Chapter 55 - Unspeakable Pain

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Seonghwa's pov:

It's been 2 months and I watched my friends move on with the girls of their dreams and I was still alone thinking about all the old memories I wish I could go back to one last time.

Hongjoong, yeosang, san and wooyoung fell in love, whilst Jongho decided to persue his dreams first then think about women. Mingi and yunho both discovered something about themselves that honestly still shocks me to this day.

If only yuri was here to see it.

"hey seonghwa, you zoned out again" wooyoung said as he waved his hand next to my face.

"sorry, I just can't stop thinking about her" I said, looking down at the table and I felt Jongho place his hand on my shoulder which caused a small smile on my face.

"how about... We go see her today" san proposed as I looked up at him with glossy eyes and a smile.

"seonghwa whatever you do, don't freak out, but look behind you" wooyoung said and I turned around, hatred filled my mind as my eyes landed on someone who I never wanted to see again.

I stood up, walking over to the male as the others slowly followed behind me. I turned my hands into fists, digging my nails into my skin as I got closer to him.

I stopped, standing right infornt of the dark haired male, looking down at him with frustration as his eyes where pinned on the ground.

"your really not going to look up at me, are you that weak" I smirked and he slowly raised his head up, keeping his eyes on mine with pure sadness laced in them.

"I never meant for that to happen" he muttered but I heard him loud and clear. "your pathetic, don't you have enough of hurting people" I said and he took a step back as he clenched harder to his launch tray.

"I never wanted to kill my sister, I was angry that she loved someone like you" he yelled, placing his tray down on a near table. "and yuri, I never wanted to hurt her too" he Cryed out and I couldn't stand his bullshit talk so I punched him, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I really am" he said as he layed on the floor with tears cutting his red cheeks.

"I hope you get what you deserve" I said as I hovered over his weak body. "yuri had a kind heart and you took it away from this world" I said as a tear rolled down my face. Everyone looking at me with sadness as I spoke.

"don't ever show your face to me again" I spat out, walking out of the cafeteria and to the schools roof top for some alone time.


Tears fell down my cheeks as I sat on the bench, looking at the beauty of seoul, that I wished so badly to see with my Soulmate however, I couldn't.

I looked up at the baby blue sky until I felt a presance sitting next to me. 'souls pretty, isn't it" i heard a female voice say as my eyes landed on her figure that sat there with a smile.

"it used to be pretty" I muttered and the brown haired female turned her head to look at me with pity as I watched her place her hand on mine.

"to be honest, I miss her too" she said as my eyes widdened and she turned her gaze on our hands.

"would it be alright if I played my violin" she asked and I nodded. She took out her instrument and started playing a beautiful melody, as I listened, looking at seoul with yuri presant in my mind.

"that was really nice Mirea, thank you" I said with a weak smile as she put her violin back in its case.


"hello Mr and Mrs. Chang" me and the boys said bowing as we entered the hospital room. They bowed back looking down at their daughters sleeping figure.

"we'll leave you boys alone with her" Mrs Chang said as she took her husbands hand and left the room.

Jongho was the first to walk over to her as he grabbed her hand and cryed.

"please wake up, I baught my plushi Viktor, he'll stay with you okay" he muttered as he placed the plushi beside her, on her bed.

Jongho walked back over to us and I wrapped myself around his body as he cryed onto my shoulder.

Wooyoung walked up to her next, croutching next to her bed as silent sniffles where heard around the small room.

"how long do we have to wait, its already been two months" he yelled out hoping that maybe she would hear him and wake up.

"just wake up, god damn it" he yelled, falling to the floor and san run over to him, cradling his body as both of them cryed in each others arms.

"I want her to wake up too, just wait a little longer" san muttered to wooyoung as he lightly brushed through his hair.

Wooyoung and san left the room as seeing yuri in a coma was really hard for wooyoung to handle emotionally, so mingi walked up to her next to say whatever he felt he needed to say to her sleeping form.

Mingi lightly touched her hand and smiled as he watched his friend. "we have so much to tell you when you wake up" he said with a small smile as he turned around to look at us.

"don't we guys" he said with watery eyes and we all nodded before he walked away letting yeosang have his moment with her.

"hey" he said as he took a seat next to her bed and took out a book. "don't tell me you going to read" Yunho said as he rolled his eyes.

"yuri really liked this book, so I always read a page to her when I come to visit" he mentioned and I smiled, nodding as I sign for him to carry on.

We all listened as yeosang came to an end, getting up of his chair and placing the book on her night stand.

Yunho walked over to her next, giggling as he stood next to her. "I don't even know what to say" he said a single tear fell down his face. "hongjoong take over, I can't do this" he said as more tears fell.

Hongjoong walked over beside yunho, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a small smile.

"why don't we sing Thank u, all together untill we give seonghwa some alone time" hongjoong said and we all nodded, sending Jongho to go get san and wooyoung.

As soon as Jongho returned with san and wooyoung, we all stood next to her bed, holding hands and singing Thank u, with small smiles on out faces.


The others left and I took a seat next to her bed, looking at her as I lightly moved a strand of hair from her face, feeling her warm skin lightly brush my on figures.

A small smile appeared on my face as I placed her hand in mine and put it up to my face, placing a soft kiss on it and letting my cheek lightly rest on our interlocked hands.

"come back to me yuri, please" I whispered as I baught my head down to her stomach, closing my eyes and letting some tears fall as I let myself fall asleep.

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