Chapter 58

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I woke up with a groan because I am not used to sleeping in my wolf form , it's been long ... in the past some days I act like a mad wolf and I refuse to shift to my human form , even if it's for 2 or 3 days I stay in my wolf form .. I have had some anger issues before but after magnus I had everything under control .. My anger issues have gone far away ... Magnus snuggles even closer to me ... I rub my nose on his cheeks , he opens his eyes to see my face ... he laughed when he saw me lying in the same position since last night . Because this kitten sleeps like a person in coma .. He took my arms as a hostage and he moved away and lay on his pillow ... I stretch myself but this bed is too small for my wolf form .... if I stretch , it's not comfortable for me . " Are you okay ?? " he asked , rubbing my head ... I nodded in return .. " shift !! I want a cuddle , " he said , holding my ears ... I rubbed his chest with my face ... he laughed at me " okay .. I get it , wait I will put on some clothes " he said and walked to the closet .. I jump from the bed to the middle of the bedroom ... so I can shift comfortably..the moment I shift .. Magnus threw a boxer at me ... " do you really want me to wear this " I asked him while catching the boxer with a grin on my face ... He laid on the bed and gestured to me to join him .. I laid next to him and I placed a little kiss on his cheeks . I was spooning him like a bigger spoon .. " Did you eat anything at the party ... I mean you took the drink from me .. And gulped it .... That's all I saw ... Did you eat anything else after that ??? " he asked me .. " yes !!! I ate some food but everyone in the party ate the same food .. So it's definitely not the food ... it must be the drink ... " I said ... " I know something is wrong with him .. He is perfect !! " he said..i raised my eyebrows and bit his shoulder in return ... he giggled " hey !!! I didn't mean it in that way .. Too much perfection is not good , that's where I found him suspicious ... and Victor introduced himself to me .. " he said pulling me closer ... " Victor ??? Is that his name ??? " I asked him .... " yes .. Did you know him ?? Maybe he spiked that drink " he said and turned to face me .
He continued " Alexander !!! Actually he gave that to me..what would happen if I drank that ??? " he said with total horror in his face .. " maybe you will get your heat Magnus .. Yes ... I felt like you're already in heat .. I couldn't control my urge to mate you . I didn't feel like that before , not even in my rut .. It's something different Magnus " i said .. " what ??? I am pregnant , how could I get my heat ?? .. " he asked with doubt ... " you can .. If there is a suppressor then there should be an inducer too .. There is some medicines which can push you to the heat manually and lead to abortion .. " I said thinking how dangerous it is ... " Thank God you took that drink from me .. If I drank that .. I can't even shift to control myself and I will definitely do something wrong , I can't imagine what would happen to our baby " he said , holding me tight by my neck .. " relax kitten..I know if either one of us takes the drink the result will be the sam e .... i won't let that happen ... someone knows each and every detail of us .. It's like they are getting regular updates about us .. They know we restricted ourself from intimacy .. So they try to destroy our baby without evidence , like in a natural way ... I'd rather die than do that to you both " I said caressing his tummy .... " shut up . " He said and snuggled Close to me .. " where is my morning kiss ?? " I asked him , to change his mood .. He pressed his lips on mine and everything felt good . All the negative vibes are taking vacation ... " say I love you " I asked him while breaking the kiss ... " I will tell if I feel like that " he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes at him ++++++ I was getting ready for work .. I Saw magnus was nervous but he is madzie's room now .... getting her ready for her school .. I saw him coming inside the room , he smiled at me and I saw him through the mirror .. I can see he is faking his smile ... I walk towards him and hug him from behind ... " someone looks upset..magnus !!!!! don't think about anything , we will figure it out and face together .. " I said kissing his neck he breathed heavily . I slipped my hand under his shirt while sucking his neck . He gasped and moved a little

" mmmm ... it's like the drink is still working " he said sarcastically .. " no !!! But trust me , whatever it is , oneday we will try that after delivery ... what I felt was hell of power and stamina .. " I said to change his mood .. He chuckled , patted my head and his smile again faded away ... " What ! ???? " I asked him by turning him to face me .... he hesitated at first .. " alec !!! I felt something was not good today !! Can you ....... can you stay with me today ... one day pls .. " he said with pleading eyes ... " magnus !!! Nothing gonna happen .. You are stressing yourself ... relax " I said , placing pecks on his lips ... he smiled a little ... " one day pls " he asked me again .. " okay ... come with me to the hospital today .. Stay in my room , study or do some work , take rest , we will get back home once I finish my work " I said .. " no !!! madzies school bus will be here at any time .. I have to be here ... you take care of yourself and ca ll me when you reach the hospital " he said disappointedly I can see that clearly in his face .. " magus !!! I need to take a blood test today .. We have to know what is in that drink..traces in my blood will leave within 24 hrs ... and ..... If I get that feeling again I will call you before reaching here .. You better be naked at that time " I said with a smirk ... he shook his head and slapped me in my cheeks playfully .. " It's not about that ... just leave it . I don't want to spoil your mood .. " he said and kissed me .. I felt something different in that kiss today like he is not ready to let me go .. Throughout the way .. I was thinking the same .. It's not a good sign for me today but I don't want to bother Magnus even more ... I was driving as slow as possible after what Magnus said to me .. I don't want to take any risk ... i saw a van from the distance he drove straight to my car .. I turned to the left but he took the same direction straight to my car .... " shit !!!! Now who was that ??? Victor ???? " | tried to press the brakes but the wire was already broken and I smelled a different scent in my car ... the next minute I knew it was right in front of me ... I turned a little and hit the tree ... I groan in pain ... My leg struck under the seat .. I know it's bleeding already

. I couldn't take it hand hit hard on the broken branches of the tree that was peeping through the window of my car right now and the broken glasses from the mirror were all over my body ... AFTER AN HOUR MAGNUS POV It's been an hour since he didn't call me ... I took my mobile and called him ... " hey !!! Are you okay .. Where have you been ? .. I asked you to call me once you reach ? you know I am worried then why are you doing this ? ... " I said and I know I am freaking out ... " relax Magnus !! I am fine .. I was a little busy " he said with a smile .. " I am sorry I was worried " I said , rubbing my forehead .. " I am fine .. Don't stress too much . Take care of madzie ... " he said " mmmm .... I will look after her " I said and was about to cut the call ...... But I heard his voice " Hey !!! ....... I love you " he said and smile On the other end of the phone ... I don't want to say that in return but it's not the right time to play with him .. Still I felt something was w rong with him ... " love you too Alexander !!! " I said and ended the call .. TBC

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