Chapter 31

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Magnus pov

" what about me ??? " he asked , really broken .. " I called you so many times but you didn't respond , you were busy with your Lydia ... so I fed madzie and I ate the remaining .. I kept your food on the kitchen counter , eat it before you sleep " I said smiling at him ... he didn't utter a word ... he walked to the kitchen .... When I close my eyes , that broken face is disturbing me . " Well done Alexander !!! Why does this puppy have this much effect on me " I mumbled to myself ... I can't sleep anymore . I know he is upset ... I walk to the kitchen to see alec playing with food on his plate with his spoon . He is not eating anything , he is staring at the food and wall back and forth ... I chuckled and walked towards him ... I took his plate and heated it in the oven .. I can feel his gaze on me .. I took the plate , once it got heated .. I jump on the kitchen table with the plate .. And pull him by his t shirt ... i can sense that he is smiling I took a piece of food and raised my head to feed him . Before I could say anything , he opened his mouth wide for me to feed ... I laughed at him .. He eats like a hungry little kid waiting for his mom to feed ... he rubs my thigh . And I got goosebumps .. " stop doing that !!! Or eat yourself " I said , patting his shoulder ... " see when I touch , you are getting goosebumps too , so it's normal right !!! " he said rubbing his finger on my arms ... I pull him close by locking my around his waist ... he smiles widely on kissing my temple .... " hungry wolf !! " I said feeding him the last piece of food ... " mmm ... for you !!! " he said in between chewing .. " Stop flirting , we are already weird " I said , kissing his cheeks ..

" I am going to sleep good night then " I said crawling on our bed .. " what about my goodnight kiss ? " he asked , raising his eyebrows .. I rolled my eyes and extended my hand to him .... He took it and climbed on the bed seating himself in between my legs .. I smash my lips on him .. He smile in between kissing He pushes me back to the bed , I pull him by his collar along with me..we start to explore each other..he runs his hand on my thighs , it's automatically crossed around alec waist like a preprocessed thing ..

" The door is open " I said , breaking the kiss ... " who dares to disturb " he said , kissing me back .... " hey you left your mobile there ... ahhhhhhh !!!!!! " Lydia screams , closing her eyes with one hand when she sees us like a intertwined ivy ... along with Lydia my Alec starts to scream in the same frequency .. On seeing him screaming like that , I started to scream too .... " indecent idiots !!! Lock the door " she says and close the door with a thud sound ... alec ran towards the door and locked it ... we couldn't control our laughter .. He took something from the box . I know what it is and I hate that ... He crawled back on me .. " everyone is here . Don't be loud " I said kissing his nose dimple .. " Do I ??? " he asked innocently ... I chuckled " if you want to scream or moan loud , just bite something to muffle your sound " i try to give him idea .. But after 10 mints later , he proved me wrong ... " ahhhhh ... I am talking about a pillow or something , not me .... Ahhhhhhh .. Alexander !!!! " I screamed in pain and pleasure .... " idiots keep it low .. You are not in the woods !!! Your daughter's right in front of your room !! " izzy shouted behind the walls from the next room with a giggle ...... we hold our laughter back ... " what are you searching in the pocket " I asked him like a whisper , holding his face ...... " I have something important right now in my pocket ... but I can't find it " he said , still searching ...

" ahhhh .... okay but you should search that in your pants , not mine ... " I said laughing while pulling his hand from my pocket ... " Hoo that's why it feels so soft !!!! I thought it was my pants " he said , patting my legs ... " alec !!!! I tried to convince him ... " no !!! Magnus .. Pls .. I am using this for your safety .... so pls don't ask anything I can't give you right now " he said looking into my eyes with glassy eyes ... All I can do is kiss him more ...

Next day morning :

I was in the living room with madzie ... she kept on telling what she saw and ate in the past 2days ..i was listening to her , Lydia walked towards me , sat in front of me ... she gave chocolates to madzie she took it for granted and ran to her room ... " hey !!! Magnus !!!! Good morning " she said with a pleasant smile .. " hey Lydia good morning " I said returning her smile back ... " Magnus !!! I am your attorney ... I am going to file against Mikel , you know we have our first trial tomorrow right ??? " she asked me holding my hands .. " Yes I remember that !! I don't know that you are a lawyer .. I am sorry I didn't greet you properly " I said , adjusting myself on my seat .. " Never mind !!!! I want to hear it from you , about that bastard " she said , tightening her fist .. " you don't have to say anything if you don't feel comfortable .. I will ask to alec !!! " she reassured me .. " alec didn't say anything to you yesterday ??? " I asked her in surprise .. " he said how he fell in love with you . " she said with a loving smile " besides your man said it's not his place to say ... he said if magnus is not comfortable with it then i am not gonna talk about it ' .. he loves you so much magnus .. So if you are okay , you can tell me everything .. Or leave the sensitive part and tell me important details " she said concernedly ..

I spilled everything to her , she just looked at me in total horror..I felt uncomfortable and moved to the edge of the couch but a comforting hand held my shoulder tight and kissed my cheeks from behind ... I am getting comfy again .... He sat next to me holding me tight by my sides ... " hooo !!! I am not gonna eat your wolfy ... give us some alone time .. Aren't you getting late to hospital duty " she said dramatically .. " he is beyond his comfort zone .. can't you see that .... Of Course I am going to work before that enough of your questions .. Give me sometime to romance " he said , gesturing to Lydia to leave .. " don't eat each other here , get some room " she said and walked towards her room with a ticking sound from her high heels .. Alec laugh at her ... " okay enough of your past , luke will be here by evening give him the papers I kept it on the table nearer our bedroom couch .. Eat , sleep , take care of madzie and guess what ??? There is this place on the next street where they are teaching martial arts . I asked them to book a class for you , mostly in the morning , so you can continue what you love to do .... " he said , kissing my lips .... I am happy to hear that but the problem is , if he keeps on being nice to me like this , I am afraid that I am getting addicted to his caring . What if someday he shouts at me or pushes me away .. I will definitely break into pieces . I thought to myself and faked my smile at him .... But I failed " Don't fake your smile on me .. I know how you react if you're really happy .. Speaking about he past , I know your insecurities are back ... relax for sometimes , don't think about anything , if you still don't feel better I will be back in evening and I know how to clear your stupid mind " on saying that he press his lips on mine strongly , he waves at me and kiss madzie on the way and left the house ....


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