Chapter 25 - Happy Birthday

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It's been 2 months and me and ateez got close again however, I haven't spoken to txt much becuase the boys would get jelouse.

'knock knock'. I heard someone knock on my door. I got up from the sofa and opened it, "happy birthday yuri" seonghwa said with a bright smile, holding something in his hands. "I bought you cake" he added, showing me a beautifully decorated cake with writing on top which said, 'happy 19th birthday yuri' however, I couldn't eat it becuase...

"it's chocolate" I giggled as he looked at me with a puzzled expression. "yes, is it a problem" he asked, "I'm allergic to chocolate" I said letting seonghwa finally come inside.

"Oh shit, I forgot, I'll get a new one". I took the cake out of his hands and put it on the kitchen counter.

"what brings you here anyway" I asked, looking at him as he took a seat on my sofa. "I want to give you a lift to school" he replyed, taking an apple from my fruit bowl and biting into it, "after school I'll also bring you back to change becuase we're taking you out, your parents are away and there's no way your spending your birthday alone" seonghwa said taking his car keys out from his pocket and motioning for me to follow him.


I was making my way to the cafetiria and I sat down in between Jongho and seonghwa.

"happy birthday yuri" they all said in sync, with bight smiles on Thier faces, making me let out a small giggle.

"i hope seonghwa told you to not make any plans" san said as he glared at seonghwa. "he did, don't worry" I answered giggling at sans funny outburst at the oldest.

"hongjoong honey" I heard kyungmi say as she wrapped herself around her dirty blond Haired boyfriend. Sanghee went straight to wooyoung and started talking to him whilst mirea pushed me to make space for herself next to seonghwa.

"what's up babe" he said turning around to face her. "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today" she said, wrapping her hands around his neck and going in for a hug, but hongjoong lightly pushed her away, "I can't today".

"why" she asked pouting. Sadness was visable on her face. "it's yuris birthday". Her face instantly turned angry and her gaze was fixed on me, sending daggers my way. "oh, happy birthday, Chang Yuri" she said with no enthusiasm, pulling her two friends away from our table.

"ahhh, I can't stand her anymore" hongjoong said, burying his face in his hands, "don't say that, she's your girlfriend" I remarked, to which he instantly looked up at me with no emotion visable on his face. "you wouldn't understand".


"hey" I heard a group of boys say and ateez answered back with a "hi". I looked up to see stray kids standing next to our table, looking down at me.

"happy birthday yuri" they all said trying to hug me, whilst I was still seated. "are you guys... All, alright" I asked as I stared at all 16 boys, confused. "oh, don't worry, we're alright, kind of" felix said with a giggle and passed me a little box. "it a birthday presant, I hope you like it" felix said smiling and walking away with the others.

"oooo, open it, open it" mingi insisted as he jumped up and down in his chair. I opened it to see a gorgeous ring with a note next to it.

'no matter what happens, you'll always be my best friend, that's a promise'.

"it's a promise ring" I said with a smile.


Seonghwa took me home so that I could change for my birthday party. He was waiting downstairs in the living room whilst I was in my room searching through my clothes.

I put on my promise ring which I got from felix and a long baige dress which was tight on my figure, on top of that I put on a brown cardigan as it was cold outside.

I went downstairs and saw seonghwa patiently waiting for me on the sofa. "how do I look" I asked quietly, as I was a bit scared I might not look good enough.

He stood up from the sofa and looked at me with sparkling eyes, "you look beautiful" he said giving me his hand like a gentleman and taking me to the car.


"we're here" seonghwa said getting out of the car and opening the door for me. "thank you" I said giggling at his cute and kind gestures. "we can't afford a fancy restaurant but... We can afford hongjoongs garage" he said pointing at the white and gray garage infornt of me.

Seonghwa knocked on the door, "we're ready, just cover her eyes" we heard wooyoung yell from inside. Seonghwa went behind me and covered my eyes with his hands, slowly guiding me inside.

"okay on 3, 2, 1... Uncover her eyes" I heard jingo say, "3, 2, 1... Surprise!".

I opened my eyes and saw multiple banners and balloons hanging in random areas of the room. There were drinks, food, snacks and a beautifully decorated vanilla flavoured birthday cake.

"thank you guys" I said as i gave them all really tight hugs. "okay, okay, enough love, let's eat cake" mingi said as he run over to the cake and light the candles.

He walked over to me with the cake in his hands, holding it close to my face so I could blow out the colourful candles. "make a wish" wooyoung said, rubbing my back.

I closed my eyes, made my wish and blew the candles.

'I wish we could all be this happy forever'


It was 1am and all the boys got terribly drunk. "I'll see you tomorrow yuri, love" yunho said giving me a surprise hug and leaving me with a wasted wooyoung.

"come on woo, let's take you home". I tired to pick him up, but he was to heavy for me to carry him back home. "my house is to far away, I can't, I feel sick" he said as he cuddled himself into the bean bag. "then we'll go to mine as its closer, but you have to help me woo".

I kneeled down to his level, resting my hands on his thighs, "okay" he mumbled as he got up and slowly made his way with me to my house.

I got to my house and put wooyoung in my bed, I wanted to leave but he sat up and looked at me with a plain expression. "go to sleep woo" I said, turning the door knob but he pat the free spot on my bed next to him.

I sat down next to him, his stare was focused on my lips and when I was about to say something, he smacked his lips on mine, kissing me passionatly. He put one of his hands around my kneck, pulling me closer and pulling lightly on my long, brown hair.

His lips slowly started to make Thier way down my neck, making me let out small moans. His hands traveled down my back, taking of my dress and I took of his shirt, lightly feeling his chest with my touch.

I knew I was doing the wrong thing, but I didn't want to stop.

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