Chapter 56

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Magnus pov

" hey are you ready ??? " I open the door , eating one of the candies I stole from madzie ... I gulped hard when I saw alec .. He looked really hot in that suit especially with a black bow tie in it .. He styled his hair a little messy and I got this fear inside like how could I keep him away from every prying eyes and the big question is how am I going to withhold myself today ... I am going to die by catarina for sure ... maleclightwoodbane06 MAGNUS POV " you are drooling !! " he said with a smirk ... " a .. What ??? " I asked because I was really lost in thought ... " I said you are drooling " he wiped my lips and pecked my lips ... " ummmm ... it may be because of this candy " I said .. Somehow I managed to cover up the situation .. But his smirk and smiling face can say that he already knows why I was drooling .. " I can see that " he said and pulled me close .. " don't !!! let's go ... if you proceed I ... I can't promise anything " I said and held my breath .. His s cent makes me dizzy and I know my omega is betraying me already ... " I am saying the same thing , you look hot .. One wrong move .. we will be found dead either by cat or mom " he said and let me go .. " mmm ... give me those tablets , you gave me to control my nauseating feeling the other day " I asked him , handing him his medicine box ... " why ??? You don't like medicines right ??? " he asked while taking a strip .. " I am suffocating too much in this suit and when I am in the middle of a crowd at a party I won't control my . I don't want to make any scenes and I don't want to embrace you .. Gimme I can take it " I said and took a tablet from his hand .. I swallow it by closing my eyes .. I can sense Alec's smile because of my weird reaction .. He pressed his lips on mine .. I laughed at him " thank you for understanding me " I giggled and started to suck him hard ... we broke the kiss .. " I am sorry it's really bitter " I said looking at him ... " don't be ... I love to kiss a hybrid nowadays " he said caressing my cheeks .. " hybrid ! ??? " I asked in confusion .. " yes .. I know you are a wolf but nowadays you drain me like a vampire by your kiss " he said tapping my nose .... I laughed at his statement ..

" let's go dada .. Papa / !!! Let him get ready .. You are too clingy nowadays " madzie said when she saw us ... I rolled my eyes at her .. ++++++++ When we reach the party .. Madzie held Alec's hand tight until she saw izzy .. When she saw her she ran towards her .. Izzy became more like a friend to her then aunt .. There is everyone .. I am a little nervous , alec squeezed my hand " relax ... most of them knows you are mine and no one will question you ... this is for Lydia we both owe her " he said giving his comforting smile on his face..before i could return the smile ... a tall woman nearly Alec's height came and hugged him tight ... my heart starts to beat faster ... I know he is hot today .. But this tall lady " you really want to hug this tight " I thought to myself .. I bite my lips and thank God she let him go , otherwise in a minute or two .. I will definitely tore them apart from the hug ... " hey !!! Handsome cousin how are you ??? " she aske d him ... " I am fine sweetie !!! How are you ??? " he said in return ... really !!! Sweetie !!! I will deal with you later Alexander .. And this tall woman does not even look at me .. How could she look at me , I am way little shorter then her besides she is already eye fucking my man ... god !!!! Control Magnus !!! I thought .. After some cheesy talks she left ... " really ??? How many cousin do you have ?? " I asked him .. He laughed at me and leaned to kiss me .. before he could proceed..a woman around 30 came and hugged him again ... I rolled my eyes at them ... " hey doct . Alexander ... how is your married life ??? " she asked ... " at least you ask " I thought to myself ... " it's really good .. And yes this is Magnus .. My husband " he said hugging me on my sides ... I can see that women scan me with her eyes .. And give a pleasant smile at me .. And then again her gaze shifted to my alec !!! .. i am so done ...

Alec took me to Maryse but we were stopped by a beautiful man .. " hey Hottie !!! How are you .. You didn't invite me for your wedding ?? " he questioned him .. Seriously hot ieee ???? I look alec up and down and I know he is watching my reaction ... he smiles at the corner of his lips .... i held my anger back ... wait it's not anger is actual jealous but I am not jealous type . . " it's happen all sudden .. We didn't plan much .. Sorry " alec said and patted his shoulder ... he talked for some time and he was about to leave ... I stop him " hey !!! You forget to hug him " I said sarcastically .. My man knows that accent of mine .. He looked at me in disbelief .. " yes you are right !! " he said and hugged him one last time before leaving us ... I look at Alec raising my eyebrows ... " what ??? " he asked with smile ... I know he is struggling in holding his laughter .. " nothing !! " I said and he pull me close to peck my cheeks..TBC

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