Chapter 68

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| woke up with a snoring sound which | could hear a little loud this morning . Yes he is snoring next to my ear.. Wait!!! Actually | am sleeping on him... | buried my face in his neck so it's clear the snore is piercing my ear drums... | lifted myself up and saw the most beautiful view. His eyes are closed with long lashes visible like a peacock feather, and his lips parted a little to make some way for his loud snoring and his hair is falling all over his forehead.... | rested my head with my hand supported by my elbow on the bed...

| ran my index finger on his face from forehead, when | trace the arch of his eyebrows he frown.. | hold my laughter, | trace my finger down to his nose plane, and my favorite nose dimple, | trace down to his lips and draw the outline of it... he moves his facial muscles, | know | am disturbing... But | can't stop | trace down to his neck and collar bone, | ran my fingers down to his chest and sides.. He moves uncomfortably on sleep.. | am not in a position to show mercy.. | trace down on his abs like | count 1,2 and so on and let my fingers disappear under the golden silk blanket.. Which is covering his lower body.. The moment | touch his v line he took my hands and pinned me to the bed.... | laughed loud.. "looks like someone want round 3!!!"

he said and started to tickle... "no!!" | laughed and kicked him with my leg... he laughed at me and leaned to kiss me... | took him before he pressed his lips on mine ... he smiled through kissing.. "Good morning" | Said resting my forehead on him... “good morning.” He rubbed his forehead on mine and took a bite on my nose tip... he let my hands go... so | can caress his back or shoulder.he loves the way | touch when we share a kiss...

He pressed his lips again and | took it within a second... there is no rushing, we took it slow like a morning Jazzy kiss.. | ran my hand on his back and my other hand was buried in his dense hair.. His hand was supporting him on one side to keep hima little above my body .. And his other hand were found its way to my abs.. He rubbed my tummy up and down and in round Motions too .. | felt loved...

"your sexy abs are gone" he chukled.. "yes.. It's gone... so what?? you want someone with sexy abs???" | asked biting his lips... "sort of" he laughed at me...I kicked him away "then why are kissing me.. Find someone else and kiss him or her .. | don't care" | said, faking my anger..he pinned me to the bed again... "do you really want me to find someone else..???" He asked, kissing on my neck... | moan loudly... "| want answer wolfy" he whispered in my ears and started to suck on the skin below my ear... | pulled him closer... and buried my head on his neck holding him tight... when | felt like he was moving a little away... | wrap my leg around his waist.. He laughed loud.. "Did you hear a minute ago that someone said | don't mind if you find someone eise.... Or Something like that." he asked sarcastically.. | rolled

my eyes at him and tried took my legs away but he held it tight and pull me closer to his hips. He took a position to kill me now “even if you look like a Balloon | will keep on loving you every day and night" he said pressing his lips on mine...| smiled in between kissing..| parted my lips and he started to explore my mouth.... This is how we started but ..

"papa..... Dada..... Open the door... | am hungry" And that's how it ends.. We laughed when our makeout was blocked by our own sweetheart before it started... | ran into the bathroom, Alec laughed at me and shook his head.. He took his cloths "coming sweetie"

| can hear alec voice from shower.. After sometimes all 1 can hear is songs humming, sarcasm, laughing, giggling and fighting.. My alpha switch to baby mode right now.. | thought to myself and continue my routine When I came back from shower... Alec was working with the curtain strings which | remembered, | broke last night.. Thinking that | smirk at Alec, he winks at me... |

saw madzie is sitting on the couch on the terrace.. She is having her breakfast.. Milk, toast, egg..'Yumm!!’ | thought | said wow and tried to steal from her plate but she snapped my hand away..."dada prepared this for me not for you" she said hiding her plate behind her back... | twist my lips annoyingly... | looked at Alec who was shirtless and all sweet because of the sun...

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