Chapter 91

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❣️Chapter 91❣️


Days gone really fast…. I was getting back home from work. I felt something different today than usual. something is gonna happen. I don't know Whether it's good or bad, but it reminds me that I am going to have a long night… Maybe if  Magnus is in a good mood today.. So we can cuddle and sleep or else do some romantic yet naughty activities… I became addicted to his preg mood swings.. He is hot and honey at one moment and rude and rough the very next moment.. I chuckled thinking about last night… Around 12 he sat on the kitchen counter and was completely lost in the taste of Nutella…. When I caught him his face was covered with chocolate with his eyes closed… that's the most tempting view I have ever seen.. 

I parked the car out on the lawn, once I stepped out of the car.. I lost my  balance , someone draining my energy.i heard magnus screaming with my wolf hearing . What if Magnus is in pain??? I ran towards our bedroom but it was locked…"mama…."I heard him screaming in pain..I kept banging the Door really hard.. But he didn't open it…" magnus!!! Open the door "I shouted from outside.. On hearing that Izzy, madzie and Clary came out from their room…''Magnus!!! "Izzy and clary shout along with me… 

" go away!! "he screamed in between crying…" I am gonna break it.. "I said to Izzy and asked her to take Madzie away and gestured clary to go with them… I broke the door and saw Magnus screaming his lungs out holding his stomach in one hand and the study table next to him in the other hand.. He lost his balance and fell on the floor before he could reach the ground. I took him in my lap…I rubbed his back …"it's okay.. It's okay.." I tried to touch his stomach but he kicked my hands away… he was writhing in pain… his breath getting irregular.. His eyes rolled back to his head.. He makes himself small on the floor 

"Magnus look at me… magnus!!!" I said holding his hand… he snapped it away… I felt a kind of fear that he would hate me for this suffering.. "magnus /!!" I said …"just go away..don't touch me.. I hate you,I hate my life.. Just go Away…." He cried his eyes out holding my hands tight…he started to squeeze it in pain… I know he didn't mean it.. But I am the reason for his suffering… I held him tight by resting my head on his face. I couldn't control my tears …but he pushed me away…

" please.. Please!! "I said while holding his face and I kissed him everywhere in his face.. His eyes were tired.. It's fluttering.. he struggled to hold his breath. After a minute he stretched his crawled leg.. I can see his pain fading away…. He passed away in my lap… I took him to The bed.. I Examined  his stomach, it's soft… then I realized this is what happens every time he has pain… I looked at him in horror…" then how could you act like nothing happened magnus "… I mumbled to myself 

"I called for Catarina. She is on the way,''Clary said and handed me a bottle of water.. I nodded hesitantly.. I held my head while burying my face in the rest of my hand…" alec!!! He didn't mean it.. If he could love someone in this world it's only You… it's the pain, he talks like that" clary says…

 "I understood clary… but look how much he is suffering alone.. I can't take that pain.. He takes it everyday and when I come home he smiles in front of me like nothing happened… he shouted at me because he didn't want me to see that…" I said taking his hand, he is sleeping soundly..

" hey!! He will be fine… ''Magnus is too tough to break,''she said, squeezing my shoulder…" I know.. But If something happens to him.. I won't forgive myself for  that "I said…" nothing will happen.. You both are going to be happy "she said and patted my shoulder… 

After she left catarina came and took a look at magnus.. She pressed his stomach from his rib line to his lower abdomen, she checked for his. Pulse. And baby's pulse, she counts the breathing of both of them… .." everything looks fine alec.. Maybe in one or two days… you can get your max "she said with a smile …" cat!!! Can you… can you do me favour..? "I asked..she looked at me questioningly.." just go for c-section… by morning "I said…

" alec!! What are you talking about.. He is too close.. He is capable of doing it in a natural way… "before she could complete… " I know that cat… but I can't watch him suffer. Just do it… I will sign wherever you ask me to do"I said 

"Alec, just ask Magnus once, because what if he had different thoughts?"  cat said…"it's my decision to make… I can't watch it again.. He has been through a lot already, enough it's enough .. So do it" cat was about to say something but I cupped my hands in front of her..

 "please.. I want him.. I promise him that I will keep him happy.. I can't see him suffering like this .." I said, my eyes betrayed and it's filled with tears… "whatever you ask.. I am here to do that…. You both deserve each other" she said and asked me to bring Magnus to the hospital in the morning… 

I walked her to her car "alec he will be fine, max will be fine don't worry.." she reassured me… " to be honest I am not thinking about max right now…he was happy with me cat.. I can feel that everyday.. How could I…he said he hates his life catarina… did you know how it feels… he chose to live even after mikel..but now… I am a monster cat.."   I said…

 "no!!! You are the best thing that happened to him and don't regret it.. Don't regret max.. He is the symbol of your love.. I promise they will be fine.. Bring him in the morning " she said and I Waved by thanking her… once she left.. I was lost in thoughts. I can't take the picture of Magnus suffering and I stand there helplessly, that picture I can't take it out of my mind… It's haunting me.

 I was about to reach the door.. My wolf intuition says something is on the way to attack me… I hear a thin needle-like piercing sound in the air.. Before it could touch me I caught it quickly … I took a look.. it's a syringe and it  was  traveling straight to my neck… 

"And where does that come from??? "before I could look back .. I felt like hundreds of needles prickling all over my body like an arrow.. I felt dizzy and I fell on the ground holding my neck….. ❣️TBC ❣️ 

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