Chapter 94

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❣️Chapter 94 ❣️


"shit!!!!" I groaned in pain,  holding my stomach… Alec tried to stand on his feet.. But he couldn't .. He hit his fist on the ground in frustration, he was howling loud that any alpha nearer could hear his sound  … I saw him,he is trying again and again… he growls in anger.. "alec!!! Don't.!!! . I can take it" I said holding my stomach 


"oh my God ….. Magnus!!!" Izzy and Clary supported me and took me to the vehicle where Victor was handcuffed…… Raphael helped Alec to stand on his feet… but Alec pushed him to help us.. "go and help them… I will be there" he shouted 


The moment I saw Magnus fluid got broken.. I tried a lot to support him and take him in my arms but I Couldn't.. I sent Raphael to start the vehicle .. I took the stone again and let myself bleed, to trigger my energy … I walked really unsteady towards the vehicle.. Raphael saw me and pushed me inside the vehicle, I saw Izzy holding his hand… and clary rubbing his feet… I sat next to his head and took him in my lap… raphael locked Victor to the handle rod.. And he started to drive the vehicle to the hospital… throughout the way Victor stared at how much Magnus was  screaming.. 

I saw his face, he was growling loudly.i called for catarina and asked her to arrange for magnus… I ended the call…

 I don't know what to say.. he is screaming like there is no tomorrow… "Magnus hold on… we are close…" I managed  to say..I felt dizzy then and now… he kept screaming and shouting in pain…"alec I can't…" he said shaking his head vigorously .. I know it's a  fluctuating pain…. He took a breath and started to relax for 2 minutes and then he started to scream again the next few minutes .. I gave my hands to bite.. He looked at me pleadingly…"it's okay!! bite"i said and kissed his forehead.. He took a bite. Now I can feel how Painful it is… … "Raphael fast" I shouted in anger and pain …. Which makes Izzy and Clary look at me in total horror… "where is this energy coming from?" Victor murmured.. "Shut up.. You want to die??" clary asked angrily.. 

Once we reached the hospital… we pulled magnus out of the vehicle in the stretcher ..Jace and Simon were already there … "what are you doing here??" Izzy asked… "Mikel and a few of them came this way so we are searching for them, what happened to magnus..??" Jace asked… "It's time for Max, '' Clary said with a limited smile on her face… Jace nodded and held Magnus' hand…" we will never let him touch you or max… I can promise you that…this is our fight now''Jace said… 

" He is there!! "Raphael said, looking at the empty road.. Where Mikel is standing all alone in the darkness with one street light on the empty road.… I can feel his fuming rage building inside him…'' I'll take him.. You all go with Magnus "I said , pushing  Jace and Simon into the hospital…" but alec you can't shift… "Jace said..

"jace!!! you said a few of them are still alive .. They may come for magnus.. Save him.. Protect him… go "I said and pushed everyone inside the hospital …." no…. "Magnus shouted on the way…I ran  towards him and I took his hand …" Magnus look!!! before  Max stepped into this earth. I want him dead .. I will finish this first… "I said, holding his cheeks .." no!! Don't go… I want you to be with me . Please, "he said in between crying and cursing …" I promise I won't die… . "I said and kissed his forehead…he slapped me, I chuckled and I kissed him again…. he took something from his pants pocket, it's the same syringe I caught in the lawn before I was attacked…

" I took  this from our lawn…he said that it's highly concentrated.. Ahh…(he shouted holding his stomach, I held his hands even tight ) .. You're a doctor.. You know how to use it in the right way…" he said , groaning…. I looked at him in disbelief… "Did you really save it for the moment??" I asked in disbelief, he nodded in return .. "make it a fair fight…" he said and pulled me closer by my neck, he kissed me hard.. I held his neck tight… "and please come Back to me … I am not done with you.." he said before Izzy and clary pushed him in ….. "Alec, he is bleeding.. I will take him in ''Izzy said and dragged Jace and Simon with her…. 

