Chapter 36

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Magnus pov

It's around 6 in the evening and madzie is jumping on our bed ... she is not listening to me at all because he is too pet to his dad even I can't shout at her in front of him .. " if you keep on jumping like a monkey , then I am gonna complain to your dad " I said like a warning .. " then I will complain to him about you eating my ice cream this morning , " she said in the same tone ... " what ??? You gave that willingly " I said in shock ... " but dad didn't know that " she said sarcastically , giggling , closing her mouth with her little hand ... I couldn't help but smile at her ... sometimes I have this doubt the way madzie behave and her attitude was similar to me and Alexander , is she really born to us " I thought and laughed at myself .... I was looking at the monthly calendar in front of me .. I am counting the days again and again .. " I stop my suppressor like 12-13days before our wedding , it's been more than 30 days since I stopped it .. But I didn't get my heat yet why ??? Am I not an omega anymore ... uhhhh !!! That's weird and confusing too " I thought to myself looking at the calendar .. " too busy to give me a welcome home kiss " Alec said , placing a kiss on my nape , I jumped a little from sudden touch but gave in after a minute ..i pressed my lips on his ... " I missed you " he said " really tired .. " missed you too " I said adjusting his messy hair .. " what's about this calendar ??? " he said , kissing my cheeks , hugging me from behind ... " nothing it's just .. I didn't get my heat yet !!! " I said like a whisper because madzie is there .. " you are under suppressor before so it will take time , give your body some time to heal okay !!!! Everything happens in right time .. Don't worry " he said rubbing his hands on mine .. I kiss his nose with smile in return .. " Anything else more interesting in this calendar than me " he asked looking at my lips .. " nothing more interesting than you when you stand next to me " I said leaning my forehead on his ... " then you better take care of  me right now , I need a cozy cuddles " he said pulling my lips with his teeth . " madzie is still here " I said , pushing him a little back using my index finger on his forehead ...

" did you both finish .... I am hungry .. Papa took me to shower first . I want to bathe , " madzie asked us with her cute smile .. " I am gonna take shower . Is anyone willing to join me ?? " alec said looking at the ceiling .. Madzie ran towards him and jump on his arms .. They found their way to bathroom .. I chuckled and left the room +++++++
' mmmm ... Alec !!! " I was moaning like there is no tomorrow ... I couldn't take it .. It's different today ... his hand working on my pants ... I am holding his neck tight , his lips were all over my neck . .. " alec !!! It's not ... " before I could finish his hand left the place " not comfortable ??? " he asked me caressing my cheeks ... I nodded in return ... " Okay then let's cuddle and sleep " he rolls on the bed , drags me with him and makes me lay on his chest ... . " I am sorry " I said disappointedly ... " don't be , I have all my life to make love to you .. Right now I want you to be comfy " he said caressing my hair .... I don' t know when I drifted into sleep .. But In the middle of the night .. I felt a little stomach cramps ... I rolled from Alec's warming cuddle to the bed and took my time in the washroom ... When I came back he was sitting in bed with his eyes closed , still a sleepy face .. " what ??? Are you okay ! ?? " he asked like blabbering .. I chuckled at his cuteness ... " I am fine .. Sleep little puppy " on saying that I push him back to the bed and lay on his chest again ... he keeps on caressing my back .. I can feel goosebumps ..

Earlier in the morning ..

" alec !!! " I woke him with a kiss on his nose .. " if you want just take it with you wolfy " he said .. I was confused .. " what ?? ? " I asked .. " my nose .. You want my nose right ??? " he said , kissing me .. I smile in between kissing .. He pulled me close " are you okay now !!! " he asked and I nodded in return .. We continue our kiss , I hold his neck by one hand and hair my another .. He lifted me to place me on top of him by holding my waist..i giggled in between..we kept on sharing sloppy kiss .. Alec pushes my body towards him even closer if it is possible .. I felt suffocated .. I tried to hold myself but I gave up and ran towards the bathroom pushing asked aside .. I threw up everything I ate yesterday but still it's not enough for me .. I keep on throwing till only water remains in my stomach ... I was tired . I felt a warm hand rubbing my back drawing a circle in it ... he looked at me confusingly .... and carried me to the bed .. He gave me some water to drink and disappeared through the door without saying a word . . He returned with a cover and gave that to me , I know what it is .. " alec !!! It's not what you think " I try to convince him .. " magnus pls !!!! I am afraid of that one night in the woodhouse without protection , " he said , closing his eyes ... I took it to the washroom .. After 5 mints I showed him the card .. He looks happy at first but his face changes to total horror .. Yes it's happening , he doesn't want this .. I messed up everything , I should have listened to him the other night ... I can see Alec struggling but I can't say anything ... deep inside my omega was happy but I couldn't predict what happen next .. I was standing there by placing my hand on my stomach looking at alec's eyes..


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