Chapter 24 - I Need You

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Yuri's pov:

"yuri" I heard a boy call my name as I was about to enter the schools grounds. I turned around and saw my blonde, shy friend walking towards me.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, trust me that we have no sectests from you" he said so quickly I barely understood him. "if you want to be friends with txt that's fine, but don't leave us" he said, mumbling about how sorry he is like a little baby.

"yeosang, yeosang, breath please" I said placing my hand on his shoulder, taking deep breaths in and out with him.

"I won't ever leave you, your my friends" I said smiling brightly, seeing a blush form on yeosangs cheeks which he quickly covered with his scarf. "will you sit with us, please" he muttered and I nodded, walking into school with him.

Yeosangs's pov

I walked into school with yuri, admiring everything about her. How her chocolate coloured hair swayed when she walked, how her deo eyes sparkeld when seeing something cute, how her baby blue dress showed off her figure and how her lips would always pout when eating.

"yeosang". I heared my name ringing in my head which snapped me back into reality. "yeah" I answered embarrassed by the fact that she probably realised I was staring at her. "I saw you guys talking to stray kids yesterday, what was that about" she asked and as much as I wanted to tell her the truth I had to lie for the sake of our safety.

I let out a small giggle, answering her question, "don't worry about it, just two enemies that needed to talk".

"did felix do something again" she said causing us both to burst out in laughter.


Yuri's pov

"hey you, did you see my boyfriend". I heard someone say and to my surprise it was kyungmi with her two friends Sanghee and Mirea.

"no i haven't, but we have English, you'll see him there" I answered coldly, with no enthusiasm in my voice, which must have pissed kyungmi off.

"excuse me" she said pushing me into a wall causing me to drop all my books. "don't ever talk to me like that brat". She slapped me in the face causing a strong burning sensation on my cheek.

"leave her alone" I heard a low manly voice speak up causing kyungmi to death stare me and leave in the direction of our English class. "you alright there yuri" the boy said flashing me with a beautiful smile.

"I'm okay, thank you felix" I said picking up my books which he helped me with. "how long has this been going on for" he asked passing me my books and helping me up of the floor, "ever since that stupid deal" I answered, placing all my books in my bag and walking away, but he run after me. "why didn't you tell hongjoong about this" he asked blocking my path and looking into my eyes with his cold stare.

"promise me you won't tell hongjoong"





I was in the cafeteria seated next to Jongho and yeosang when I got a text from soobin. "who is it" yeosang asked placing his book down and looking at me. "it's soobin" I responded and all the boys immediately looked angry.

"you gonna message him back" yeosang asked going back to reading his book, "may i" I asked getting up. Hongjoong nodded and I left, looking at the message.

Soobin :)

Yuri where are you?

I was with ateez

Where are you?

Me and the boys are
at the parking lot

Feel free to join
Read 1:30pm


I really wanted to join them but I promised yeosang I would sit with them today so I went back to the cafeteria but when I got there, they were gone.

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