Chapter 54 - Bad Memories Of The Past

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Seonghwa's pov:

I was waiting outside the utopia cafe for yuri, enjoying the smells of fresh baked pastries and coffee.

My love ❤️

Where are you?

I'm 15 minutes away

I'll be there soon


See you soon

I put my phone in my pocket and I clenched harder on to the bright red roses in my hand. A small smile appeared on my face as I imagined her reaction to the question I was going to ask her.

Chang Yuri, will you be my girlfriend.

"seonghwa" I heard someone call and I saw yuri waving at me from the other side of the road. The smile on my face got wider as I hid the roses behind my back.

I watched as she crossed the road with a bright smile until I let go of the roses, letting them hit the cold ground as I heard loud screams erupt from all around me.

I run over to her with tears cutting my cheeks and screams exciting my mouth. "ill call an ambulance" I heard a male voice yell as the white jeep drove away.

"yuri, yuri come on, wake up" I cryed and pleaded as I cradled her fragile body in my hands, covering my skin and clothes in her crimson blood.

"don't make me go through this again, get up" I yelled, lightly cupping her cheek, watching in pain as blood slowly escaped from her mouth and on to my hand.

I hugged her tighter into my chest not wanting to let her go as I heard the ambulance pull up not to far away from the accident.

"please let her go sir" one of the paramedics said as he pulled my body away from hers. I cryed and screamed as she slowly entered the ambulance and drove away.


Soobins pov:

"fuck" I yelled, hitting the steering wheel as tears escaped from my eyes. All I saw was yuris blood covered figure on the cold ground and seonghwa cradling her body in his arms.

"why again, why me" I muttered to myself as I looked at my trembling hands. I excited my car falling on to the grass as i screamed loudly at the world that cursed me.

"first Park Seonghwa makes me kill my sister and now my ex" I yelled out, letting a psycho like laugh take control of my body.

Tears streamed down my face as I laughed louder. "god why did you love him Choi Somi, why Park Seonghwa" I yelled hitting the grass as tears fell down my cheeks like water falls.

"I miss you sis, my little baby sister" I mumbled to myself, looking up at the sky and walking back to my car before driving of to who knows where.


Seonghwas pov:

I was sitting in the waiting room with tears in my eyes as I looked at my trembling hands that where covered in her blood.

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