Chapter 14 - Blonde Haired Boys

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Yuris pov:

I was a little worried by how Jongho was acting but I brushed it off hoping that whatever's wrong will get better soon.

"well I'm of to class, yuri you coming" mingi said motioning for me to walk with him to class and so I did.

I was walking to class when a tall blonde boy bumped into me, "oh, I'm sorry" he said turning around, focusing his eyes on me.

"yuri" the boy said in a disgusting tone which hurt as he was supposed to be a friend, a brother.

"felix" i say softly, wanting to walk pass to make i to class but felix's figure was blocking the path. "can you get out of the way" my dark blue hair coloured friend said aggressively nudging the blonde to move out of the way. "don't touch me like that".

Felix pushed mingi and I stepped away not wanting to be apart of the fight. "or what" mingi smirked and felix did nothing but walk away and say, "you'll fucking see".

Mingi scoffed when felix walked away and I quickly run over to check if everything's okay. "fucking moron" mingi said picking up his bag from the floor and leaving towards our music class.


Me and mingi sat next to each other and I couldn't help but realise that mingi looked really angry.

"are you still mad about felix blocking the path" I ask closing his book so he could pay attention to me. "no, it's not like he'll do anything" the dark Haired boy snapped causing me to flinch a little, as soon as I did his gaze fixed on me and he looked worried. "I didn't mean to sound harsh" he whispered softly, his voice sounding calm and angelic. "it's okay, I know" I reassure him, smiling happily.


"so tell me again, what did felix say" my blonde haired friend hongjoong asked looking at mingi. "he said, you'll fucking see what I'll do" mingi answered putting on a felix inpression which he done quite well. "I must say 100 out of 10 on the inpression" yunho said and we all laughed at the baby blue haired boy's joke however, the laughter finished when we saw kyungmi and her friends approaching our table.

"hey baby" kyungmi said kissing hongjoong passionatly on the lips. "hey" he replyed letting her sit on his lap. Sanghee sat down right next to wooyoung and I could tell she was doing something because wooyoung looked worse then a tomato.

I was sitting next to seonghwa but Mirea nudged her slef in the middle of me and him, kind of making me mad by the sudden move. "hey seonghwa" she said cutely to him and he just smiled paying no attention to her but to me.

"oh, yuri how are you feeling now, better" kyungmi asked trying to put on some show next to her boyfriend. "yeah" I answer not looking for any interaction with her what so ever.

I was getting a little angry and anxious by kyungmi's presence becuase i didn't want her to start a nother argument with me again. Mingi must have realised that I was uncomfortable becuase he interlocked his hand with mine under the table stopping my hand from shacking.

"hey, me and yuri are gonna get going to class" mingi said and I looked at him confused as I have English and he has math. "but we...". I couldn't finish what I had to say becuase mingi grabbed my hand a pulled me away.


"is everything okay" he asked and I hummed in reply not wanting to tell him about my problem with kyungmi.

"what do you say i walk you home after class" he says passing me my bag which he was holding. "yes, I would love that" I say with a huge smile waving him a goodbye whilst I go to class.


Classes were finally over and me and mingi were walking back to my house as I invited him over for tea and some food.

"the weather's so nice today" I say closing my eyes for a second to feel to suns heat carres my face. "it is, isn't it" mingi said giggling. Sadly this happy moment didn't last long when felix came along ready to show mingi what he meant by "he'll fucking see".

"hey were are your friends mingi" felix said pushing him lightly and I tired to stop felix from hurting mingi but Changbin took a hold of me, not letting me intervien.

"let go of me" I said trying to break free but Changbin was to strong, "this is for your own good yuri, felix went nuts after he lost you" Changbin said tighting his grip on me.

"let her go, this has nothing to do with her" mingi yelled and felix laughed like a maniac. "I want her to see this". Felix punched mingi in the face so hard he fell to the ground spitting out blood. "felix please, leave him alone" I begged, tears escaping and falling slowly down my cheek.

"why yuri, Thier not good people, you should know that" felix said sending a kick to mingi's stomach, "no, your the bad person right now, don't you see what your doing" I say trying to rip myself free from Changbin.

After multiple punches and 100 of my screams and crys, they left. Leaving me with a lifeless mingi, suffering from pain on the cold ground, blood stainning his white school shirt and bruises covering him from head to toe.

"I'm sorry".

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