not an update :((

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SAdly not an update! :(( 

 wow its been long time with no update :((( didn't mean for it to stretch this far but all I can promise is you will get an update before this year ends( At least i hope we will) ,\. But trying my level best.I have a gist of it written . But to make it more exciting and worthy of the long wait , it will take time!don't hate me here please :(( pretty please. Trying m best to complete it.

Here's a little secret though the next part i.e. Part 65(B) will be the last one. Yup Maybe Someday is coming to an End and i want to prolong it as long as i can!

Thank you for being understanding and lovely readers!! <3 

P.S.: do enjoy the video. And tell me how it is :) love you all!

MAYBE SOMEDAY♥ -ARfF (Complete) #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now