Chapter 1 - Obsession

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It was break at KQ academy and I was seated on one of the many benches day dreaming about the group ateez, the popular boys in school. I wasn't so popular but I always got complimented on my beauty which I didn't really see.

"day dreaming again yuri" felix said setting his tray of food on the wooden table and sitting beside me. "they aren't worth it" he says looking at ateez who were now bullying a student who was a year below us.

I sigh at the sight looking over at felix to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, but as soon as I turn around hes no longer next to me but getting himself into trouble that I have to pull him out of again.

"Hongjoong leave him alone" I say slowly walking up to them. Hongjoong aggressively let's go of felixs shirt and laughs, "awww, girlfriend came to save you again" hongjoong glares and felix and walks over to me, he leaned in whispering into my ear. I could feel his warm breath brush against my skin, I hated it. "you look beautiful today princess" he steps away smirking and finally walks away with his bunch of friends.

"stop helping me" I hear felix say whilst getting up from the ground and brushing dirt of his clothes. "you welcome" I say a little angry at him for not appreciating my help for the hundredth time. "your gonna get yourself hurt yuri, I don't want your help" he yells at me. I want to say something but I feel to frustrated to even let out a word.

"I'm going to class, you should tell bangchan about your stupid idea" I say walking away to class.


I had math and the worst this about it is that I sit next to wooyoung who can be really annoying.

"can you tell your boyfriend to piss off and stay out of our business please" he said taking a seat next to me and slamming his books on table which starteld me. "he's not my boyfriend" I snap at him, he smirks and turns his full attention on one of our class mates named Nicha Yontararak, but everyone calls her Minnie.

"hey bautiful" I hear him say and I just threw up a little in my mouth. "okay class, take out your books, todays lesson is on algebra" our teacher Mr. Yamata said walking in.

"hey, yuri, your hot, wanna go out" I hear wooyoung whisper, I gage and say "no".


Class was finally over and I saw bangchan and felix waiting for me outside my class. "hey" I say hugging both of the boys, Lee Know has also joined us as he was in my class. "Mr. Yamata is gonna kill me with his algebra" lee know says and i giggle.

Felix and i have been best friends since we were 5 and when he joined KQ academy we became friends with the group Stray kids and I love them all so much.

"hey yuri, thanks for helping felix out today, again" bangchan said placing his hand on my shoulder and felix pouts which looks really adorable.

"I was wondering if you want us to drop you of at home" felix says and i nod happily knowing i won't have to walk back.


Me, felix, bangchan and Lee know where going over to felixs car when we heard someone yell felixs name.
"oi, felix, you prick" I turn around to see hongjoong followed by seonghwa and wooyoung coming in our direction.

"I told you to stay out of our business, didn't i" hongjoong says pushing him onto the car "hey, hey calm down, I'll make sure he doesn't do that again" bangchan says trying to keep hongjoong away from felix, "you fucking better chan, you fucking better" hongjoong said spitting next to bangchans sheos and leaving.

"hey yuri" I see wooyoung yell whisper to me, "she said yes" and that's how wooyoung got with Minnie and broke her heart, ewww.


I arrived back home after felix gave me a lift. I entered my house walking straight to the kitchen to great my parents. I had a minimal sized kitchen which was the colours gray and white.

My parents where seated on the chairs next to the Isle drinking tea. "hi mum, hi dad" I say giving them both a peck on the cheek and I went to the fridge to look for food. "honey, me and your dad have to go for an important meeting, we'll be back around 11:00pm" I nod closing the fridge, she gives me a forehead kiss and heads of to work with my dad.

My parents are never home becuase of work and I'm tierd of always being alone, but I find it as a good opportunity to practice my singing, so I run to my room to sing my heart out as I always do.


Hongjoongs pov:

"if felix interrupts my fun again i won't let his girlfriend stop me. Next time, I'll make her watch me ruin him" I say angryly smoking my cigarette. "you should have done that a long time ago" yeosang says closing his book and placing it on the table beside him. "ahh, the quite one finaly speaks" wooyoung says looking at yeosang who is usually always quite.

"I don't want to hurt felix as me and bangchan made a deal, but felix keeps breaking it, it's pissing me off" I say flicking my finished cigarette out the window. "we gave felix one last chance he breaks it he'll see what happens" yunho says with a nasty smile, "I think yuri will make him regret his mistakes, we'll go for her next not felix" i say whilst we all enjoy the rest of our night.


Yuris pov:

It was the next day and felix picked me up to take me to school. "you ready for classes" he says laughing, parking his car at the schools parking lot. "not if I'll have to be saving your ass again" I say getting out the car giggling, "I won't do it again, promise" I gave him my pinky and he interlocked it with his.


I had English for my first period and sadly I dont have it with anyone from stray kids but hongjoong and his girlfriend kyungmi.

"okay class settle down, take out your books" Mrs. Park says whilst writing something on the white board. "heard my boyfriend had an argument with yours yesterday" kyungmi said slamming her hands on my desk, "he's not my boyfriend" I say gritting my teeth, I hate her with a berning passion. "keep him away yuri and I won't come for you" she says walking back to hongjoong. God I hate this bitch.

I sometimes wonder if anyone in ateez even has a heart anymore. They are all so handsome but so broken and lost its disgusting, maybe I could help them, maybe I'll be able the one to help them or break them for good.

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