Chapter 46 - I'm Going Downhill

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"san, just move" I muttered, but he didn't listen. I started becoming angry at san as becuase of him not listening to me, he could get badly injured. I could also see that soobin started getting unpatient, which worried me.

"your making this situation worse for yourself" soobin spoke as he got closer to Sans body, but yet again he didn't budge, I myself tryed to move away however, he blocked me with his hand, moving me back to stand behind him.

Soobin rolled his eyes and pushed san away from me. Taehyun grabbed my hand and pulled me over to kyungmi, but san got back up and punched taehyun causing him to let go of my hand.

"your pathetic" soobin scoffed at san who was now standing next to me. Beomgyu and heuning Kai took a hold of Sans body and I was in front of kyungmi, waiting for her to speak.

"don't worry san, this will only take a minute" kyungmi said as she grabbed my hair causing me to flinch at the sudden movement.

I thought kyungmi was going to hit me but, Mirea slowly walked over to me, punching me hard round my face.

"thats for showing up, when you were told not to" she said angrly and she walked away. Kyungmi pushed me down to the stone ground, leaving with the others as san run up to me and checked my bruised cheek.

"are you okay, are you hurt" san said as he lended me a hand. "I'm fine" I answered harshly.

"what was that about" san asked as we both started walking to school. "what did you do this time" he added, causing me to stop and look at him with disbelief and wide eyes.

"seriously, seeing my friend in the hospital became a sin now" I yelled at the blonde haired boy, causing him to back away a little.

"I didn't know that Mirea crushed on him this hard" he mentioned as he walked away, leaving me miles behind him.


I was in the schools cafeteria, sitting in between yeosang and hongjoong, eating my chicken until yeosang broke the silence.

"why is your cheek so red and bruised" he asked, placing his book on the table and tucking my hair behind my ear to get a better look at my cheek.

"it was Mirea, she hit her" san said as he looked deeply into my dull eyes.

"what, why, what did you do" hongjoong asked, making me get angry.

"what! Why is it what I did, I just went to go see seonghwa, is that a crime" I snapped at hongjoong causing him to flinch at my raised voiced.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you with my words" he mumbled and went back to eating his food and paying to attention to any of us.


A/N - slef harm

I was in my bathroom, looking myself in the mirror as tears fell down my warm skin. I held the small, silver object in my hands, trying to stop myself from using it but, I couldn't keep my promise.

"I'm sorry seonghwa, I couldn't keep my promise" I said as I sliced my wrist, watching the red liquid slowly escape and find its way down my hand and to the bathroom floor.

*knock knock*

I heard on the front door so, I covered my wrist with my cardigan and made my way to who ever was knocking.

I opened the door and my eyes widened as I looked at the black haired male in front of me.

"why are you wearing a cardigan, it's warm in here" seonghwa said as I let him inside the house.

"what are you doing here" I asked, as I followed behind him to the living room. "what, arnt you hap... What the hell happened to your cheek" seonghwa said as he cupped my cheek and rubbed it with his thumb. "Mirea hit me".

His eyes widened as he moved away from me, taking a seat on my sofa. "why" he asked as his eyes were focused on the floor and mine, on him.

"becuase shes jelouse of me" I said, letting out a small, painful giggle.

Seonghwa stood up and tryed to embrace me in a reassuring hug, but I moved away, keeping my eyes on the floor.

"I don't want to keep your hopes up" I muttered softly and even though I said those painful words, he hugged me.

"ill make sure no one ever hurts you again".


"hey, I have an idea for our next song" I heard mingi say as he approached me with a wide smile.

"we didn't even finish writing all about you mingi" I said with a small giggle.

"yeah I know, but think about it, a song with a deep meaning only we would fully understand" he explained, throwing his hands all around the place to make this sound dramatic.

"so basically, a nother sad song" I commented to which he replyed with, "techniqually, yes and no".

I rolled my eyes at the song request, deeply thinking about what I could write, when it hit me. "you finish all about you and ill start working on our next song, thank you" I said as I run of in the direction of the library.


Wooyoungs pov:

"where's yuri" I asked as I saw mingi take a seat next to me and hongjoong. "she went to the library to work on our next song" he answered and seonghwas head shot up, looking at mingi with excitement.

"what song are you guys writing" he asked with excitement laced in his voice. "I don't know, she told me to finish all about you, I don't know what her plan is, i just gave her an idea" mingi answered and seonghwa shot up from his seat, causing us to look at him with confusion.

"where are you going" I yelled at the older male who was leaving withought a goodbye. "I'm going to see yuri" he answered and he left causing a wave of jealousy to fill up in my body.

'why you park seonghwa'


Yuris pov:

I thought deeply about mingi's request as I sat in the library with tones of papers scattered on the table infornt of me.

"what do I love the most" I asked myself as I tapped my pen on the table, thinking about my wants and wishes.

"what song are you writing now" I heard a male voice ask, which made me jump and place a hand on my chest. "sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" seonghwa said as he took as seat infornt of me.

I looked deeply into his eyes which left him a little confused and paniced but, I smiled as he helped me know what to write about.

"don't look at what I'm about to write, it's top secret" I said with a huge smile on my face, writing away on my no longer empty piece of paper.

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