Chapter 17 - Small Arguments = Big Problems

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Yuris pov:

I was back in school and I had math with san and wooyoung.

"yuri, did i tell you, you look beautiful today" wooyoung said throwing his hand around my neck and I punched his arm so that he could stop flirting becuase it's annoying. "wooyoung, did i tell you, that you annoying" I said giggling and he joined in.

Class was over and me, san and wooyoung made our way to the cafeteria. "hey, weres mingi" wooyoung said sitting down with his tray of food and I could feel yeosang's glare telling me to tell them what happened and even though I knew it wouldn't end well, I told them.

"felix beat him up badly 2 days ago, that's why he's not in" I say not daring to look at them, "and you couldn't have told us" yunho said aggressively towards me, "mingi didn't want me too, I thought he would do it himself" I yell at him slamming my hand on the table. "you still could have done something" yunho yelled standing up from his seat and moving his face closer to mine.

"ENOUGH!" hongjoong yelled looking at me and yunho angryly. "at least she told us and we can sort this out" hongjoong said getting up from his seat and I followed, "but don't you get that this is what they want, they want us to start a nother argument to make you guys look bad" I said hoping to stop them for starting a fight. "should have told us sooner and we would have thought of a different way to solve this" yunho said getting up from his seat, "oh for fuck sack, I have to do the same thing with you guys like i had to do with felix, your all so childish" I snap slamming my hand on the table, "but we're nothing like him" Jongho said also getting up and standing next to hongjoong. "exactly, so please don't go looking for a fight and stay here" I pleaded wanting them to just sit back down but they left and they left withought me.

Hongjoong's pov:

"yuri told us about something you did felix" I said angryly. He turned around looking at every single one of my friends and smirked, "is that why she's not here" he asked laughing, "she's not here becuase she tryed to stop us from coming, but she failed" I say creating fists that I'm happly ready to use.

"you should have listened to her hongjoong, becuase it's 8 against 7 and honestly i don't think yeosang can fight so against 6" he said and yeosang was about to throw a punch but yunho stopped him from starting an unnecessary fight.

"whatch yourself blondie" yeosang said trying to break free from yunho which was to no use.

"mingi baught it on himself to get hurt, but you have a chance to turn back and got to yuri, my best friend that you pricks took from me" felix said poking my chest with his finger.

"sometimes I wish someone could teach you a lesson" I heard seonghwa say before getting in between me and felix and punching him to the point his knuckles stained red.

"seonghwa stop, we weren't supposed to fight" I yell trying to get him off of felix but he was to strong, his anger took over again and didn't know what to do, I was afraid felix's friends would intervien and that would end badly.

"yunho go get yuri, quick"


Yuris pov:

"thank god your still here" I heared yunho say, panting heavily like if he ran a marathon. "why, what's wrong" I say worried, getting up and ready to run after yunho. "it's seonghwa, he lost it again" he said and with that we both sprinted to were the problem was.

When I arrived all I saw was chaos. All it took was a small argument to leed to a problem that as usual I had to stop. "I told you to listen to me" I yelled at hongjoong who was trying to get seonghwa off of felix with the help of bangchan.


Listen to colors by day6 becuase omg I'm In love with this song it's so beautiful, Also sorry for the really short chapter <3

Okay byeeee :) enjoy the rest of the book <3

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