Chapter 74

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It was too cold outside. | can feel heat spreading on Magnus' body and mine as well..the sound of sucking and smooching fills the room and it echoed back.. The moans were silent.. We muffled each others moans... we made love 15 minutes ago but we are still kissing.. | was leaning back on the headboard, magnus was sitting on my lap, | know he is not comfortable, he gasps more often and he clunch more often.. His hands were clawed on my shoulder and my hands was running on his back... | am drawing pattern on his defined yet flexible muscles.. Our lips were numb but we didn't stop eating each other.. Our stamina was gone.. We are not in strength to make love again but we can't keep our hands to ourself... magnus was literally eating my lips and | am not complaining because he is too uncomfortable and he is expressing it in his way ... | can feel his lips trembling when he pull my lips in between his teeth.. he kept on sucking hard, | let him do in his way.. We didn't fight for dominance or we weren't licking .. We just kept sucking and taking each other lips as a hostage..

| ran my finger on his back from his neck to his jumbar in the center line through the way of the vertebrae.. He felt shivers and he started to whimper, the moment | took my fingers away. And when | place it back on his bare skin, | can see the Goosebumps on his skin covering the shoulder muscle.. | am happy that not only me, who is reacting to his small touch, even

| have the same effect on him... he frowns a little when | adjust.. | pulled myself from him... he whines at first and throws his head on

my shoulder.. "comfy???" | asked, kissing his neck.. He nodded with a chuckle.. "I am sorry | forgot that | am still." | couldn't finish it, again

| felt his lips on mine.. "| know ..." he said and leaned on my neck... | held him even close.. His legs are giving up so | massaged a little, he hummed in return ..

"How is your exam??" | asked, caressing his messy hair.. "mmmm.. | did well.. Look how soon you asked.. It's almost a day" he said


I felt bad "I am sorry magnus!!! | was terrified. When | couldn't find you.. | know | overreacted but | thought | lost you again " | said looking away.. He raised his head and held my cheeks..

"Do you love me that much??" he asked looking at my lips.. "don't you know that??" | asked and he pulled me for a kiss again.. | swear we don't feel each other's lips but it's good that we caress each other... | squeezed his ass...he moaned loudly... “ummmm.. You want round 2???"he asked, sucking my neck..." noll! | just want to touch you..and feel that you are real in my life "I said with a smile...

"You have the same effect on me, a few months ago | didn't know where my life was going.. | even wondered why | was alive until you came along. "he said and rested his forehead on mine.." | love you "I said caressing his cheeks.." love you too Alexander "he said..." | can't keep my hands away from you "! said with a smirk...he shook his head with a smile" neither | "he said and continued with his work on my Lips...


| found a nearby fuel station on the way to our home.. | park the call inside to fill the fuel tank.." | need to pee!! "Magnus said, struggling to get Madzie off his lap.. She is sleeping peacefully...he finally managed to get out of the car along with madzie... | took her in my arms, and she opened her sleepy eyes... it's a sunny day..." you want to pee sweetie?? " | asked, rocking her in my arms... she giggled and nodded in return.. “okay you both continue your lovey dovey.. | am gonna find a washroom first.. It's really urgent” he said, rushing towards the washroom.. "Why do you always wait until it gets urgent?? " | asked sarcastically. "next time | prayed to God!!! That you will get pregnant instead of me.. Then you know how it feels" he said annoyingly... "don't complain!!" | said and walked behind him taking madzie's hand ... the fuel station looks strangely empty... Once we are done... "Okay!! Grab some snacks for you both until we reach our home" | said and took madzie inside the store.. Magnus was busy buying snacks. It's all a weird combination.. | don't blame him, he is crazy with his cravings.

I don't blame him, he is crazy with his cravings..madzie looked at me when she saw her papa grabbing almost half of the spicy items from the shop ... and how he suddenly shifted to cream, sugary and sweet items.. "dada??? Is papa okay or??" she asked, looking at me and | Couldn't control my laughter...

Magnus looked at both of us questioningly when he saw us laughing.. We both shrugged our shoulders at the same time,In the same way and madzie took some water bottles and chocolates and cookies for her.. The shopkeeper lady kept on staring at magnus... | cleared my throat, she looked at me nervously... we paid our bill and left the place.. That woman looks suspicious to me..

Once we reached home.."my boys” Mom opened the door with a proud smile on her face...we laughed looking at each other

but instead of hugging us she took madzie in her arms.. “how is my little lady??" she kissed her cheeks ..."mom we are here too!!" | raised my eyebrows... Magnus laughed at me.. "make yourself comfortable, it's your home anyways.... Where are Izzy, si, Jace and Clary??" she asked, hugging me and magnus tight... "mmm... | miss this hug “Magnus said and gained a kiss on his forehead.. She looked at me and | pouted so she kissed me on my forehead..” they all will be here by tomorrow evening.. Simon and Clary have some target pending on their work "| said and she nodded

"How is my grandkid??" she asked, rubbing magnus little big tummy.. “all good” |

said... "Come on, let's eat something...”

she asked us... "no!!! | ate too much on the way.. Magnus said, rubbing his stomach in circular motion.. "So he needed to peel! Isn't it magnus??" | said sarcastically and he nodded, hitting my head playfully.. He ran towards the washroom and Madzie was already on TV..

“how beautiful it's to see you so happy...” she said, caressing my cheeks... | melted into her touch.. "yes mom.. | am happy with him.and my anger issues are back.. But magnus is handling me in his own way" | said with a wide smile... "| am happy you found each other" she said and wolfy is

back from the bathroom...

"mom!!! Can | Check Dad's Study room.. | need some details" | asked hesitantly.. "you don't have to ask me!! It's all for you... go and get what you want." she said and | took magnus along with me to the basement... that's where my dad keeps secret things.. We found an old laptop and a lot of pen drives, photos, and memory cards everything... Magnus was busy checking the photos... | opened the laptop but it was all corrupted and zipped and some of them are outdated and most of all there is a password and security code for every file in it... "Damm!!"

| pushed the laptop away .... "what happened??" he asked, walking next to

me... | show him and it's all locked... "relax! Should | try something else ??" he asked.. "please!!!" | said and sat on the chair in front of that table.. He moved my legs aside and sat on my lap.. | smiled at him from behind but he was too busy staring at the screen

.. | poked my head under his arms... and looked into the laptop screen... he typed something too fast and got access from somewhere, it's like boooom!!!! .. In a minute all the files are opened and passwords

are gone... he clapped his hands proudly..

| looked at him in disbelief.. "how do you

do that??" | asked shockingly.. He laughed, pinching my nose.. "get to know me puppy" said, clicking his tongue ... "| thought you were innocent" | said with a nervous smile... "hooo.. You know | am not innocent.." he pulled me closer and pressed his lips on mine..

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