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Ridhhima was very happy that atlast she had got her a unique college group! she couldnt be more happier. she was confused at this. first she didnt want to come to shimla at all, the day she had arrived she missed her friends badly and called them right on but now she didnt bother calling them every min and disturbing them with her sob stories of how she misses them and nowshe did not even miss them! she was just happy that she had come across this group in college and now everyday was eager to go and have a time full of masti.

She slowly thought of each person one by one.. the first that came to her mind was muskaan.. hhhaha god this chick put the letter C in the crazy! she had never been with a girl as crazy as muskaan.. no one else would laugh like a maniac that she was her laugh was so p-athetic that it could even wake up kumbharan ..yeah you read it right THE KUMBKARAN, she was a very sweet gal by heart it had been almost 2 weeks now that riddhima had known her.. and she had never been taken care of by anyone like muskaan.. muskaan took care of all her needs..reminded her of all the important things to do remember she treated her like her own kid, riddhima loved this she had instantly come to like muskaan when she had asked her whther she could call her by the name of ridzee well now everone in the group called her as ridzee and she loved the name!the thought of muskaan instantly bought Rahul to her mind .. well she did not know what this Rahul-Muskaan scene was .. and she never asked too coz she felt it might be personal and muskaan would tell her when she was ready.. but she had not failed to notice that the fights they had like every min had some different intention behind it.. maybe as they did not let themselves talk to each other they just found reasons to talk by fighting.. well rahul the gray eyed guy! wasn't bad himself riddhima had no idea what was wrong between them two but she knew that rahul was a really good friend. he had also helped her in some of her homework when no one was around ! she adored how he worried every now and then of muskaan but when she came face to face with him he would show like he did not care at all.. u know typical boys!! muskaan brother abhi was one guy riddhima depended on almost everything! he helped her in everything possible..the day riddhima came to know that he was adopted a lil shine of respect in her increased for him as to how muskaan and abhi behaved like they were blood related.. riddhima felt nikkie like abhi a lot but could not say anything whereas as typical boys he was not aware of it! the person that riddhima liked the MOST in the group was ATUL!! that guy was as crazy as hell!! he made riddhima laugh almost every min with his atuleshwar baba crap and the funniest thing was he had KIDS! nad they were none other than his PLANTS! god this atul even had named them! and also had prepared a will! as to whom should the plants be given to be taken care of after his death! this guy was crazy ! she loved him and his company! they cracked up on almost everything..riddhima got to know that he liked anjali..well! anjali was the only person in the group that had not opened up to riddhima yet or did not make her feel welcome but she was okay with it! she did not expect everyone to like her! and then there was ARMAAn who made her heart flutter every once in a while she was also confused at this randomness..

And thinking about all this riddhima slept with a smile on her face!

Next day when she woke up.. she heard the same melodious voice of a guy who she was hearing every morning.. he sang the same song like he was expecting it to happen she heard it.. till he was finished with it.. he sang the same song reason why riddhima had started falling in love with that song!the minute he finished she opened up her eyes which had automatically closed when she was hearing him sing! she quickly got up brushed her teeth and entered the shower.. coming out covered in a bath robe she opened her wardrobe and took out a grey tight pencil jeans and a smart short blue shirt she quickly wore it she looked very pretty indeed! she admired herself in the mirror for sometime quickly combed her her hair and tied a messy high pony with her flicks coming out..she loved the wy her flicks dangled on her forehead.. she looked as cute as ever.. she pulled out a kajal pencil from her drawer and sketched a small but dar line and she was ready to go ..she had donned a cute gal look for college today.. she quickly picked up her black pair of converse with matching blue laces...(riddhima was a crazy converse fans she would change the colour of laces to match her outfit everyday.) she quickly picked up her books and gushed them down the bag! picked the bag up and slug it round her shoulder.. she was ready to go to college... she quickly wore her glares and rushed out of her room down the stairs to the dinning hall..she saw her mamma siiting there

MAYBE SOMEDAY♥ -ARfF (Complete) #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now