Chapter 52 - Blooming Love And Broken Hearts

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Yuris pov:

We entered my house, both taking of our shoes and walking over to the living room, taking a seat on the sofa.

"are your perants not home" seonghwa asked, taking my hand and holding it in his. "no, their out working, they'll be back late tomorrow" I answered, looking down at our interlocked hands with a smile.

"you really think you can be friends with kyungmi" he asked causing me to look at him with a confused look.

"yes I do, we already spoke about this" I snapped, letting go of his hand and making my way to the kitchen, to which seonghwa slowly followed behind me.

I was pouring me and seonghwa a drink untill I felt his hands wrap around my waist and a soft kiss on my neck.

"I'm sorry for making you mad" he whispered and I turned around to look at him.

"you didn't make me mad" I said with a small giggle, placing a soft kiss on seonghwa's lips and passing him a cup of juice.

Seonghwa placed down the cup, taking mine from my hands and placing it down on the counter too. He slowly made his way over to me, cupping my cheek and rubbed it lightly with his thumb.

My cheeks turned a Rosie shade as he placed his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and romantic, causing butterfly's in my stomach and my Rosie blush to turn red.

"I love you" he whispered, placing a kiss which was deeper and more passionate on my lips.

"do you want to watch a movie" he muttered as he stepped even closer, causing me to step back and hit the kitchen counter.

"sure, you pick" I said, blushing, looking down as the floor but, seonghwa cupped my chin, lightly lifting my face so that I could look at him.

"I'm feeling romantic" he whispered as he took my hand and pulled me to the living room so that we could enjoy our night together.


"yuri wake up, I made breakfast" I heard a faint male's voice Say. I opened my eyes and saw seonghwa sitting next to me on my bed.

"I made breakfast, get up or we'll be late for school" he said, getting up and leaving my room so that I could change my clothes.

I excited my room and entered the dinning room, to be hit by tones of amazing smells of the food that seonghwa prepared for him and I.

"take a seat, i made some French toast and coffee" he mentioned, pointing to the chair opposite him.

I sat down and looked at the food in front of me with a watery mouth, taking big bits of the nicely cooked meal.

"it's so good" I said with a full mouth, hearing a giggle escape seonghwa's mouth. "eat up, we have to go soon or we'll be late" he commented, making me eat quicker and not savour the taste of the amazing dish.

When I finally took my last bite, seonghwa stood up and lightly whipped his thumb on my lip.

"you had syrup on your lip" he muttered and I quickly hid my face in my hands from embarrassment however, seonghwa took my hands and held them in his, showing me an adorable, bright smile.

"go brush your teeth and ill do the dishes" he said, placing a kiss on my forehead and taking the empty plates to the sink.


"where were you two" Jongho asked as me and seonghwa arrived at school, panting as we were running fast to get in on time.

"and where were you, you didn't come back home yesterday" Yunho asked seonghwa who was looking at me with a small smile, causing a Rosie blush to appear.

"don't worry about it" seonghwa smirked, patting yunhos shoulder and leaving to go to class.

"are you keeping secrets from us Park Seonghwa" Yunho yelled over to him, to which seonghwa yelled back, "yes" making me let out a small giggle.

"yuri, do you know what he's hiding" san asked and I widdened my eyes. "no" I said sarcastically, running away to class.


It was finally lunch and seonghwa met me outside my class so that we could walk to the cafeteria together.

Seonghwa took my hand, intertwining it with his and placed a small kiss on my lips. We were about to enter the cafeteria until a voice from behind, stopped us from doing so.

"it's a pleasure to be the first to find out" soobin said, clapping and looking down at our interlocked hands. "it's a shame the others don't know" he added, slowly walking up to us with a grin plastered on his face.

"they'll find out soon and what do you care" seonghwa scoffed letting go of my hand and walking up to soobin with a threatening expression.

"I don't, but it must suck for yuri, loving someone who can't control their anger isn't easy, it's toxic" he commented, looking over at me with pity.

"soobin, you don't even know what love is" I snapped to which he smirked, pushing his index finger into seonghwas chest as he said, "he, knows nothing about love, but he for sure knows a lot about anger".

Seonghwa created fists with his hands, getting ready to hit soobin if anything got out of hand.

"you don't work on me like that anymore, don't try to make me angry cause it won't work" seonghwa said, turning to me and grabbing my hand, pulling me away to the cafeteria.

"there you guys are" yeosang said as we sat down, joining the conversation. "I hope you two don't mind but we let Itzy sit with us" hongjoong mentioned so me and seonghwa nodded our heads letting them know we're okay with it.

"I heard that you and kyungmi are friends" yeji said and I nodded, to which ryujin stood up and looked at me with shock.

"after she almost killed you" she screamed causing all eyes to be focused on me. 'thanks' I mouthed, getting ready to be interrogated by my 12 friends who's eyes were glued on me.

"what the fuck did she do" Yunho snapped, looking at me and ryujin with questioning. "I thought you told them" ryujin said, burying her head with her palms, trying to hide away from my death stare.

"she tryed to stab me, but that's in the past" I replyed causing san to let out a sarcastic laugh and hongjoong a loud sigh.

"in the past. Yuri wake up! She tryed to kill you" san yelled, flicking my forehead so hard it left a small red mark.

"I forgiven her and that's my choice" I replyed, slamming my hands on the table causing chaeryeong to jump a little.

"a stupid choice you shouldn't be allowed to make" seonghwa yelled at me with anger in his voice causing me to stand up and snap at him.

"and who are you to tell me what I can and can't do" I yelled back causing him to look at me with an emotion i couldn't quiet understand.

Seonghwa got up of his chair and left. My heart shattered when I saw him leave so heart broken becuase of me.

"seonghwa wait" I yelled over to him but, he ignored me, so I ran after him.

Sans pov:

"what's gotten into them two" Yunho questioned as he watched yuri exit the cafeteria.

"their hiding something from us" I said looking at ryujin who I believed was yuris closet friend in the group.

"do you know anything" I asked to which she shoock her head' no' for an answer. "I think their secretly dating" lia commented causing everyone to snap their heads at her.

"I never thought of that" mingi said, focusing his eyes on the table as tears slowly filled them. "it was obvious they would end up together, their basically meant to be" he added and the others nodded with small smiles on their faces.

"let's just hope he treats her well for us" hongjoong said as a single tear found its way down his cheek.


Sorry for such a long chapter but omg what a ride of emotions in this one.

I hope you enjoyed it becuase we have 2 chapters left :(

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