Chapter 52

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" you look sick wolfy !!! " he said again standing in front of the mirror with a towel on his waist .. " look !!! This is the 4th time in the morning I am throwing up .. How do you expect me to be ... hot and sexy ???? I am just tired not sick .. " I said annoyingly lying half on the pillow and half on the bed .. CHAPTER 52 % " Fine , fine , don't get mad ... I think your mood swings start in the morning itself " he said dressing himself ... " it's your fault and you're the reason for everything " I said holding my stomach .. I can feel slight cramps because of repeated vomiting or that's what I think ... " of course it's my baby being hyperactive in morning so you get too much of morning sickness ... see this baby keeping you busy " he said laughing at me .. That's it to trigger my anger " It's not funny !!! You know what ?? Don't you ever touch me again , I swear I will rip your head off ... it's all your fault , it wouldn't happen if you keep your dic k .... " I cut in the middle sentence , on seeing how Alec's face changed from happy to sad ... I am regretting my words . " Shit !!!! .... shit !!!! ... alec I am sorry I didn't mean to .. I am sorry " I couldn't finish my sentences he give a fake smile and patted my shoulder before walking out ... These shitty hormones ... I saw him driving to his work .. I know he didn't eat anything .... Why can't I control my mouth..I walk towards the living room , none is there ... I walked to the doorway to see Clary and Simon talking about something ... " hey magnus !!! " clary said looking at me ... hey clary !!! " I said in return .. " you want something ?? you look upset .. " she asked me concernedly .. " no !!!! I mmm .... Did alec say anything ??? " I asked clary ... " no !!! I asked him to take breakfast but he said he was full .. Is everything okay ??? " she asked ... " yes .... Fine ... I just want to check on alec .. " I said . " wait I will take you to hospital .. " clary was about to take a car ... " I can drive or I will take a cab . " I said hesitantly .... " Alec will kill me mags !!! I will drop you there .. We are going to a nearby concert hall .. You get back home with your alec !!! Okay ... " she said .. " okay !!! " I said and took a bag with me ...

" what's there in this bag ??? " Simon asked , pointing to the bag in my hand ... " it's food for alec .. Isn't it magnus ... ?? " clary said , winking at me ... I nodded with a smile .. Simon laughed at me .. " Hooo only you can melt that grumpy robot " Simon said sarcastically ... " he may be grumpy but he is not a robot " I said a little annoyingly .. " hey !!! Just kidding ... how Alec manages with your mood swings .. You switch your mood in a second " Simon said , rolling his eyes ... They left me in front of the hospital .. I walked in but I couldn't find Alec in his room .. It's empty .. One of the helpers crossed me and said that Alec was on rounds so she asked me to wait in his room ... I make myself comfortable in alec's room ... I was bored so I looked at the posters on the wall ... I jump a little when I hear the sound of Alec's boots ... he stands in front of me with his eyes widened like he saw a ghost .. " I am sorry " I said looking at him  .. I try to keep my mouth shut ... " how did you come here . ??? Do you drive alone or take a cab alone ??? What are you ... " before he could finish I placed my finger on his lips to mute him ... he looked at me and my finger back and forth .. I took it back ... " clary drop me here .. I saw you didn't eat anything so I bring you something to eat .. " I said and he nodded . He walked to the table and took his car key .. " I will drop you home .. " he said without looking me .... I sat on the chair ... " magnus !!! Can't you hear me .. Let's go .. I Will drop you home " he said in Stern voice ... I was ready to throw up again but I controlled myself by closing my mouth with my hand ... " hey !!! You wanna use the washroom ?? " he asked and took me to the one in his room .. He rubs my back until I finish , he brings me back to the bed nearer and makes me lay on my side .. He gave me some water to drink .... and then he walked to his chair to continue his work ... " I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you .. I can't control my emotions ... what I said it's not true I didn't mean it alec , talk to me .. " I said I was still lying on the bed . " i am not upset magnus ... take some rest ... " he said . without looking at me ... I can't sleep or either stay there ... so when he went to the washroom ..

I walked away to the parking lot and took a cab ..... I left a text to Alec's mobile that I am leaving ... he saw that but he didn't reply to me in return ... " you deserve this magnus bane " I curse myself for behaving like this .... When I reached home I saw Alec's car already parked there and he was leaning on his car ... I can see that anger in his eyes .. I walked towards him .. " can't you be a little serious about that baby and this situation ??? I said I will drop you ?? And the next minute you walk away from me ... what's your problem actually ??? " before he could continue .. I hug him tight .. He was startled and didn't say anything ... " look !!! I am not sure what is happening to me .. I didn't mean to Say those kinds of words .. You keep on teasing me . I couldn't take so it came out of my control .. Don't hate me for this Alexander !!! As you said earlier , I am sick ... I agree !!! I am sorry " I said holding him tight ... he Chuckled on hear ing that ... I relieved myself from his embracessor ... " I will never hate you for anything even if you said something like that for real ... I know you didn't mean it .. It's your hormones but hearing those kinds of words from you , it hurts magnus .. I am sorry if I behave dramatically .. " he said holding my cheeks ... " don't be stubborn with me Alexander !!! I can totally take your yelling and shouting but your silence will make me Fear to die .. " I said looking at his eyes and lips back and forth .. " I get it !! I won't do that again .. Besides , if you want to kiss me you can do it without thinking , don't stare at me like that ... " he said pulling me closer ... " like what ??? " I asked with a smirk ... " like a little kid staring at a candy shop " he said leaning to my lips ... " of course you are " on saying that I pressed my lips on him ..... I laugh when I hear Alec's phone buzzing ... " shit !!!! " he said looking at his watch ... " go !!! I will be fine .. " I walk towards the house ... he smiled and waved at me  .. " you look beautiful " he said before leaving . I know he started again .. " don't start again !!! I am full of mess today . I threw up 5 times , I fainted twice today and I am sweating like a pig for no reason .. And my hormones are driving me crazy so don't praise me that I am beautiful .. You are putting words in my mouth " I said annoyingly ... " I can't stop teasing you ... you look tempting " he said and left the place

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