Chapter 53 - Tell Them Or Maybe Not

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Yuris pov:

I walked after seonghwa through the corridors out to the parking lot, were seonghwa was about to enter his car but I slammed the car door shut, causing him to look at me and listen to what I have to say.

"why are you mad at me" I asked in a low voice, looking at him with teary eyes as he only looked at me with no emotion. As If I meant nothing.

"the past couple of days meant nothing to you" he yelled causing me to step back a little and look at him with confusion. "who am I to you then" he added, moving closer to me.

"I love you yuri and I want to tell the others" he muttered as he cupped my cheek and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

I looked deeply into his angelic eyes and I couldn't help myself from letting the tears fall down on to his hand. He lightly whipped them with his thumb and gave me a warm smile as I hugged him, placing my head on his chest, feeling him rubbing my back.

"let's meet up tomorrow at the utopia cafe and we'll talk about this more, okay" seonghwa muttered and I nodded, hugging myself tighter into his figure.


I adventured through the mall, looking at all the stylish clothes and cool looking items in the shops windows. I was admiring a small white fountain, which had accents of gold and two beautiful angles that where based on at the top, when I accidentally bumbed into someone.

"oh my i - oh for god sake yuna, why did you stop" I complained as I watched yuna looking at a silver man watch, which was way to expensive.

"san would look good with it on" she mentioned and I almost chocked, looking at her with wide eyes, whilst she was still mesmerised by the watch.

"ohhhhh, deos yuna have a crush" chearyeong squeeled causing me to jump by her high pitched voice. "tell us, tell us, do you like him" she added, jumping up and down.

"God calm down, yeah I do, he's really cute" yuna said, turning so red to the point she looked like a tomato. "yuri, who's your crush" yuna asked causing me to widden my eyes and chock on my own salivour.

"I don't have one" I replyed, uneasiness laced in my voice and ryujin slowly walked up to me with a smirk plastered on her face.

"is that so, Chang Yuri" she commented, looking deeply at my figure to see if Im telling the truth or not. "what about Mr. Park Seonghwa" she mentioned and let out a small giggle causing the 5 girls to be taken a back bt my sudden laughter.

"me and seonghwa, huh" I said still giggling as I walked off, leaving my 5 friends apsolutly confused by my answer.


Soobins pov:

"soobin, can we talk" kyungmi asked as she entered my room with a look of fear plastered in her face.

"it's about yuri" she mentioned and I placed my phone down giving her my full attention.

"what about her" I asked, but as soon as she was about to speak, my phone rang, meaning she would have to tell me later.

"sorry kyungmi, it's teahyun, let's talk about it tomorrow" I said, picking up the call and kyungmi nodded, leaving my room with a sad expression.


Felixs pov:

I slumped my body on the sofa, letting my head relax when I felt someone take a seat next to me.

I opened my eyes and watched the person open two bottles of soju. "drink up" he said passing me a shot glass and I took it giving the man a small smile.

"you should move on felix" he said and I looked at him, slightly tilting my head as I didn't know what he meant.

"from yuri" he added and I let my body fall back, hitting the sofa as a sigh left my lips.

"I liked her for 4 years, I don't want to give up now" I said as he poured me and himself a nother shot. "I love her to much to give up" I added taking the shot and feeling it slowly burn as i swollowed the liquid.

"but yuri likes someone else, you know that" the red head mentioned as I poured myself a nother shot.

"I know and I'm happy for her and him to, whoever he is, but I'll never stop loving her" I said with a smile on my face, taking the shot that was in my hand and placing it on the table as soon as I felt it burn again.

"your so staborn felix" he commented with a giggle making me join in with the laughter that erupted between us.

"one more drink chan" I asked and he nodded, pouring us two a nother shot of soju.


Kyungmis pov:

I was looking out the window, admiring all the cherry blossom trees and cute little shops we passed, until I heard soobin say something to me.

"you wanted to talk about yuri" he said and I slowly turned my head to look at him. "ummm... Yeah" I said with some stress in my voice and actions which he must have realised.

"kyungmi what the fuck is going on" he asked, taking a quick glance of my expression before placing his eyes back on the road.

"maybe we should just leave them alone" I blurted out quietly, but he took his eyes of the road, looking at me with pure shock.

"your joking, after everything you want to leave them alone" he yelled placing his eyes on the road for only a second before they went back on me.

"they don't deserve this, especially yuri" I yelled back, pushing his face so that he could pay attention to the road and not my face.

"your insane kyungmi, what else are you going to tell me" he snapped, driving faster which caused my adrenalin to rise as I looked out the window.

"me and yuri became friends" I mentioned with pride in my voice, but all I felt from that was a painful, stinging sentation on my cheek.

I looked at soobin and saw pure evil in his eyes as he looked at me. "your such a fuckin..."

He was about to hit me again but he stopped the car as we felt an impact of him crashing into something.

My eyes widened as I gripped on to Soobins hand, hearing screams sarounding the area around the car.

He ripped his hand away for me as he drove away from the scene. Tears filled my eyes as I witnessed something traumatic.

"what are you doing, turn back" I screamed, hitting his hand, but he kept driving. "turn back, you hit someone, turn back!"

He stopped the car and looked at me with anger as he opened the car door. "get out" he spat but I didn't move, I couldn't move.

"get the fuck out kyungmi" he yelled and I left his car, watching him drive away with hints of red decorating the front of his white jeep.


Who do you think soobin hit with his car?

We also have 1 chapter left :( this is so sad.

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