Chapter 11

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stranger POV

" I can smell him he is here , he is safe ..damn !!! . " I said like whisper , then why don't we break in?  "the other person whispers back..I knock his head "how stupid are you can't you smell it... There are more alphas and betas there, I can clearly smell one alpha with a strong scent, I have no idea who is that ?? But if it's the person I am searching for , then we are lucky" I said back ... the other one just look at me in horror .. "I just want to see that Magnus once, to bring his dark days back to his memory "I laugh at the person next to me

Magnus POV

I was sitting and staring at the woods from the terrace, I hear some familiar voice calling for me "Magnus !!  " .. it's Izzy .. " hey "  I greet her back..."can we talk for some time...just like a chit-chat" she asked me in a really pretty way, I can't deny that face...I waved with a little smile on my lips.  "How do you know Clary ??"  Izzy ask me .."  I know her since childhood her father was a bad one and her mother live hidden from Clary's father, they are my neighbors they live right next to my house, we used to play together and then we grow together, Clary's mom and Luke love each other so they got married and Clary officially become lukes step daughter and then one day, valentine... I mean Clary's father find them and kill Jocelyn..since then Luke taking care of Clary , we used to party .more often to reduce my loneliness because I thought my father left me because i am an Omega " I said to Izzy still looking on the woods " Then how did you meet Mikel ?? if you feel uncomfortable , You don't have to answer me ?? " Izzy assured me with concern look ... " No I'm fine !!!  I was learning Martial arts and Clary was going to arts and painting classes... we used to party at the same pandemonium every weekend, I saw this little girl every week Madzie... She used to be with me the whole time and then when we leave , she wants me to take her with me , ..... I asked her so many times who are you coming with ??  why are you alone with me???  But she won't talk another word, she used to say 'take me with you .. Or leave this place soon... when I saw Madzie she is what 2 and half years old .... But one day I saw this man with Madzie I thought he is her father..he smiled at me , so I return it back ..then it's happen every weekend I saw this man with Madzie he is nice and very caring with me too ... oneday he said " Madzie is waiting outside for you she is feeling sick ... so I came to the vehicle parked outside ..that's all I know " I said this long boring story to her but she listen every single details of it ... that's strange I thought .. mean I thought nobody ready to lesson anyone shit but she seems to be different .. Again I shift my gaze to the Woods , to change the atmosphere, Izzy ask me " what are you looking at woods "... " I saw something .. So i'm looking for what it is ?? " said back .... She laughed at me and said " that's Alec !!!  It's Sunday, he is free from work so he is roaming around the woods..." "I  do love to run in woods but I can't shift now" I said with little sadness but my eye widen when the wolf from woods ran towards the house those eye was brown not like Alexander's red eyes and disappeared into the wooden store room next to this big house... Izzy can sense the confusion in my face " it's Alec, his eyes can take 2 colors in wolf form,it depends" she clears my confusion.  " Hooo .. I thought it's someone else"  I said back but my Omega seems more curious to know about Alec ... thanks to Izzy she get my mind " Magnus !!!  Alec is stubborn one among all of us, family is always first for him, he never felt this close to anyone other then you, this is strange for us too, we never see Alec this vulnerable, he is totally transparent around you, I get it you have been through so much, but for Alec nothing matters, he cares for you, I saw him crying for the first time when you push him away, I don't know what you are thinking about him and why are you pushing him away... But remember one thing, no point in pretending that you don't want anyone to take care of you, even if you push him away he will be running back to you that's the thing you can't change"  she said holding my hands

"I think he likes you, just give him a chance, he won't push you through any physical relationship until you feel comfortable with him or untill you say so, just talk to him, you want to Cry, fight, shout , laugh whatever it is just share with him .. He is waiting for you everyday and night .. I know it's hard for you but you have give him a chance and let him show how much you mean to him..I  think you can understand " she said with so much of pain in her voice .. I can see her pleading love towards her brother .... I just nodded she hugs me .. ... After sometimes I hear a knock in the door .. " busy ? ?? " Alec asked me and Izzy shook our heads as no ..." Magnus !!!  How about we go hunting as we planned, tonight??  " He asked us rubbing his palm together .. " What about Madzie then ?  " I ask him back .. " ask mom to take care of Madzie for one day" he said in return .. " then I am okay with it"  I said confidently .. " I already talk to jace , simon and Clary ... and ask luke for backup incase we want!!!!  " he said ... me and Izzy nodded as yes .... " Are you sure he will come for you Magnus " Izzy asked looking at me "  if my intuition is correct he must be watching me from somewhere nearer right now !!!  I can feel that," I said looking back at the street covered by bushes and trees and a jeep parked at a distance on the other end of the road... Alec push me aside and stand in front of me to take a look on that jeep "it's empty by now but there is gun, chains, locks cuffs and metal rods are there inside the car," he said... yes !!!  as a wolf his sight of him was way more clear then mine.  .."then get ready for tonight we have a visitors" he said and left the room.


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