I locked the front door of the hospital… i lean on the door…" take him to the prison "i said pointing Victor.. Raphael saw me in surprise.." I can sense the connection you had with him.. He is your mate right? … just take him.. Or else i Will kill him too.. "I said coughing once…" but alec you need someone by your side… "Raphael said…" Raphael… go…there is some pending business between me and mikel… if you don't take him to the prison, definitely Mikel will Kill Victor .. Just go!!! fast.. "I said… 

 Before He ran towards the vehicle.. He took a stone from the street and threw it straight in the CCTV cameras out there on the streets …" I know how it's gonna end… if you gonna hunt him.. Do it without evidence "Raphael said directly and started the vehicle.." I will be back soon…"he said and I nodded.. One he left.. I saw Mikel watching everything with a sarcastic smile.. 

 He kept walking towards me.." alec!!!alec!!! Alec… Are you a phoenix??? Why are you not dying at all man .. "he asked, folding his shirt sleeves… I took a deep breath… 

" why are you not giving up this magnus … he is just an omega.. Can't you see .. He wasn't worth your fights and sufferings "he said while taking  a rusted metal rod in his hand and started spinning it towards me.. I Shook my head to clear my vision mention my vision is a little bit clear now ." 5 of them are inside the hospital to kill your max in the womb itself… "he laughed and I am not surprised that's why I sent Jace and Simon inside… I don't want to be lethargic anymore… 

He raised the rod against my head.. But I held his hand… I started to twist his hand, he was standing close to me… he was groaning in pain and dropped the rod down. I know he is gonna shift to his wolf from… his Eyes changes color… before he could shift completely, I punched the syringe directly on his carotid vein on his neck…"I have been waiting for this moment" I said laughing at him in anger … it's only 2 ml but it's highly concentrated.. I don't deny I am full of wolfsbane now…but my body is used to it by now… my kitten helped me with this plan… 

Mikel  screamed holding his neck… "what the hell you did? you stupid alpha " he shouted… I laughed at him again "First of all I am a human and then a doctor And then an alpha… I know how to make it quick.." I said and took the rod in my hand.. "my man wants to make it as a fair fight" I said and tilted his head… I make myself stable by balancing the rod straight on the ground.. 

"you said magnus wasn't worth it right? .. Then why the hell do you need him and why the hell you are haunting him ?" I hit him with the same rod…he screamed loud… "what you said?huh???Just an omega.??now you know what that omega is capable of" I hit him again on his leg…he cried in pain… "magnus was worth everything in this World you son of ******..." I hit his head with a rod… he struggled to breath, he relieved himself from my grip And fell on the ground.. 

I heard Magnus screaming my name repeatedly… I hold my emotions to end this for first and last.. I don't want him to take advantage of my vulnerable side…" what is that??" he screamed holding his neck and tried to shift but he couldn't… I threw the syringe on his face.. "how dumb!!! it's a wolfsbane sweetheart!!!… highly concentrated, freshly prepared by you  …" I hit him again on his stomach…

 "ahhh…leave me " he groaned in pain… "this is how my magnus cried and  suffered every time you  drugged him and beat him to death.. Did you ever listen to him.. Then why should I" I hit him again…. I can feel my dark side getting over me.. I am not gonna hold it now.. I let it out 

"alec!!!!" I heard Magnus' voice and I can sense he is getting close.. I was distracted for a second. He kicked me down… but I balanced myself on the lamppost.. I took a rod again in my hand and hit him again.. I missed him, he kicked my shoulder straight in the cut wound I groaned in pain.. But on hearing Magnus' voice I stood again on my feet taking the support of the rod.I hit him again straight on his stomach  He fell on the ground.. I can also hear Simon and Jace fighting with others.. 

I placed my feet on his neck. I choked him by pressing his neck…"we are alpha!!!! We should stand together" he blabbered holding my legs , he was bleeding everywhere… "before looking for omega, beta or alpha in your 2nd genders … look everyone as a human.. Everyone is equal here.. I can't give birth, you can't either.. If someone does that, you should praise them instead of  using them like trash or sextoy.. They are not baby making machines '' I said, raising the rod and landing it  straight on his groin … "I hear magnus shouting and screaming his lungs out…" I was about to lose my balance but Raphael came at the right time and took me in his arms… "go.. I will Clean this.. He needs you now" he said.. ❣️TBC ❣️ 

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