Chapter 23 - Truth Or Lies

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Yuri's pov:

It's been 2 weeks and I've became good friends with txt. Ever since txt joined KQ academy, ateez stopped talking to me and stray kids acted like if I never existed, so I started hanging out with txt.

"hey woo" I said softly, tapping his shoulder. He turned around to face me, giving me the brightest smile that I've truely missed. "long time no see" he said giggling. "I've missed you" he added, lightly rubbing his thumb on my cheek, "well you guys cut me out ever since txt joined" I said whilst crossing my hands looking annoyed. "sit with us today, please" he asked with an adorable smile.

It was lunch so Me and wooyoung made our way to the cafeteria together. "yuri!" the boys yelled when seeing me taking a seat next to hongjoong. "we've missed you" hongjoong said, side hugging me and placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "eyy, eyy, captain, you have a girlfriend" wooyoung said playfully punching his shoulder and making us all laugh.

"why did you stop sitting with us" seonghwa questioned, staring deeply into my eyes, "you guys stopped talking to me" I muttered keeping my head low becuase I could feel tears forming. "you started hanging out with the new boys" yeosang said, slamming his book on the table and joining in the conversation. "just becuase I'm friends with them doesn't mean you can't be to" I said getting mad at Thier childish behavior.

"NO! Not with them" hongjoong yelled, slamming his fists on the table causing me to jump. "why, what did they do to you" I asked, tears escaping becuase I'm tierd of all the secrets. "look yuri, it's not the right time to tell you" hongjoong said calmly, trying to sort out the situation, but I won't finish untill I get my answer.

"stop hiding things from me" I yelled getting up from my seat and looking at them with pain, "yuri sit down, we're not hiding anything" yeosang answered with a cold tone, hurting me more. "god, I hate you all" I yelled leaving them. The only person I heard was yunho saying, "you don't mean that".


Felix's pov:

"do we talk to them about it or not" Minho said pacing back and forth. "what about the deal, txt will ruin everything" hyunjin mentioned, trying to calm minho down and I was there lsitening to everything.

"hey bangchan, we have to talk". I saw hongjoong coming towards us with his group of friends. "yes we do" bangchan replied, placing his hand on hongjoong's shoulder.

Jongho's pov:

We were standing in front of stray kids and the two leaders where talking about a new, really bad situation.

"deos yuri know the truth" bangchan asked, taking a seat on the table, looking pale, as if he's about to pass out. "she doesn't, we can't tell her" hongjoong answered, turning around to look at a girl which sat with 5 dangerous boys.

"alright we don't tell her, but we have to keep her away from them" bangchan said also looking in the direction his enemie is looking in. "do we have a deal" he said sticking his hand out next to hongjoong which he shakes, "deal".


Unkown pov:

"They're plotting something" I said looking at the girl who took me away from my friends. "I know, one of them is my boyfriend" she said licking her lip. I looked at her, not interested in any deal that she offers becuase she knows ateez.

"where do you think your going" the brown Haired girl said, taking a hold of my wrist which I aggressively pushed off. "listen, the girl your friends with, ateez really care about her" she said walking closer to me and placing her soft hands on my chest. "why are you telling me this" I asked looking down at her, scanning every inch of her beautiful features.

"becuase I seek revenge, on her, stray kids, ateez and especially hongjoong". She slowly drew curcles on my chest making me listen to what she has to say.

"I want them all to suffer" she said placing her lips on mine and wrapping her hands around mu neck making me desperately want her body to myself.

We both stopped, having to catch our breaths. "I know what your groups capable of" she said making her hand find it's way slowly down my back. "what do you want me to do kyungmi" I said exploring her perfect body with my gaze.

"kill her soobin, make her pay for what she took from me".

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