tried calm herself down by taking a deep breath. But to no avail. Taking a. Sip of water from the glass beside her bed she tried regaining the oxygen back into the body. This worked a bit and she sat back down on her bed. She felt A drop of sweat forming on her eyebrow and soon her body rested. She went to the washroom and splashed cold water on her face. Without wiping it she went and stood directly below the fan and let her face dry.

Her eyes found the clock and she realised it was late night. Way past midnight. She knew she would not be able to sleep anymore. And gave up the idea of sleeping. Instead she went near her bookshelf and looked for a book to read. Soon she found her favorite book and with a smile began reading it.

Her heated face had finally cooled off and she went near the seat that was just beside the window to read. Opening the window she breathed in the cool air. Her eyes went to the neighbouring house. And surprisingly the lights of the room below were turned on.

"Ye Abhi tak soya nahi?? Jaane kya kar raha hoga??" Riddhima said. She found her phone beside her pillow and began messaging Armaan but her phone's battery died even before she could type her message.

"What the hell?? Iski battery ko bhi Abhi hi khatanlm hona tha??" She said to no one in particular. Becaz there was no one in her room. Of course. She had this sudden urge to talk to Armann but as her battery had died she couldnt call him. And going at his house this late was not an option.

Achanak she had an insane idea and she smirked.

He wasnt even in the mood to sleep anymore. All the thoughts that were going circles in his mind did not seem to take rest. He could practically feel them revolving around his head. No before you think this, he wasnt in pain. He had already recovered fully from the accident. Yes! He did limp a little but the doctor had warned them that the injury would take a little time to recover from it.

Not able to get any sleep anymore he gave up and carefully got up and sat on his bed so that he did not hurt his limp leg.

His eyes wavered to the piece of paper on his desk. The reason of his sleepless night. He missed his mom a lot more now after receiving it. The letter His mom wrote for him. He began picking it up when he heard a faint voice calling him. He looked around but there was no one in the room. he blamed it on his imaginative mind and again went to get the letter again. Once again he heard his name this only a little louder and clearer. This spooked fear in him and he went to the door to see if someone was playing a prank on him. How dare they play such a childish prank on him. Huh?, as if he was going to be scared of it.

he walked, rather limped towards the door and opened it. But it wouldn't budge. He tried hard the next time and it opened with a creeking creepy sound that you hear in horror movies and his made Him cringe. The lights outside were dim but not too dim. He could she everything around. If anyone was near it he could have seen it. But there was no one. Just then...

MAYBE SOMEDAY♥ -ARfF (Complete) #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now