Chapter 21 - Kim Hongjoong

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Hongjoongs pov:

"huh?" I said, over to yunho as I wasn't able to hear what her muttered over to san and we don't keep secrets from each other. "don't worry, just talking about English" yunho said patting Sans back and laughing sarcastically.

"what do you guys says we go grab a drink after class" I said and everyone nodded in agreement but yuri.

I looked at her and she was looking down at her food with a sad expression. "you guys go without me" she said as she played with her rice, "no, join us, it'll be fun" yeosang said, placing down his book and finally joining in the conversation. "you don't have to drink if you don't want to, your perants won't know" Jongho said, giving her a bright smile which she happily returned, agreeing to join us.


Classes where over and all of us agreed to meet at our spot which is a garage. I was the first one to get there, so I set up all the lights, drinks, seat's and food for when the others arrive.

"I knew I'd find you here" I heard a female voice say. I turned around to see kyungmi leening on the wall, looking straight at me with annoyance.

"you weren't picking up my calls" she said angry walking closer to me. "I'm sorry babe i was busy, me and boys just want to have a chill night" I said as I wrapped my hands around her waist and placed a kiss on her forehead, but she pushed me away.

"is yuri apart of the boys". I rolled my eyes, flopping my body on a bean bag, "no, she's not invited" I said, trying to sound at least a little convincing.

Kyungmi slowly sat on my lap, wrapping her hands around my neck and whispering into my ear, "don't lie to me captain, but I'll let you off, have fun with your princess" she said roughly kissing my neck and leaving.

"Oh hi yeosang, didn't see you there" she said, giggling and blowing a kiss my way.

"what was that about" yeosang said, taking a seat next to me and pouring him and I a strong drink. "don't worry about it" I said as I let myself relax and enjoy the rest of the night.


'truth is i never loved kyungmi, I got into a relationship with her becuase of the stupid deal. Having to pretend to love someone you don't is really hard, but I get through it, even though kyungmi can be really aggressive sometimes. Ever since yuri came into my life I couldn't stop thinking about her, but I was scared that if kyungmi found out I love yuri not her, she'll hurt yuri, badly'


It was 8:45pm and everyone finally showed up and started drinking all the pain away, except for yuri.

Yuri was sitting alone on one of the bean bags looking and laughing becuase mingi was attempting to reach one of jonghos high notes when singing, but he kept on miserablely failing.

"you won't have one drink" I asked as I approached her with two shots of tequila. "if you want to take me home, sure" she said giggling cutely as I passed her the shot glass. "I guess you agreed" she said and we both started laughing.

Me and yuri had 5 shots of tequila and we where starting to feel a little drunk so I decided to force yuri to drink some water as I couldn't let her go home in such a bad state.

"please drink it, its white rum" I yelled becuase of the loud music, "your lieing to me, I know it's water" she said slowly getting up and stumbling over to the alcohol.

I tryed to stop her from drinking but she lightly pushed me causing me to trip and fall to the ground. Luckly I only felt typsy not drunk so I decided that it's finally time to take my princess home.

I slowly stood up and realised that mingi approached her, handing yuri a bottle of whiskey. "mingi for god sake, she's drunk enough" I said snatching the bottle out of her hand and tossing her over my shoulder.

"it's time to go home" I yelled so that she could hear me becuase of the music. "oh no, captains taking our princess away" mingi yelled, spilling half of his whiskey on the floor.

Everyone started yelling boo and I could hear yuris cute giggles ringing in my ear. "captain, I'm gonna throw up" I heard yuri mutter but, I didn't listen, keeping her tossed on my shoulder.

"your boring captain, Kim Hongjoong" seonghwa said and I rolled my eyes, leading her away from the party, "we love you" I heard mingi scream, "I love you too" yuri yelled back, waving goodbye to our drunk friends.


I made it to yuris house after her stopping every 10 minutes to throw up. "you go to sleep, okay" I said slowly placing her down on the ground. "oh my parents arnt home" she said as she stumbled to the ground. I helped yuri up, making our way safely to her bed.

"try and go to sleep alright" I muttered, taking of her shoes and tucking her into bed. I was about to leave when I felt her tiny hand wrap around my wrist. "stay with me" she mumbled and a smile immediately showed itself on my face.

I took of my shoes and climbed into her bed. she turned around, placing her head on my chest and whispered "I love you".

My heart flattered at the sudden words. I slowly stroked her hair and placed a kiss on her head, whispering "I love you too princess".


Cute little chapter for you all cause why no hehe :)

I've also started slowly working on my next book and I must say I can't wait to start it <3.
Its going to be a magic pirate Kim Hongjoong ff. <3

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