Chapter 4 - Guests And Drama

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It was a Thursday morning and I had a terrible hangover, I barely remember what happened yesterday.

I heard a knock on my door and my mum enters. "breakfast is ready honey, get up or you'll be late for school". My mum swung open the curtains, blinding me, "I can't mum, I feel unwell". She rushes to my side checking every inch of my body to see what's wrong.

"okay honey, me and your dad have to go to work, we'll be back home at 11:30pm" she says placing a kiss on my forehead and leaving once again.


I was woken up by my phone getting blown up with messages and calls. I check it to see ateez made a group chat that they spammed with messages asking where I am.

Ateez chat

Guys I'm alive i just
don't feel well.

Oh no.

I knew drinking wasn't
for you.

Shut up woo, we had to pull
you out of bed.

Stop arguing.

I'll be in tomorrow.

Get better soon princess.

You missed out a lot from science
today yuri

I'm supprised you payed

Classes are finishing soon
we'll swing by to check on you.



I was panicking, I looked terrible, they can't come here. If my parents found out I had 8 boys over, whilst I'm sick, ill be dead, but I kinda want company if I never really get it from my parents.


Classes where finally over and I heard knocking on my door. I went downstairs and got greated by 8 boys holding bags full of goodies.

"what is all this" I say looking at the bags they were holding. "we baught you some stuff princess" hongjoong said coming inside and we all went up to my room.

"you have a bautiful house yuri" mingi says checking out every corner of my room. "thanks" I giggle.

I had a medium sized room with its own bathroom. My walls were a bautiful shade of baby blue, which matched well with my black coloured furniture.

"how are you feeling now anyways" seonghwa asks taking a seat beside me on my bed, everyone pays close attention to me whilst I give them my answer. "I feel better, I had a lot of water" I take my water bottle and take a big sip.


We all sat in silence for 20 minutes when seomone finally decided to speak up.

"where are your parents" mingi asks me and my happy mood all of a sudden changed to lonlyness and sadness.

"they work so I'm always alone" I say looking down at my hands which were resting on my thighs. Suddenly I see an unknown hand resting on mine. I look at the face of the person the hand belongs to and I see Jongho looking at me with sadness. Something I never seen in him before.

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