Chapter 66

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In the prison

Mikel :It's all because of you idiot... ARGHHHH... (he shouted at Victor)

Victor :It’s not my fault either...if it's not that Isabell, then | will finish that baby in a second..

Mikel :in your dreams!!! Do you think that omega is that stupid... Can you see this scar on my neck (he says pointing the bite mark) he took a part of flesh, this is the bite of that omega you are talking about... he is insane.. Even if it's not izzy he will take you down.. He is patient because of the baby he is carrying...

Victor :ls that magnus bite.. Then why did he not take you in your garage itself.

Mikel :So eager!??? | drugged him man!!! have no idea how tempting it is to see Magnus weak... he is weak when he is pregnant and | drugged him so he is not in right mind to find what's happening and he can't even stand... | just want to make him like that again...

Victor looked at him in disbelief and all his past was coming like a flash in his mind...

Mikel :You have a better chance than me but you are useless... if | was you | would never leave Alec half bleeding in that car.. | will definitely make sure he is dead... if you did that then the omega is alone he will definitely become more and More weak so you can make him crawl back on your feet again . You missed all the good chances you got.. Idiot!!! idiot.. (He shout at Victor)

Victor didn't say anything he is just confused, he is not sure what he did for magnus and alec was right or wrong but the power of alpha inside him was stopping him from thinking straight

Mikel :look!!! We will find a way and we will escape before that let them live happily for sometime so they can forget about us and walk in the streets casually.. If you keep on probing them they will find a way and finish our case in any other way.. Or else that Alec, he is such a mad wolf, he will break the jail and shoot us straight in our head or rip our head from our body , he won't think twice to do that.. So stay put for now.. We will take magnus back at the right time

MAGNUS POV | ran to open the door when | heard the doorbell... | know it's around 7 pm and that was my call

once | open the door my man smiled wide and leaned

for a kiss but | pushed him back, he look at me confusingly and looked behind me to find izzy, jace, Simon, clary and madzie were sitting on the dining table

"family dinner!!! everyone is here" | mouthed to him but he mouthed something on return, he closed his eyes and shook his head... "Come on big brother, let's have dinner together.. It's been a long time, " Izzy asked him to join... "| need a shower izzy... | will

be back” he said and kissed her forehead... "Fast buddy” Simon said, stuffing mouth full of food... Alec chuckled and kissed madzies cheeks,'How was my princess day??" he

get return kiss in no time like 10 kisses in a minute “all good dada... you look tired.. Take shower and come fast" she said, rubbing Alec's nose with her nose .

"| will make it quick..." he said and

dragged me along with him towards the bedroom...’what????.... Where???" | asked and looked at him.. "you heard me right!!!

| want to take shower" he said and kept walking but stopped by izzy.." if you take him with you. you won't come out of your bedroom that soon, so go and take shower on your own.. You're not madzie" she teased alec.. | know he is gonna get mad but | can't help it. | was feeding madzie so | can't join right now..

He looked at me questioningly... | didn't

say anything so he left .... After sometime he came back from the Bedroom, | could smell him, he was unique in his own way like earth, sandalwood, and some of his collagen.. He sat next to me.. | was feeding madzie who is sitting at the dining table by now.. He looked at the plate and his gaze shift to me like’ | am not gonna feed or what' "mmmm... you can eat by yourself for one day.. He is feeding her.. So eat by yourself “Jace said sarcastically... Alec rolled his eyes in return... he looked at me again, | gave an apologetical look at him , madzie took alec's plate and started to feed him,| didn't say that she fed properly but there is so much of love in it.. | can see alec's smile is back in his face... but he is not looking into my eyes.. | know I pissed him today... Izzy saw Alec and Madzie, she smiled

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