Chapter 13 - Choi Jongho

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Jonghos pov:

I was walking yuri back home after the double date finished and I couldn't help but get apsolutly mesmerised by her beauty. Her brown cinnamon hair sparkeld in the moons light and her skin looked soft and smooth, like a cloud. She is beautiful.

"thank you for taking me home Jongho" she said sending an adorable smile my way, then changing her gaze to her empty house. "ill see you tomorrow" I say walking away when I heard yuri call my name. "would you maybe like to come in for a cup of tea" she said shyly and I smile, kindly nodding and heading with her inside.

We were seated in the kitchen drinking our tea in silence as we didn't really know what to say. I really wanted to start a conversation but I was afraid I would mess something up and embarras myself next to such a pretty girl like her. The silence was getting unbearable so I spoke up, "how was the double date" I asked and she giggled.

Her giggle replayed itself in my head like a lost memory, it was like music to my ears. "it was okay" was all she said taking her last sip of tea.

"Jongho, may i ask you a question" she mumbled when cleaning up our dirty dishes. I hum to let her know to proceed with her question.

"do you know why yunho hates me" she asked, her tone quite and broken, it made me sad hearing her like this. "I don't, I'm sorry, I can't help" I say getting up of my seat and placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "it's okay" she said with a fake smile to hide the sadness that was eating her whole.

"it's getting late, I should go" I say walking towards the door and putting on my shoes. "ill see you tomorrow" I say opening the door and turning back to look at her stunning figure whilst waving her goodbye. She hums with a bright smile as she waves me goodbye.


It was the next day and I was stuck in english day dreaming about yuri and how much I would love to call her mine.

"Jongho, earth to Jongho". I wake up from my dream, entering back to reality. "what are you thinking about to so deeply" seonghwa whispers and I blush just at the thought of yuri. I think I'm crazy in love.

"uhm... Nothing" I lie hidding my red cheeks in my palms so seonghwa wouldn't ask more questions. "is it a girl" he asks and I immediately choke on air causing the teacher to stop what she was doing. "Mr. Choi" she said looking at me with an concerned face, "is everything okay" she asked and I nod quickly trying to hide my blush from everyone in class.

"so tell me, is it, what's her name" he asked and I sigh wishing for him to stop. "there's no girl seonghwa" I mutter opening up my book and writing down notes which later changed to love hearts.


It was break and I wanted to sit next to yuri but she was already at the cafeteria seated next to yeosang and wooyoung, so me and seonghwa sat next to san.

I was trying to eat my food and concentrate on what san was saying, but wooyoung was irritating me with how close he was with yuri and for some reason I saw that it was irritating yunho too. What if I'm not the only one that likes her? Are my friends my competition?

"wooyoung, your red" mingi said pointing his finger at the flirty black haired male, "what were" he said touching his face, yuri giggled at his stupidity and I could feel my cheeks heating up. "I think you got something wrong mingi, becuase now Jongho is red" wooyoung said and I notice yuri looking at me with her beautiful cinnamon coloured eyes, why are they embarrassing me infront of her.

At that moment I wanted to dig myslef a hole and hide away from all the embarrassment I felt. "Jongho, is everything okay" yuri asked looking at me with a worried expression, tilting her head just a little bit and I nod not wanting to make this situation any worse.


Im sorry for making this chapter so short. I dont have any plans for this story to be honest.

But eyyy yunho, woo and Jongho like yuri, there's 5 more to go.

I hope you enjoy this story so far. :)
I love you all <3

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