Chapter 56 - Taking You Back To Our Memories

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I slowly opened my eyes, getting blinded by the bright light that shone through the window. I looked around the small room and placed my eyes on a red coloured clock that shown the time 2:44pm.

I heard the door creak open and my mother stood there, looking at me with surprise as she dropped a cup of water on the floor.

"yuri, your awake" my mum yelled as she ran over to me, placing tones of kisses aroundy face. My father run in, standing in the door way, looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"my baby's awake, MY BABY'S AWAKE" my dad screamed out as a doctor entered the room with the same expression my mum had when she saw me.

"how are you feeling" the doctor asked as he walked over to my bed, checking out some paper work.

"fine, I guess" I replyed looking around the room with a lot of confusion. "what day is it" I asked and my and dad looked at each other with their smiles slowly fading away as I turned my gaze to the snow falling outside my window.

"it's Saturday, the 3rd of December" the doctor said and my eyes widened as the realisation hit me, its been so long.

"you were in a 6 months coma" the doctor added and I just nodded as I looked out the big window at the city of seoul.

"I would like to see my friends" I said and my mum nodded, exciting the room with my dad and Doctor not to far behind her.


Seonghwa's pov:

I was in the cafeteria, sitting next to Jongho and yunho when I got a phone call from an unknown number.

"who is it" Jongho asked, trying to get a peak of my phone for answer's. "I don't know, its unknown" I replyed, picking up my phone and answering it before walking of to an isolated area.

"Park seonghwa" I heard a lady's voice say. "Yes, who am I talking to" I asked, hearing a small giggle come from the other side of the call.

"it's Mrs. Chang, yuris mother, I have something to tell you" the women said and panic immediately took over my voice and body.

"did something happen, is yuri okay" I yelled to the phone and I heard Mrs. Chang laugh as she spoke again. "my daughter, she's awake".

As I heard those words, I hanged up the phone call and sprinted back to my friends with the biggest smile and also tears of joy that fell down my Rosie cheeks.

"waw, calm down, are you okay" Yunho asked as I stood there trying to catch my breath.

"yuri... Yuri she's...". I tryed to speak but the lack of oxygen stopped me from doing so.

"take in deep breaths, and try again" wooyoung said, doing hand movements to help me calm down my breathing. "now tell us, is yuri okay" the orea haired boy asked and a wide smile appeared on my face, shocking them all.

"she's awake"...


Yuris pov:

I was sitting in my hospital bed, eating some tteobokii until I sworm of boys ran into my room, looking at me like if they've seen a ghost.

"yuri" they all suddenly screamed, running up to me and wrapping me in tight hugs as some sniffles and crys were heard around the room.

"I thought you guys would forget about me as it was 6 months, but then I saw the book and Viktor and I new you guys actually stuck around" I said with a small smile, looking down at my hands, seeing a nother pair interlock themselves with mine.

"we would never forget about you" seonghwa muttered, lightly rubbing my hand with his thumb. "in fact, we actually have so much to tell you" wooyoung spat out with a lot of joy as I let out a small giggle.

"god I missed you guys, tell me everything" I said as I looked at all of them with a sparkle in my eyes.

"we've missed you to" seonghwa added in a soft voicw, keeping his dreamy eyes glued on me and I was so mesmerised in them until yunhos loud laugh made me jump.

"just kiss her already" Yunho said making me look at all of them with surprise but a blush quickly found its way to my cheeks.

"suprise, suprise, we know, now kiss her dude" mingi said with an annoyed voice watching seonghwa carefully.

Seonghwa let out a small giggle before looking back at me and placing a soft kiss on my lips which I returned with love.


Sorry that this chapter is so short.

But we have one more chapter left

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