Chapter 1

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Alec pov

6 months back I saw this man , I don't know him before but I know his scent , that belongs to me , yes he is my mate but he is pregnant what nearly 6 months but his screams echos the entire hospital . I was about leave my duty time is over but the helpers rushes him into an emergency section . he is bleeding and the fluid leaking heavy scent that reminds me he is mine but how ? My legs automatically rush into the emergency room . I hold his hand he took it even more tighter , he is stronger but fully drained by now . I said some soothing words but he didn't listen . we know this is termanting situation , so I confess the situation to him , he didn't utter a word . As we expected the baby is dead / still birthed . He just saw that baby in my hands didn't say a word or even cry , he just dozesed out after sometimes . I take care of him for 3 days But he disappeared on very next day without looking for me or didn't even say goodbye . Since then I am searching for him . , but I couldn't find him . And I am having this confusion why he can't figure out my scent if he is my real mate . Now I am standing in front of him , he is with 3 yrs old girl kid , I didn't know anything about him , what happen ? Or who he is ?. But at the moment I know one thing that he is completely mine..


(this is an ongoing story in insta.. It's almost crossed 80 chapters.. I have started to upload here. I will upload whenever I am free..)

completely Mine (malec) (completed) Where stories live. Discover now