Chapter 57

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Magnus pov
I was playing with madzie and Alec was busy talking to Lydia about Mikel and my further studies ... I felt like someone was watching us ... " hey pretty girl !!!! What's your name ?? " I heard a voice behind me . I turned around to see who was that..he is with dark hair , a little spiked , pale as Alec but my man looks much prettier I thought , he is well built and standing next to me staring at me .. " hey !!! I am Victor .. " he breathed heavily .. I looked around maleclightwoodbane06 MAGNUS POV " I am talking to you ... " he said with a smile ... " I am madzie " madzie said with her cheeky smile ... " and you Mr . ?? " he asked with a smirk on his face .. I already hate it ... " magnus !!! Magnus bane " I said with a smile ... " Lydia's relative ??? " he asked , pointing at Lydia .. I can see Alec's gaze on me .. So I planned to play a little game ... " yes !!! " I said with a smile .. I know my man is staring at me .. " I am a lawyer .. I heard you are looking for a good practitioner " he asked ... " no .. I haven't completed my law studies yet ... " I said and he took a glass of drink from the barrister ... " if you need any help in studies or practice you can ask me anytime " he said hand ing me a drink and raising his glass to cheers .. Alec saw us from a distance , I can sense he is walking too fast in 2 steps towards me ... Before I drink .. He took it and gulped it in a single take .. I saw him with my mouth open .. " he can't drink .. He is pregnant with my baby ... so " he gestured Victor to leave ... he left with a smirk " Who is that ??? " he asked , still staring at him ... but this Victor felt a little weird for me ... " I don't know ... but he is handsome right ... and when did you start to drink ??? " I asked him by hitting his shoulder " I do drink !!! But I limit myself " he said winking at me .. I rolled my eyes at him ... " . So you think he is handsome ??? " he asked ... " yes of course he is ' ' I said with a grin ... " i know you are trying to make me jealous .. Stop doing that..if I get jealous then I am not responsible for anything happening next " he said lifting madzie in his hand ... The party went well ... I interacted with some of the lawyers around there ... It was a good experience .. Izzy , Simon , Jace and clary planned to stay with Lydia and Maryse ..

As Alec has to go to work tomorrow .... we left the party along with madzie .. No matter how comfortable she is .. She needs her father or me to sleep ... I am already on the back seat madzie slept in my lap .. Alec was driving as slow as possible .. When we reach home ... Alec took Madzie on his shoulder .... and carried her to her room .. " I am going to take a bath .. " I said and ran towards the bathroom ... " Slow wolfy " he said like a warning ... I was taking shower . I am almost done ... and I heard Alec walking inside the room ... " where have you been ??? " I asked when he poke through the door ... " I prepared something for you to eat .. I saw you didn't eat much at dinner ... " he said drying my hair with a towel ..... " because everything looks delicious and I don't want to eat much and end up puking " I said , tying a towel around my waist ... " go and eat !!! " he said spanking my ass ... I saw a bowel full if fruit salad and glass full of soya milk , on the nightstand " ahhhh ... I thought you made something spicy or sweet ... " I walked lazily and took a fork and ate one after another .....

Since the party I felt something different .. Magnus ' scent hit me too much after the party ... when I came out of the bathroom .. Magnus wasn't there ... " magnus !!! " I called for him and I could hear a rustling sound in the kitchen .. I know he is searching for I guess he came back with chocolates in his hand ... " seriously  !!! I made something healthy and you are running it with chocolate " I asked , raising my eyebrows .. " alec !!! Milk tastes like yaakk . " he said with weird expression ... " so ??? " I asked folding my hands on my chest ... " wait and watch " he said and mix the chocolates with the milk ... " chocolate milk " he said , finishing it in one gulp .. I shook my head and leaned to kiss him ... his mouth is covered with chocolate milk like a kitten ... I kissed him hard " you taste yummy " I said sarcastically .. " it's chocolate " he said pulling me for another kiss ..

But I can sense that I am getting dizzy ... my inner alpha can smell his omega more today .. Those herb smells hitting my control spot .. It's too much to take today ... I don't know why ... I deepen the kiss . I know I am getting out of control .. I suck him hard .. He moans with pleasure and confusion .. " alec !!! " he called me in between kisses but I couldn't respond to anything ... I push him to the bed ... He looked at me in clear confusion but he didn't push me away ... he let me do .. I started to suck his neck and collar bone .. " alec !!! What happened .. You are ..... You are getting high and your body feels heated ... " he said try to push me a little but I growl .. I know something is wrong with me ... the moment I rip off his towel and my hand automatically grabs his ass ... l back off when I see him naked ... " what happened alec !!! ??? " he asked me by caressing my cheeks ... " magnus / !! It's .. It's something ... getting worse I am dizzy and I am losing my control .. I felt like you were in heat .. Your smell is too heavy for me today .. " i said , holding myself behind the table ... " it's okay ... but you saw me naked a minute ago and you treat me like a kid ... you are  behaving differently now ... did you eat or drink anything at the party ? " he asked , holding my hands ... it's too much for me .. I can't figure it out .. But I can't control it for too long .. Leave .... Go to madzie's room lock yourself " I said and I know my hands and legs are shaking .. alec !!! I can't leave you just like that ... come here " he said pulling me back .. But I snapped away .. " magnus !! Go ... ? !! I want you and baby to be safe.I said " I know my eyes are shifting its color .. " you are shifting without control .... " He looked at me like a horror ... " Okay shift !!! " he said walking towards me ... I moved a little away from him ... " what !!!!! " I asked , holding my breath because his presence and scent made me insane ... he pressed his lips on mine and placed his hand on my chest ... he kissed me hard and stroked my chest ... I can gain my control back little by little .. His lips melted me down but I don't know how long I can stay like this ...

" shift " he said by breaking the kiss .. I moved a little away and shift to my wolf form ... he came to me all smiling and all naked I should have mention that .. He is much braver than I thought ... I licked his hand ... he smiled and took me to the bed ... and gestured to me to lay on it ... I look at him with my eyes widened ... " don't make your eyes that big .. It's already fiery red by now ... just lay down .. " he said , patting my shoulder ... I lay on the bed .. And I have to admit I am more cozy than in bed ... He lay next to me and snuggled on my neck and rubbed my fur ... I couldn't control myself a minute ago and now I am all settled . It's better I will be like this till morning .. " now you can control yourself isn't it ?? " he asked me ... i lick his cheeks ... " stop ... !!! " he giggled ... " You are so comfy " he said and snuggled more to me wrapping his naked body around me like a Snake..for the first time In my life I felt jealous about my alpha form ...

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