Chapter 7

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Magnus POV

Come on atleast one, one pls, ... Fuck !!!  .  i was searching everywhere in my room for one tablet but I didn't get it, I am really a mess cursing myself looking in the medicine cupboard there is nothing... madzie will sleep another half an hour.  I saw this small pharmacy less then 1 km from here on the day Clary took me here.  I tuck madzie under the cover and close the room door, I start to walk on the street it's around 7 pm only.  izzy is there in the house, I don't want to bother her so i walk alone of streets after a long gap...
After 15 mints of walking, I find that pharmacy, I ask for the tablet and they took sometime to give what I ask for.. I stand there looking right and left.  I can't smell anyone so my eyes were wandering the whole street.  My eyes can scan any of my second genders alpha or beta or omegas... I get the tablet and start to walk on my way, I can sense that someone following me so I walk fast .. ". You're Strong magnus come on don't be pathetic" I saw someone walking behind me, I didn't wait much long I walk fast like I can feel the night wind slapping on my face.... suddenly I felt safe and secure little warmer, I saw this familiar car moving slowly besides me on road, it's Alexander, he looks at me with full of anger and I know that Look, he opens the door and gesture me to get in but I refuse and starts to walk further. voice "magnus !!!!  "that's it, the next thing I know i am sitting next to him in a cushion like seat and yes my omega betrayed me, those voice felt like an order to me..." what the hell are you doing here alone?  "alec ask me while driving,. "I  want to buy something so i came to this pharmacy nearer and I answered back..."  He look at my hands and take that Icover from me, he look into that medicine box and sigh heavely, "you are under suppressor ??  " he ask me in return." Yes " I said hesitately ..... "Why are you keep running why don't you shift when you are in danger " he asked me even though he knew the answer, he just want to hear it from my mouth ..." I tried but I can't, your OG doct said that iam too weak to shift or carry a baby " I said looking out through the window ...." so you believe that .. Okay if you say so " he said without looking at me .... Once we reach home I saw the room door left open , I ran to see madzie but I couldn't find her ... So once again my omega push me to alecs door " Alexander , ! !! Alexander !! " he opens the door before he could say anything sarcastically " madzie is not here , help me to find her" I said him with pleading eyes ... " magnus relax !!  Where is everyone???  " I asked checking every room in this very big loft ..." izzy was here when I left ! " I said more impatiently .... Alec pick his phone and try to call his sister .... " Should I bring one of her cloth so you can smell one and find her " I said without thinking twice... And then I regret when alec gives me a death glare " I am not a dog, I am an alpha !!! " he said back sternly" Izzy!  Is madzie with you?  "he ask in phone and then sigh and cut the call" what is it????  " I ask him .. " .  Izzy took madzie to nearer shop, she was bored so she ask izzy to take somewhere out and jace, clary, Simon everyone is with madzie don't worry, magnus !!  Look no one dares to break this loft because I am not the only alpha here " he reassured me ...... Once they all back I saw madzie getting close to everyone in this house, that's little bit relief for me so if something happen for me they will take care of madzie and I hope they do .... 2 days ago alec said that's the only way to bring mikel out to light is me and I know thats the only way so I am not gonna risk this beautiful family for my selfishness, I gonna take every risk on my own, without involving them.On thinking about that i sat on the couch on terrace.. I made my mind get back to that garage again tomorrow night...I saw alec walks towards me leaving madzie who Is playing happily with everyone


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