Chapter 97

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❣️Chapter 97 ❣️


He took me to the basement …he let me down on my feet. Once he opens that old wooden door,There is another metal door behind it . The door looks remodeled.. "Why is there a double in it ??" I asked…"for some safety and security issues..!!"he said and typed some secret number on the lock ..the lock clicked open.. There is a wheel-like lock in it as a second lock.. He rotated it twice on the left, once on the  right so it opened with a thud sound… I jumped a little on hearing that….he dragged me inside, it's completely dark 

"where are you taking me?? , at least switch on the lights' ' I said holding his hand..he switched on the single LED light which is hanging on the top of the ceiling , He took me in his arms again… "I can walk," I whispered close to his ear.. I am wrapping my hands around his neck.. "it's okay… take your time to heal, … besides you weigh like a foam, you are not that heavy like before" he smirked… "that's so mean" I said and kicked his biceps … he laughed in return.. He dropped me down on my feet once he stepped down from the stairs … I saw there was a little room in it.. It's made of glass or fibre I don't know exactly.. But it looks inaudible and unbreakable… 

I saw someone laying on the stretcher. There were 2 infusion stands, one on the right and one on the left… his left leg was covered with dressing, his right hand too.. His face wasn't clear… Alec took my hand and squeezed it.. I smiled nervously yet confusingly … he took me inside by opening the door… There I saw the face, which destroyed my whole life, Which haunted me every day and night.,which I used to get nightmares on, the face that gives me horrible dark days in my life… that one face, that one person lying on the bed and looking straight into my eyes… I was  angry, afraid, speechless, I was lost at the moment… 

I was about to leave but Alec stopped me by holding my hands… "where are you running away??" he asked… I was angry.." I thought you killed him.. I never thought that you would bring him back into my life under the same roof with full medical support and facilities… alec!! I still can't take those 6 months out of my mind… everytime we Make love, do you know why I always want to look into your eyes and hold your face when you take me..??? Haaan??? I don't want to get those darkest memories Back in my mind… I want to realize, my body wants to realize that I am with my Alexander and I am safe .. I can't say that loud but I still have those memories and scars, it's a part of me.. I know if you do something there will be a reason behind it .. Just…just give me sometimes "I said and about to leave… 

" so!do you really think I  would kill him just like that..?? "he asked.. I stopped before taking the next step.. He walked towards me and held my hand, he intertwined his fingers on mine again …and took our hands to his face and placed gently on his cheeks… I melted into his warmness.." I am sorry… it's just I saw him and all my bad memories.. It's rushing back into my head" I said, still squeezing his hand which is intertwined with mine… "did I complain???" he asked, pulling me closer by my waist with his free hand… 

"Come in" he dragged me into the room again… "sit down" he made me sit on the chair next to the bed… he stood behind me and leaned on my back resting his chin on my shoulder and hugging my waist from behind… 

"yes!!! This is a medical arrangement but it's not for  good… the infusion stand connected wasn't saline. It's a wolfsbane with perfect dilution, it's connected to his major vein so he can't shift… and the body is tied with a strong chain not to the bed but to the floor.. You can't break just like that.. Especially not with 3 days of iv wolfsbane intake… his groin was completely injured, I smashed it with a rusted metal rod.. If my diagnosis was correct then he is filled with  sepsis right now…he is looking at you with angry eyes right?? … That's all he can do right now .. I cut one of the nerves from his neck… so he can't shake his head and he can't talk .."he said, kissing my cheeks… 

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