Chapter 10

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Alec POV

" Mom that's Magnus ! Clary's friend"  I started to say everything till what happened last night . My mom look me in horror and look Magnus with pain in her eyes.. I drag her to the balcony. I said in low voice " what is it??" She asked me in return ... " mom if it is possible to smell your Omega even if he is under a suppressor ? " " Wait Magnus is under suppressor and you can smell him even right now ??? " she looks at me with real surprise."Yes!!! How?" I ask her in return ..... * When Omega is in heat, not only his mate, anyone can smell him, mostly alphas and can try to mate him... But under suppressor no one can smell him but the real mate can smell him like an ordinary day but even the real mate can't find he is under heat with this kind of suppressor you're saying" my mom explain me "so you're saying that he my real mate ?? That's why he feels this connected to me" l question her back "Yes Alec that happens one in 1000 it's really rare ... Nobody succeeded in finding their real mate .. But you're lucky" she said with a lot of happiness in her face "but he said Mikel can smell him !! How is that possible ?? " I ask her even though I am satisfied about her statement that Magnus is my real mate... " its because he mated him once, with or without concious, under drugs or not, he has mated Magnus once right ??? He can smell Magnus from anywhere Alec "  she answered my question confidently .. " Then why didn't he get here ???" I ask her..." That you have to find out " she patted my shoulder... "Look Alec for now Magnus lost his sense to smell you, so he keeps his distance but if he starts to smell you, even he can 't stop his Omega from being with you no matter how strong the Omega is, when his alpha stand nearer to him, he will never leave an inch away.. Give him sometime Alec!!! was an accident don't let him take it as a reason to stay away from you " she said with Stern voice..

"No mom nothing bothering me not even his past. When he is next to me I only have this urge to be with him and hold him tight, no past not even my future have rights to take away Magnus from me" I said and she ask to introduce Magnus to her ... I call for Magnus , he came to us with hesitation and insecure feelings that shows clearly on his face .. "I am Maryse lightwood"  she shook her hand at Magnus "Magnus  !! Magnus Bane!! nice to meet you mam" he replied... "bane !!! You mean you are the son of asmodeous bane ???"  my mom ask him in complete shock..." Yes do you know my father ?? well he run away from me when I came out as an Omega" he said coldly "That's not true, your dad and Robert they fight so much for Omegas rights and they become a nightmare for so many Omega trafficking alphas.. There Is this man valentine who took Omegas as a hostage for some reason we didn't know the reason yet.... Robert and asmodeous took a fight with valentine and it's become a war, on that day of your outcoming birthday, me and your dad disappeared because that bastard took Robert alone..during the fight, in the process of saving me from valentine asmodeus lost his life , before they both die they took valentine life with them ... Your father and my Robert they are warriors .. More than all he was proud that you are an Omega " she said this long story to Magnus holding him tight ... " since then I was searching for you but i couldn't find you " she added on hugging him Magnus stand still he didn't say anything .. He just relieved himself from hug and walks towards his room, I lost that smiling face I saw this morning ..... " Mom !!! You shouldn't said that ?? " I said like someone broke me into multiple pieces ... " No Alec..I did what have to be done , he should know about his dad , to stay strong , he is one good man he should be proud , his death should be remarkable , honored and respectable .. instead of living in dark he should fight like his father that's what they fight for and lost their life for ... There are no more excuses for you and Magnus again, find him, kill him and get your Omega smile back " my mom said in a more Stern voice, a  little demanding...

"But he might be crying by now" I said .. "You said that he is your omega, so it's your job to take care of him,, go and get him, stand by him, fight by his side, even if you live for one day live like a proud alpha who die in saving lots of Omegas life along with love of your life" she said and leave the loft waving at everyone .. " Magnus !!! " I saw him standing near the mirror, he didn't move an inch, he was staring at his own reflection and he shifted his gaze on me..." if you camel here to comfort me then you can go, I don't want that right now" he said looking through me the mirror ... "No actually after what you heard and what I heard, I am here to ask that ... Are you ready for the hunt ???" | ask, raising my eyebrow ... he simply agreed on return. .. I was about to leave but my alpha didn't let me go .. I turned and walked towards him and pulled him into my embracesser ... He didn't hug me back but he didn't pull himself back , he just laid his head of him on my shoulder and calmed himself ... "It's okay to cry Magnus, let it out but don't cry again and again for the same reason" I said caressing his back of him .. His body of him shakes and shivers with a muffled sound that shows that he is crying .. I just hold him there for 10 minutes and then he pulls himself back and turns away " thank you ... I want to take some rest would you mind ..mmm .. ?? " He said without looking at me ... "No it's okay..I am leaving" I assured him and left the room.


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