Chapter 72

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It's early in the morning, | looked at the clock in the night stand next to me, it's 5am .. My puppy is sleeping peacefully by snuggling on my nape, he is spooning me like he is a bigger spoon... | am getting some uncomfortable feelings in my stomach and my lower limb but it's not about our love making last night, we went rough but this doesn't feel like something because of that.. It's totally different, | don't want to wake him up.. | took his hand from

my stomach and stood on my feet.. | am in an urge to pee.. | went to the bathroom . | took some time but it's not helping my discomfort, it's getting more and more obvious.. | walked Back to bed and lay next to him..

He wrapped his hand around my stomach, he snuggled on my neck.. | smiled while rubbing his messy hair.. “are you alright??” he asked, kissing my neck.. "yes | am fine!! Sleep" | said and he raises his head, he looks at me suspiciously. "what???" | asked..

“are you getting your cramps??" he asked, rubbing my stomach in circular motion and hell yeah that feels good... "no!!! | don't know what it is.. But it's like.." | try to pick a right word

but my alpha was quick.. "kind of discomforts and burning like sensation??" he asked and | thought God he is genius.. | nodded in return.. "did you drink enough water yesterday???" he asked still rubbing my stomach.. ‘pls don't stop | thought to myself .. "yes.. | think so!!" I said plainly.

"you think so??? How many liters 7?" he asked, biting my neck. It's not romantic, it's a real

bite .. “did i need to count.?" | asked him and he rolled his eyes.. He let me go and stand on his feet, he put his boxers and sweatpants,

he walk towards to the kitchen and came back with a bottle full of water not cold or

not hot.. It's just plain water... he handed the bottles to me and ask me to drink as much as possible.. | looked at him questioningly.. "You are dehydrated because of insufficient water intake and because of our activities too..So try to finish that bottle" he said and sat opposite to me on the chair... | barely completed that made my stomach throw up.

He kept on rubbing my feet....i moved my legs away but he rolled his eyes annoyingly and pulled it back.. He took my legs on his Lap and starts to scrub.. It's tickling but | felt better, so | smiled at him ...

“mmm!!! Come here and sit down on the floor" he said standing on the terrace... | tried to dress up.. "no!!! Just wrap a towel around your waist.. Anyways you are going to take a bath" he said and |

| sat on the floor by folding my legs... he took a bottle from the cupboard and he walked towards me by shaking the bottle... he took some oil in his hand and placed it straight on my head... I felt a chill all over my body both inside and out...1 smiled when | felt that discomfort sensation fading away... he started to give a gentle massage.. | hummed in pleasure because those hands were magically.

Alec leaned in Front of me to take a look.. | can hear his laughter... | slapped his thighs “don't stop" | said and lost in pleasure.. " why do you always say ‘don't stop’... Are you that addicted to me.. | mean my hand" he asked sarcastically.. | know what he means "pecause your hands feel like heaven" | said as a compliment...

he Leaned towards my ear "only my hands??" he asked, biting my ear Jobe a I little...1 moaned loudly that's the last thing |

did before drifting into sleep but Alec woke

me up in a minute.. "God!!! Why the hell do

| fall in love with you!!" | said sleepily as

well as annoyingly... he laughed at me "ask yourself!!!” He dragged me to the bathroom..

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