Chapter 64

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When | woke up from bed I couldn't see magnus.. | know he might be in a madzies room but my eyes keep on searching for him all over the room and bathroom..i landed on the floor slowly, it's cold when my feet touched the floor, and my legs were already numb

but | felt less pain... very less..somehow | can walk without support.. Madzie is just next to my room.. | saw Magnus giving her tablets and she was taking it with the same facial expressions like Magnus, when he took his supplements.. | smiled to myself on looking at madzies face and remembering magnus face

Madzie saw me coming but | gestured to her to not react.. | slowly walked towards Magnus and bit his neck from behind, he jumped from the bed all cursing and screaming... | saw madzie laughing hard by holding her stomach and her sutured neck.. | laughed looking at magnus... his reaction changed when he saw me walking all alone..

"you are healed" he smiled at me.. "yes!!! You want me to prove?” | took a step forward with a grin... he took a step backward,giving death glare on me,'no thanks!!! our daughter is here" he said and made me sit on the couch, he pulled the teapoy in front of my leg to keep my healing leg a little uplifted for better blood circulation.. “ Breakfast???" he asked and took a tray full of food... "yes!!! Did you eat anything??" | asked him... "yes" he smiled and “only a piece of garlic bread" madzie said and


| looked at him by tilting my head.. "how many times | have to tell you that don't eat dry food in the morning, at least eat some egg or drink some fresh juice with it" | said.. "Il am full Alexander!!! Whatever it is | will take after an hour" he said and |

Starts to feed me.. | shook my head... When | was done he went to the washroom... "hey!!! Sweetie... did you papa sleep well..??" | asked like a whisper

"No, from early morning he is with me.. We

are reading stories..." she said like a whisper imitating me.. "very good.. He is with me till midnight..’i said 'so he didn't sleep, not even for an hour’ | thought to myself...he came back and sat next to me on the couch..

.. | moved a little closer to him and | rubbed my shoulder on his , playfully to get some friction and moved up and down, gesturing to him to lean on my shoulder .. He laughed at me and hit my shoulder playfully.. He leaned

on my shoulder, | adjusted myself for his comfy.. | run my fingers on his hair by wrapping and holding his face with my arms.. | can sense he is drifting into sleep,

| heard a little snore, madzie giggled on seeing magnus snuggling like a kitten.. | kissed his head...

"hey big brother how are you!???" on asking that, izzy enters the room.. But she suddenly reduced her voice when she saw Magnus sleeping on me.. And | saw Simon walking behind her,mouthing something to madzie.. She giggled In return and opened her arms for izzy..

"Magnus didn't sleep well so.." | said and smiled at izzy... "| know he will do that... That's why | asked him that | will stay with madzie last night.but your wolfy denied

my offer" she said looking at sleeping magnus.’so stubborn uhhh" Simon said.... “okay alec!!! About the bug... it was activated long ago, like nearly 8 months back... and

a lot of signals were transferred, the data

he got through the bug is too much.. And the problem with this transmitter is you can also detect the location.. He can even hear our whispers but from some particular distance not more than 10 feet ... the details are shared until the x-ray hits madzie neck and frequency is too much. The bug lost its function but still it can work. | recreated it, maybe we can use it in the future .. | have it at home... "Simon said to me..” thank you si’i said and looked at madzie who was talking about the story that magnus and she read an hour ago...

"soll! When are you planned to say all

these things to me??" a Stern voice hit

me from the doorway.. | know who it is, | close my eyes but | know u can't escape just like that... we all laughed when magus jumps from the couch because of mom's voice calling as "Maryse!!! "... Even my mom laughed at him... “continue your

sleep sweetheart, | didn't notice you were sleeping.."she said looking at magnus lovingly.. And her reaction changes to warning mode when her gaze shifts from magnus to me...

And her reaction changes to warning mode when her gaze shifts from magnus to me...| gave a look like" | can explain!!! " Izzy and Simon giggled and left the room.. Izzy took madzie out by taking her in her arms to get some fresh air.." it's victor!!! "magnus said.." who is this victor now??? "she asked to us.. Magnus explains everything to mom..."psycho!!" she said rolling her eyes.. "I think we should deal them in better way!!! Should | call Raphael??" mom asked to me... that's the last thing | want to try.. "nol!!! Mom.. Let him be happy at least once with his sister.. She is the last one left for him as a family" | said and continued "don't drag him into this... we will face it together" | said holding magnus by his side..she shook her head "if you say sollllf the situation is out of control | am gonna call Raphael " she said... | nodded in return with a smile .. "what about luke, can't you talk to him??" | asked with a smirk.. "I know that look we were just dating nothing serious” she said struggling not to blush.. "if you say so!!" | said and magnus smiled on both of us...

"take care of magnus and madzie.. Don't try your stunts again on the roads !!" she said and left.... "who is Raphael???"Magnus asked me, adjusting his position on the couch to face me..." mmmm... in one word a ‘corrupted cop’ "| said and laughed at him.." | didn't get it "he said looking at me confusingly.. | held his hand "if the situation is out of control or if he felt something

was wrong... he won't wait for orders and Warrants and all, he just shot straight on head and closed the case as an encounter... the person who follows heart and mind not rules and regulations" | said clearly... | saw a smile spreading on Magnus’ face.. "iam impressed, | like him already" he said and my alpha cursing me aiready.. | moved a little closer and held his neck... “more than me" | asked him if it's clear the alpha inside me was getting jealous.. At Least | thought | could blame my alpha instead of me right!!! "jealous???" he laughed at me... | tightened the grip around his neck and pulled him closer.. He looked at my eyes and lips back  and forth

"answer my question wolfy.. Do you like that character more than you like me" | asked, breathing close to his lips... "nol!!!" he said and brush his lips on mine.. | didn't wait for a second to smooch him, | took his lips and started to kiss him senseless... he giggled and pulled a little back to tease me but | pulled him closer by his neck.. He buried his fingers in my hair and started to pull it back little by little.. | know we were losing control.. But he needs to rest for sometime.. So i make him lean on my chest, he hug me tight by wrapping his hand around my body, | ran my fingers on his hair again so he can sleep little long

2 days later

We were back to home.. It's been hell of

4 days for magnus more than for me and madzie,... He keep on walking from my room to a madzies, he didn't sleep well... being in medicine smell make him more sick, he threw more often, he fainted nearly twice a day, he didn't eat well, his legs are little swollen because of the coldness and improper sleeping position.. He need more rest for 2 days then we do

We left madzie in her room... it's almost 7pm.. | sat on the couch leaning my back.. Magnus came back from madzies room... "hey do you need to shower?? Tell me quickly so | can arrange for you a warm tube.. It will be nice" he said walking towards the bedroom, he stood nearer

the table taking something in his hand .. | walk behind him and pull him by his waist.. | kissed his neck from behind and he threw his head back on my shoulder.. His humming sounds like a melody to me.. | chuckled and then | noticed that he was holding his tablets in his hand... | loosen my grip on him... "take it.." | said and he smiled at me.. He took all in one gulp and gave a weird expression he always Used to give.. | pressed my lips on him and he giggled in between kissing... he deepened the kiss and suddenly bit my lower lips... | think he remembered something’! forgot to give tablets to madzie wait.. | will be back "he said and rushed out..." slow down wolfy "| shook my head | know he is not gonna listen

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