Chapter 76

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"so how's your exam Magnus??" Mom asked passing dishes to me to serve magnus.. My mom is feeding madzie and magnus was

too busy eating everything in front of him...

he didn't even hear what mom asked him...

| Looked at Magnus who was busy stuffing lobsters in his mouth one piece after another.. | shift my gaze to mom.. Who is already laughing at Magnus right now... she saw me and squeezed my hand happily... "my grandkid is driving him crazy.. He is too hungry" mom whispered to me... | laughed while looking at Magnus who was searching for something else... "you want something magnus??" she asked to him.... "no!!! 1 am full...” he said but still his eyes roaming around the table...

| leaned close to him and whispered "is there anything you missed??" | asked In low voice... he leaned back "nol!! | just saw a blueberry ice-cream tub when | came here but now | don't know where it is... are you sure | am not hallucinating? " he asked and | choked on

my food... my mom laughed while looking at us... "seriously magnus!!! It's bed time already and you ate everything on your plate.. | am worried about your morning sickness by now and you are asking for ice cream... nol! .... No Ice creams for you" | said, | know he will be upset but it's already too much for him... he will definitely throw half of it before he sleep..

He looked at me annoyingly... and took his plate to the wash bin and walked away without looking back ... “alec!!! You can say that in a better way.. He felt really awkward and embarrassed" mom said to me "I know mom... but he is the one going to suffer.. You don't know how much he suffers from cramps and heart burns.. | make myself small like a worm...this pain | can't even share from him, | can feel that pain in his face.. It's just that |! am worried... | am sorry...” | said , rubbing my face...

"i get it alec but emotions were at peak in this time. If you say one mean word that's enough for him to get mad at you... pregnancy is like

that he craves for something and the moment you buy that, he will omit it... craving changes

more often... if you are done with your dinner.. Then go and talk to him..." she said pointing to

the fridge..

| learned to kiss madzie "good night sweet pea..” . Madzie giggled at me and kissed him

on my cheeks.. "| am sleeping with Nana today... go and convince that alligator" she said with a cute smile... mom laughed at her words...

| took the ice cream tubs from the fridge and walked towards my bedroom... it's not as big as our present one but it is more than enough for us.. It's our old family house which has lots of room but in a limited size for two... | saw him standing nearer the photo stand and he kept staring at each and every photo of me.. It's from my childhood to 17 years... he is too involved in exploring each and every pics...’do | look that sexy

in those photos??" | asked while standing next to him... he moved away a little and

| know where it’s going.. | pulled him back in my arms.. "Sometimes you forget that you have no rights to stay away from me

"| whispered, leaning next to his ear... he pushed me away with an annoying face...

| chuckled and | pushed the tub towards his hand, he ignored it and continued with the pics.."magnus!!!! | am sorry... | was telling you for your goodness not for me!!" | said and pushed that tub towards him again... "I am full!!" That's all he can reply... | rolled my eyes and opened that tub. | took a spoon full of blueberry ice-cream and offered it in front of his mouth.. He pushed my hands away.. "| don't like that smell" he said and moved away.. | thought he was pretending and it was all my fault. | force fed him and as a result he regurgitated on my t-shirt and next second he pushed me away and ran towards the wash bin.. He threw everything out literally everything he ate earlier...

| ran behind him and held his head... once he was done he washed his mouth,he saw me through the mirror but | didn't have that courage to face him, so | looked away... "ewww... remove your shirt... | regorge on your shirt..take it off" he unbuttoned fast and took my shirt in less than a minute... | was Staring at him like | am seeing him for the first time..

| took that shirt from his hand and throwed away...| pulled him closer and leaned my forehead on him... "1am sorry!! | didn't mean to..” before | could finish...

" it's okay.. You were helping me... | was struggling with breathing because | ate till my neck, so | have this feeling that | am gonna burst... | tried to relax that what | was doing when you approached me.. You ease my suffering.. So thank you” he giggled... | looked at him with a smile...

"at least you should have told me that you don't like that smell" | asked, running my finger in his cheeks... "I did!!! Didn't 12?" he said, raising his eyebrows...then | remembered the way he pushed my hands away and saying he doesn't like that... | closed my eyes.. "| am sorry.." | said and leaned to kiss him but he stopped me before my lips touched him... "what???" J asked... "ummm... | just did" he pointed at the wash bin... "do you think i care" | said and pressed my lips on him... it not even took a minute for us to get high but we both felt tired because it's a long day... | took him to bed.. He struggled to sleep... he was rolling from right to left and left to right.. "hey!! What happened.??" | asked, pulling his hair a little back to make him Lean on my chest.... "My back hurts!!!" he said, leaning on my chest and snuggling even close... "We traveled too long today and you didn't take a nap for the whole day... turn around and hug me..." | said and let him free to turn around,.... He held my neck and snuggled on my crook.. | pull him even closer by his waist and yes there is a little bulge restricting us from completely collapsing on each other... | chuckled and Magnus patted my shoulder..

| started to kneed his lumbar region, right

on the depression little above his ass... | massaged using my thumb and middle finger... "You are getting hard" he laughed, biting my neck... "you can't blame me for

that so...shut up and sleep" said, nudging

his head a little.. Less than 5 minutes I hear

a snore.. | laughed and hugged him tight...

| hear a growling sound in the middle of the night and | can smell a beta... but my mom

is omega.. How could |??? | let Magnus go from my arms and secured him with a pillow on the sides... | move the curtain in the window to see 3 wolves standing in front of the lane facing our room..

"I am not surprised" | mumbled to myself... | walked towards the door and before | could leave | locked the door.. | can't trust my omega..if there is a fight scene , He will run into the middle of the fight without thinking about him and kitty ... so it's better locked.. Then | locked the front door.. So madzie and mom could also be safe...

"hello neighbors!!!" | said and locked the main door outside... Those 3 wolves are roaring like a lion... "can we talk??" | asked them to roar again..." okay | get it no talking!!! Then let's get into action" | said and stepped forward.. And | saw 2 more wolves joining them.."| am really trying hard to get my anger issues in control.

It looks like you all don't want me to change!!!" | said and saw 2 on my left and 2on my right..." Are you kidding me???"

| asked... "okay let's start iam not much into talking"

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