Chapter 34 - Who Do You Want

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Mingi's pov:

Day 1:

"hey yuri" I said as I approached her with a big smile. "hey mingi" she answered, giving me a cute gummy smile wich I really adored.

"I was wondering if maybe, you'd like to hang out today" I asked, playing with my rings becuase I was nervous.

"I'd love too" she said with a smile and big, glowing eyes. "ill see you after classes then" I said as she nodded and waved goodbye.


"so where do you want to go" she asked as I passed her, her strawberry ice cream.

"we can go to the park and watch the sun set as the sun will be setting soon" I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her in the direction of the park.

We were sitting on the grass, enjoying the view of the beautiful sun set which was turning the sky's colours into gorgeous shades of pinks and purples.

"I've never seen such a pretty sun set" yuri said as she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of the cold wind brush against her skin.

"it is gorgeous, isn't it" I said, letting out a tiny giggle as I admired her stunning features.

"thank you for today mingi" she said, turning her head to look into my deep brown eyes. "thank you to, for coming" I replyed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and smiling brightly at the beautiful woman in front of me.


Wooyoungs pov:

Day 2:

"hey" I muttered over to a girl, scared of what her reaction will be when she knows the source of the voice. "hi wooyoung" she said giving me the smallest smile but the cutest I've ever seen.

"we've been kinda distent lately, can I take you out for a coffee, so we could fix our relationship" I asked with a worried tone giving her a nervous smile to make myself feel a little better.

"yeah, sure" she said as she picked up her bag to go to lesson. "ill meet you outside the gates" I said with a more confident smile. "no need, just meet me at the cafe, I don't want sanghee seeing us" she said, walking if before i got to speak.

My confidence quickly disappeared when yuri said sanghees name, but why was she afraid of her seeing us, what did sanghee do to her, or even worse... Kyungmi.


I got to the cafe first so I ordered myself a carrot cake with a cappuccino and a lemon cake with a caramel latte for yuri, as i remembered that that's her favourite thing to order.

I took a seat next to the window waiting paciently on yuri to arrive. "hi woo" she said taking a seat opposite me with a stern face.

"I ordered your favourite" I said, pointing at the cake and coffee in front of her. "thank you" she muttered taking a sip of her latte.

When she placed her coffee cup down, I interlocked our hands together and I looked deeply into her eyes.

"yuri please forgive me" I said as I choked on a forming tear. "I never wanted to that to happen" I muttered, crying at this point, from the disgust I felt towards myself.

"wooyoung". She cupped my cheek and whipped my tears with her thumb. "it's not your fault, it's on both us" she said softly, rubbing my cheek lightly with her thumb. "I will always forgive you, no matter what happens" she said smiling so brightly it made me giggle.

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