Chapter 9 - Lemon Cake

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I woke up remembering the kiss that seonghwa planted on my cheek. I touch my cheek lightly blushing at the memory of his soft lips brushing against my skin.

I run downstairs to great my parents and have some breakfast. "morning" I yell running down the stairs and In to the kitchen, "morning honey, dad made eggs" my mother said and I grab a plate to stuff my face with the amazing treat my father made.

"me and your dad have an important event to go to tonight, we won't be back till 2am,will you be okay alone" my mother asks and I nod whilst she grabs her bag and leaves to go to work with my dad.


I was in my living room watching TV when I heard someone knocking on my door. I go to open it and to my surprise I see felix standing there, holding something in his hands, "I baught lemon cake, your favourite".

I look at him unfaised by his comment. "yuri I'm sorry by how I treated you, may I come in" he asked and I smile not being able to stay mad at my childhood best friend.

We were in the kitchen and I was making us two some coffee that we could enjoy with the lemon cake.

"I miss you, lunch breaks are weird withought you" felix says sipping on his coffee and I place my mug on the counter and let out a sigh, "I miss you too, but bangchan made his decision and I'm going to stick to it for all of you" I say taking a big bite of my lemon cake.

It was getting late and felix had to get going. "I wish I could see you tomorrow, but ateez and all that" he says letting out a sarcastic giggle, "I'll see you around felix" i say giving him a tight hug which he returns. "I'll see you around" he said softly, leaving and driving away in his car.


I was sitting in my science class day dreaming back to that time seonghwa kissed my cheek. I don't know why, but for some reason that night didn't want to exit my memories.

"alright class, lessons over, enjoy your break" the teacher said and I grab my bag making my way out of the class.

"is it just me or does bangchan have a crush on you" san says startling me. "what no" I say wondering why he would say that, "wierd, he couldn't keep his eyes of you, but I can't blame him, I couldn't to" he giggles and I playfully punch his shoulder.


I was in the cafeteria with ateez enjoying my break. "yuri" I hear someone yell my name, I turn around to see an angry felix storming towards me with the others. I get up from my seat and look at felix with confusion written on my face.

"you join these dickheads and all of a sudden decide to become a bully" felix says placing his index finger on my chest, the others get off thier seats getting ready to fight if something gets out of hand.

"what" I say looking at him with disbelief, "don't act confused, hyunjin told us everything" I look over at hyunjin and he pretends to be sad about this situation, I turn around to look at yunho and see that he was about to throw hands but hongjoong stopped him.

"we were friends, why would you do that, why would you send yunho after him, what did hyunjin do to you" bangchan said with pain in his voice, "WHAT! I think you got something wrong" I say annoyed this time, I could hear yunho smirk behind me. "filthy lier" yunho said looking at hyunjin in disbelief, "to scared to tell them the truth" he says with built up anger he was ready to use on hyunjin.

"you should stay out of this yunho" bangchan remarks, having enough of all this stupidity. I could see felix started getting a little aggressive which started scaring me. "I just can't fucking believe you" he says pushing me and I fall back onto my seat. Yunho got mad and sent a punch towards felix's face but hyunjin tackled yunho to the floor. Felix started punching yunho repeatedly, the others tryed to intervien but the other 7 stary kid members blocked them from doing so.

I get up from the seat that felix pushed me into and I try to stop the fight. "felix, stop please" I look at yunho to see blood covering most of his face, his lip was busted, his eye started turing into purple and his nose was letting out a pool of blood. "stop" I plead, tears leaving my eyes.

I tryed to push felix off of yunho but it was to no use, felix accidentally hit me stopping his hands and looking at me who was now lying on the floor.

The others stopped what they were doing and place thier gaze on me. "yuri I..." felix says but he couldn't finish as I cut him off, "just go away" I mumble but sadly he didn't hear me, he was getting closer to me and I back away, "just leave us alone" I say not wanting him to come close, he stops in his tracks but doesn't leave. "yuri" he mutters with tears in his eyes, "LEAVE!" I yell. he flinches and leaves, the other members following right behind him.

"yuri, a-are you, okay" yunho stutters and trys to come over to me but fails. "I'll go get a teacher" mingi vocalizes and runs of. I quickly make it over to yunho, blood and bruises were covering his face, the others just stood there in shock of what just happened. "what you all looking at, entertained" wooyoung yells at everyone in the cafeteria.

I look at yunho who was motionless, lying on the floor. He cups my bruised cheek that felix hit and whispers with pain, "I'm sorry". I start to tear up but teachers came taking yunho and me to the infirmary.


Hi guys :) sorry that I haven't been updating the story recently, I'm just going through a lot of family problems and also my pet mantis wooyoung died which I'm still not over haha :)

Thank you for reading my story and I hope you all enjoy it <3

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