Chapter 20 - Choi San

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San's pov:

Me and yuri spent the rest of our break together in the library, talking about our likes and dislikes and that helped me know yuri a little better.

"why don't we spend lunch together, away from yunho and the others" I proposed giving yuri a bright smile which she returned. "yeah, why not" she said grabbing her bag and all her books, "ill meet you at the library" I said hugging her and leaving for my lesson.

I was sitting next to yunho in my English class trying not to fall asleep becuase the teacher was reading really boring love peoms.

"Mr. Choi may you read out the peom on page 30 please". I rolled my eyes, turning the pages over to page 30 and proceeding to read out the peom.

Tough love:

You are not
Some holiday destination
For people to have
A good time in,
And then forget.

You are not a grave
For people to bury
Thier pain inside,
Never to be
Remembered again.

You are not a piece
Of toilet paper.
So why are you
Letting other people
Use and disspose of you?

You are made of magic,
Don't you dare
Allow youself
To be treated
Like you are any less.

Nikita gill

"thank you Mr. Choi, Reading that  peom, what did it teach you" the teacher asked and honestly it opened my eyes on who I am, how I treated women like toilet paper, how I used them to forget them.

"I don't know Mrs. Wang" I said and she proceeded to ask yunho the question. "It taught me to treat people with respect and not like toilet paper" he answered making everyone in the class laugh.

"maybe you'll finally treat yuri right" i whispered. Yunho slammed his pen on to the table looking at me with anger in his eyes. "yuri deserves to be treated like that" he spat out making me want to punch him but that would cause trouble as we're in class.

"how dare you say that after she helped us so much" I said biting my lip to keep myself calm, "helped us, she caused us problems san" he yell whispered, slamming his hands on the table causing the teacher to look at us.

"boys concentrate" she said pointing at our books. "she made me happy" I mutter hoping that yunho didn't hear what I said but he let out a laugh causing me to feel embarrassed.

"seriously san, you like her or something" he asked giggling and patting my shoulder. "yes I do" I answered back surprised that I just told my baby blue Haired friend that I like yuri.

Shes gorgeous, her bright smile makes me smile, her chocolate hair brushing against her cheeks when the wind blows, her sparkling eyes giving me butterflies. She's everything I ever wanted.

"you'll break her heart, like you did with all the other girls".


I was waiting for yuri in the library when I finally saw her beautiful carmel eyes looking at me. Her skin glowed in the sun's rays and her baby blue coloured dress made her figure stand out. She looked like a godess, the most beautiful girl in my eyes and heart.

"hi, how was music" I asked giving her a tight bear hug becuase I missed her not being around me. "it was fun, me and mingi started working on a knew song" she said smiling brightly at the papers in her hand. "may i read it" I asked, "it's not finished" she said passing me the papers with the lyrics of the song.

All about you

Ooh 너를 향한 내 눈빛과
날 향한 네 손길에

Oh 숨도 쉴 수 없어도
우리는 닿으려고 해 매일
Everything is all about you

Nobody knows
Nobody loves you like I do
Nobody knows
Nobody loves you like I do
Everything is all about you

Nobody knows
Nobody loves you like I do
Nobody knows
Nobody loves you like I do

Everything is all about you (you, you)
Everything is all about you (you, you)
Everything is all about you

너의 품에서는 난 우주
가버려 저 달로 슝
첫발을 디딘 그 날로
내 자가용은 아폴로

Hi, what's up
저기 토끼들과 인사해 baby
방아 찧고 사진 찍고
다음 spot은 어디로 해?
너도 나와 같은 생각이라면
우리 비행은 더 수월할 거라고
너도 나와 같은 느낌이라면 아마 더

Ooh 숨도 쉴 수 없어도
우리는 닿으려고 해 매일
Everything is all about


"i cant wait to hear you sing it" I said passing her the sheet of papers and getting butterflies when I lightly brushed my fingers on her hand.

"how was English" she asked taking a bite of her sushi, "me and yunho got into and argument" I mutter and she chocked on the piece of food she was eating. "we should go over to them becuase you and yunho need to apologise to each other" she said grabbing my hand, trying to pull me to the cafeteria.

"fine, fine, stop pulling me, I'll go" I siad laughing at her cuteness.


"ahhh, look our princess returned" hongjoong said making yuri giggle. "come sit next to me" he said side hugging her which made my blood boil.

I turned to look other at yunho hoping that he won't spill my secret. "you gonna sit or what" yunho said patting the seat next to him which I took with a smile.

"don't worry, your secret's safe with me".

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