Chapter 78

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It's almost 3 in the morning... he didn't come back.. | don't know where he went and he didn't take his phone with him... | wore one of his sweaters because none of mine is fitting on my waistline nowadays, that sweater covers upto my nose... | walked for 10 feet and | saw.. Alec sitting in the nearer restaurant with a coffee cup on his table.. He was alone.. And that's the only shop open in that street... he was Staring at his hand and the empty street back and forth.. | just want to run on him and hug him tight.. It's okay if he pushed me away or he slapped me out.. | am ready to take this.

| stand besides him.. The barrister guesterd him to look behind... he throw his head forward... "why are you here?? You are sleepy aren't you??" he asked, still facing the streets, without looking at my face... "I... | can't sleep.. Come back to home" | said, for the first time

| was scared to face him... | felt like shit this man getting under my skin.. "why??? | am not there. You should feel free to sleep... because when | am there ! will be clingy and irritating... isn't it? .” he still didn't look into my face... "alec!!! Don't say anything that makes you regret later "I said, | know | am stuttering.. "regret... (he chuckled) | think you already did.. | will never regret anything about you but it's clear you do that more often " he said.. "please !!! | am sorry.. | didn't mean it like that... come back home...” | said and walks towards him.. But | stop when he stood from the chair and turn around to face me.. | saw his eyes were tired and | am sure he cried enough because his eyes were red and fluffy ...

| ran and took his face in my hands...” | am sorry.. You misunderstood | didn't mean it in that way alec!!! Please come back to me" | said and he pushed himself away and gestured to me to leave... "alec!!!" | said... "magnus!! Just go...give me some time" he said looking away... | stand there but he is not even looking into my face, | don't want to hurt him more so left...

| can't sleep.. | was looking at the clock and the

door back and forth... | drifted into sleep

once |

woke up in morning | saw alec was sleeping on the other side of the bed.. He is sleeping on his stomach... | shook him a little, | know he is awake but he don't want to see my face.. "| understand you don't want to talk

to me... but | didn't mean it in that way... | was locked in the room and | saw you were fighting all alone, | don't know you have back up when | saw that wolf jumped on you and bite your were groaning in pain.. | was getting insane. | can't open the door, | can't help you when you need it... | was mad at myself until | found that knife... | thought | was useless and | am full of problems!!! That's what | thought and | said.. But | didn't mean it in that way alec!! ... | am sorry..

You know | can't live without you..around millions of people here, | know only you and | have only you to call as mine...'I said,

| don't want to cry and make a scene and | know He is hearing everything but he didn't respond to any of my words so let him alone...


| heard everything he said, he said it with total honesty and if | were in his situation,

| would react even worse. His voice was broken and | could feel his guilt. | wanted to hug him tight and say ‘it's okay’ .. | misunderstood.. but for some reason my alpha wants to keep its distance... usually alphas can't take his true mate's rejection.. It's not a rejection. | felt that word like | am forcing him every time.. Now | understand why he said that but my alpha needs his time...

After an hour

“alecl!l" | heard mom's voice... | rolled over and saw her beautiful face.. "is there Any special occasion??? You look pretty " | asked... "Me and Luke, we are going out for a..." she stutters.. So | completed her sentence " a date??"...

“yesl!l" she smiled wide.. "mom!!! | love you.. You deserved to be happy.. You have sacrificed all your happiness for us.. It's your time to be happy... go.. | will take care" | said with a smile..she nodded and hugged me tight.....

"heylll You look gorgeous" | said.. “it's your magnus makeover.. He did my dress and hair and makeup..” she said nervously, looking herself up and down... | smiled "it's beautifull! " | said and my smile faded away on hearing Magnus' name ...

"hey!!! Is everything okay??? " she asked.. "all good" | hide my pain behind my fake smile.. "Take him out somewhere!! Okay” she said and waved at me..

“mom.. Did he eat anything??" | asked..he stopped on hearing that.. "no!! | asked him but he said he is not feeling like eating anything so | didn't force him" she said... “okay!!! | will look after him.. You go" | waved at her...

Once my mom left.. | saw Magnus and Madzie playing in the lane.. "You are not useless or problematic magnus!! You are the happiest season in my life.. Why don't you get it... if you accuse yourself.. It's like you are accusing me too..." |_ mumbled on looking at Magnus who was staring at the streets like he was lost in thoughts...

| was cooking for us in the kitchen... |

want to prepare his fav food..i saw madzie running into the house all laughing, she ran to her bedroom and locked up. | laughed

at her by shaking my head... | saw magnus walking really fast crossing the kitchen.. | know he didn't notice me in the kitchen.. But he is not okay... | can see that in his face...

| let him be alone... but | heard a muffled groan from our bedroom... | ran towards the bedroom and couldn't find magnus... | saw the bathroom lights were on.. So once | walk closer.. |! heard a muffled cry and scream... “Magnus!!! "| shouted and bang the door but there was no response... | push the door with a little force..." get out of here!!! "he shouted .I know he is in pain so | broke the door and saw him leaning on the wall, he was clutching his stomach" leave me alone... get out of here "and when he shouted again.. | saw his eyes shifting blue.." God you're losing control... magnus!! "I ran towards him and lifted him with my arms.

| took him to the bed and made him Lay

on his side... he squirreled around... | try to comfort him but he is in too much pain, he pushed me away.. his hand clawed in the sheets.. He almost toring it out in pain.. He is clenching his Jaws and biting the pillow With a muffled groan...

| can't see him in this much pain.. | touch his stomach. | can feel the fetus' moment. | am happy but | can't take it right now because he is writhing in pain.. | took him in my lap..

1 took him in my lap.. He is not in right mind to look into my face and he couldn't focus on what | am doing or saying... | can see his lips bleeding because of biting himself... "bite me!!" | whispered.. He looked at me with blue eyes filled with tears.. And | don't know when | will start to cry... "no!!" he whispered and growled in pain again.. If | let him continue for 1 more minute then he will definitely shift into his wolf form which is more dangerous to him and kitty... "| said bite me" | shout in my alpha tone.. | know he can't deny my order in my alpha tone.. He leans on my neck and | tire my t-shirt away... he bite on my shoulder... and at that moment

| felt how painful it is... He is almost

taking my flesh out.. He is still holding his stomach.. | pushed his hands away and rubbed his stomach in circular motion... right now | can feel the pain he is going through.. ...the moment he bite me hard when the pain gets its peak,| lose my sanity and my eyes turn to fierce red.. | can't take that pain either.. | growl along with him.even the wolves from the distance would hear my signal.. A minute later his bite gets dull and soft , his legs giving up, his eyes turning into his usual brown.. | can see His pain fading away, | rubbed his back ,he took his teeth from my shoulder slowly.. | am not gonna pretend. It hurts like hell..l whine loudly when he lets my shoulder go.. His mouth and my shoulder filled with blood.. "| didn't mean it alec.. | am sorry to hurt you !!"that's the last word he said before

passing out on my arms..

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