Chapter 71

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"“mmmm.... That was awesome" | breathed when we broke the kiss... “it is!!!" he said and pecked my lips last time and let me down on my feet... | whip his skin below his eyes, my eyeliner is all over in his cheeks... he chuckled when | wiped it with my lengthy sleeve.. "I will take some of my clothes" | said and opened my closet.. "why???don't you like the clothes | bought for you??" he asked, frowning at me...

"nolll It's perfect. | am searching for some comfortable clothes to sleep in... anyways | am going to need bigger size clothes hereafter"

| said smirking at him... "you have my clothes to wear on your 2 and 3 rd trimesters.. You can take all my hoodies, sweaters and pj's"

he said closing my closet door... "alec!!!" | said... "Magnus, | am working for us. | can buy whatever you want..besides | Love when you wear mine " he said looking aside... | pulled him closer by his neck and kissed his cheeks .. don't be dramatic Alexander,| love your clothes, it smells like you... but atleast | want my robes. | love this so much "I said... "if you love it that much then take it.. No problem’ he said with a cute smile on his face...

When | took everything | wanted... we crossed my father's room.. Alec stopped before we moved further.. "magnus!!! Do you mind if | take a look at your father's room... | mean if we are lucky we could find something about mikel or valentine!!!" he asked.. "If you want, then no more questions" | said and opened the door.. The room looks similar to Alec's room, all black and white... "Now | know why you love our bedroom,’ he said sarcastically.. "maybe! Sometimes, you are like my father too.. He is one angry alpha’ | said playfully and got a bite on my shoulder as a reward..

There are so many files but everything was about valentine but burning about mikel... Alec found a cupboard but it's locked... "hey!! where is the key??" he asked, pointing to the cupboard.. "wait!!! | know where he kept these kinds of things" | said and pulled the table nearer the wall where my photo is hanging a
little high on the wall...

Iwas about to climb but Alec stopped and he just raised himself with the tip of his toe and he took the key behind my photo which is pinned on the wall.. "Think before you

do something like that.. It's not only you.. My kitty is there” he said angrily.. | smiled nervously. "Il am sorry | forgot that | have a human selfie stick with me"l said playfully to change his mood but it's not working right now.. Because he is busy searching for something...

He took a photo in which there is a hard disk and transmitter.. His facial reaction changes when he looks into one photo... "What??

Is there any ghost!?" | asked and took

that photo from his hand.. | saw a ring-like patterned mark in the form of a scar.. "What is this??" | asked him... "i don't know.. But | saw it somewhere" he said thinking about where he could see this..

“magnus!!! Don't get me wrong.. Do you ever see something like this in Mikel's body??" Alec asked hesitantly.. "no that's okay!! | am comfortable with you... | got drugged all the time so | can't remember anything clearly" | said trying to remember something or anything that was on my memory.. Alec looked away from me.. I can see his nervousness.. It's awkward to ask your husband about someone else but it's fine with me.. | can talk about anything with him... | have nothing to hide From him..

"| got it.. | saw it on his back.. Below his right shoulder.."| said and something clicked with him too.." you are right | saw

It in one of the wolves I tore yesterday "he said suspiciously... | pull my t-shirt to my shoulder and | check myself in the mirror..~ Magnus!!! You don't have anything like this "he said..” let me check!! "| said and frown on looking at the mirror." shit!!! "i said and | saw most horrible look on alec's face.." what do you have one?? "he walked towards me.." nolll! It's... ummmm... look at this, did you do all this, why am | not aware of this "] saw my back was covered with bite marks and hickeys..

He rolled his eyes at me and pulled his
tshirt a little up to his neck.. And | saw his whole torso is covered with bite marks too
which look more defined in his pale skin..

Okay!!! "| said walking towards the doorway... he shook his head with a smile..” let me take this hard disk , transmitter and photos "he said and grabbed some... +++++++0nce we reached ,madzie was looking for us from the doorway.. Alec

took her in his arms..she hugged him and she was too sleepy .. We are almost tired and drained... | am hungry and my alpha is hungrier than me like he is in hangry mode.. If he doesn't get anything to eat he will

turn into a cannibal in a minute... luckily we have izzy and clary but today it's all about Simon and jace.. They made some apple pie, they bought some ice creams for me and madzie.. We ate, alec fed madzie, we have no energy to do any other activities for today..

Once Alec came out from the bathroom.. He looked at me by raising his eyebrows.. "what??" | asked him while eating chips.. Actually it's the 3rd box within an hour.. “can't you keep your mouth shut.. Just now you ate a lot of pastry items today.. And you are eating what???" he looked at the label over it... "really! Sizzling spicy hot chips..." his eyes widened.. "It's almost 10 pm and you are eating spicy junk food.." he snapped the box from my hand... "alec!!! Give me that.. This is the last | won't eat much’ | said and tried to snap it back.. But he took it away.. | followed him to the terrace, | tried to get him but he was too fast.. "you will eat this now and complain of acidity in the morning...

So no!!!" he said, raising his hand above his head.. | tried so many times.. | don't know if it's me or my kitty.. For the first time.. 1

enough to kill Alec's smile on his face...

He looked at me and put the steel box on the table with a thud sound.. | can see his anger and disappointment.. Before | could ask sorry he walked away ... | ran behind him and stopped him by dragging him towards me with his t-shirt... | hugged him tight and his eyes were closed.. "| am sorry... please.. | am sorry" | said but he didn't utter a word.. | rested my forehead on him, | took his hand and placed it on my back by myself...

’alec!!! | am sorry.. | am so stupid.. | am sorry" | said, caressing his cheeks.. | run my index finger in his upper and lower lips vertically. "it's my hormones, your kitty driving me crazy” | said.. "don't blame him for this" he said still closing his eyes

"You have no rights to get mad at me or

be stubborn with me.." | said and pressed my lips on his.. He hesitated to kiss me back at first but the moment | kissed him hard by pulling him closer by his neck,he kissed me back.. He pulled me closer by my waist.. | smile between kissing.. He squeezed my ass and | gasped loudly"! want you"! whispered in his ear.. He pulled my hair back a little harshly.. “are you sure.. Because | don't think | can be gentle now..” he said, biting my neck... "who asked you to be gentle?" | said and kissed him again... he took me to bed...

his nails looks like a claws today.. He tore my t shirt away...he hover on top of me..

| took his shirt away and worked on his pants.. "| thought you have an exam ina day” he said biting my collar bone..! was lost in pleasure.. "Mmmm!!!! Actually | planned to study" | said and he lifted himself away from me annoyingly... he was about to leave.. But | pull him closer by his neck and lock my legs around his waist.. "just kidding!!" | laughed at him...

“mmm... | don't want to be your distraction” he said, kissing my fingers.. Which | intertwined in a minute.. "you are not my distraction Alexander.!!! You are my anchor to focus" | said and pulled him closer... he Kissed me on my forehead.. "stop me if

it's too much" he reassured me.. | giggled in return... no matter how angry he is, he melts around me .He always takes care of everything.. | know | am selfish about him but the truth is | can't share him with anyone else not even for a joke

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