Chapter 40 - Your Love Is Forbidden

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Yuris pov:

I was making my way over to my English lesson when I heard someone call out my name. I turned around and saw soobin walking up to me.

"did you talk to them yet, Princess" he asked as he lightly tucked my hair behind my ear. I moved away from his touch, keeping my eyes on the floor.

"don't call me that, only hongjoong calls me princess" I said, looking up at him with hate in my eyes and he smirked.

"I wonder who you'll choose and who's hearts you'll break" he remarked, leening closer to my face. I could feel his hot breath lightly brush against my lips.

I pushed him away, disgusted by how close he got. "leave me alone soobin, I didn't talk to them yet becuase I don't believe you" I yelled, wanting to walk away but he grabbed my wrist, pulling me back to where I originally stood.

"your so naive, you should listen to..." soobin couldn't finish speaking becuase someone grabbed his shoulder, pulling him away from me. "get away from her" Mingi said as he pushed soobin and blocked me with his body.

"of course, the Prince came to the rescue" soobin said as he smirked and walked away, looking at me with... Pity?

"are you okay... Did he hurt you" Mingi asked, as he scanned my face for any bruises.

"I'm fine" I replyed harshly, pushing him away and leaving to my class.


Mingis pov:

I was seated in the cafeteria next to hongjoong and seonghwa, deeply thinking about yuris behavior towards me today.

"mingi! You good or do you have a hangover again" yeosang said, slamming his book on the table to snap me back into reality. "I'm fine, it's just that yuri... Was kind of, rude to me today"

Wooyoung spat out his water, making san hit him becuase it went all over him. "what do you mean, yuri is the kindest person here" san said as he whipped his face with a napkin.

"it's true, I saw her speaking to soobin so I went up to help her, but she pushed me away" I said looking at the spoken girl who just entered the cafeteria.

"hey yuri, over here" Jongho waved over to her but she ignored him, not even looking at us. She walked passed us and sat down with some girls we've never met before.

"whats up with her" Yunho questioned, looking at the table yuri was sat at. "I don't know, but I hope she's okay" I said, looking away and at my untouched food which I was not planning on eating any time soon.

Yuris pov:

"yuri, over here" I heard Jongho yell as he waved his hands at me. I wanted to wave back and sit with them but soibins words replayed themselves in my head, so I ignored them and sat with my old friends that I didn't talk to for a while now.

"hey, can I sit with you" I asked the girls and they nodded with bright smiles on Thier faces.

"it's been awhile, what's up yuri" yeji asked as she took a bite oh her banana.

"a lot, I don't want to talk about it" I said burying my face in my hands as I felt someone lightly stroke my hair.

"whatever wrong I'm sure will get better" lia said with a smile as she stopped stroking my hair so she could eat her food.

"why arnt you sitting with ateez today" chaeryeong asked and i turned around to look over at the 8 boys who were also looking over at me.

I quickly turned back around to look at the 5 girls and I sighed. "it's a long story" I said placing my head on the table.

"I think seonghwa might have a crush on you" yuna whispered loudly and my head shot up, looking at her with wide eyes.

"don't say that" I laughed sarcastically at the joke. "he didn't get his eyes of you, the boy must be head over heals for you" yuna added making me blush and hide my face with my palms.

"yuna that's enough, can't you see that you making the poor girl uncomfortable" yeji remarked and I smiled at her for saving my life.


I was in the schools parking lot, making my way back home until I felt someone grab my shoulder and turn me around.

"god hongjoong, what do you want" I asked as I pushed his hand away, taking a step back from the 8 boys who were standing behind the smaller male.

"what's gotten into you today" seonghwa asked as he tryed to step closer to me but I moved away as I was to afraid of finding out the truth and if soobin really did lie to me or not.

"yuri, please talk to us" Yunho muttered but I ignored him, walking away and not looking back however, hongjoong grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

I ripped my hand out of his grip, looking at them with anger and annoyance.

"we're not letting you go home until you tell us what's gotten into you" hongjoong snapped as he looked deeply into my eyes with a single tear escaping his, which broke my heart.

"you want to know, fine" I yelled at him. "I lied, I don't have a crush and actually I hope that you guys don't to" I yelled, causing them to look at me with confusion.

"what are you talking about" Jongho asked and I smirked, hoping that maybe soobin really did lie and they didn't all like me. "stop acting so delusional, I'm really hoping that soobin lied and that you really don't know what I'm on about".

Yeosang walked up to me, trying to grab my hand but I moved away, worried that any physical touch of Thiers would destroy me emotionally.

"don't touch me" I muttered with tears in my eyes as I looked at all of them.

"whatever soobin said, it's not true" yeosang said as he walked away from me and back to his original spot next to wooyoung.

"so I don't have to worry about you guys likeing me huh! And don't even dare lie to me, I'm tierd of all these secrets" I yelled as tears cut my cheeks.

I stood there crying, looking at the boys blank expressions. "say something" I shouted, walking closer to hongjoong as I cryed, seeing that he too had tears in his eyes. "speak to me, tell me he lied" I muttered as I pushed hongjoong and hit his chest for answers.

"why arnt you saying something" I said, looking at him with tears, he however, couldn't look at me at all. Hongjoong pulled me into his chest, I tryed to set myself free but his grip was to strong.

"we're sorry yuri" I heard yunho say and I panicked, trying harder to break free from hongjoong who only tightened his hold on me.

"let me go" I screamed as I pushed his chest and cryed from the pain I felt. "soobin wasn't lieng, we like you yuri" san said and I could tell by his voice that he was heart broken.

"no matter who you pick, I'll always love you" hongjoong whispered and I let myself be taken by his warmth as I cryed into his chest for what felt like hours.


Writing this down and reading it, I have realised how dramatic I made this chapter and yuris character in general.

But it makes this story unique i guess, and I bit cringe :/

But anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and also who do you want yuri to end up with as she already knows :)

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